PLAY:Correctly complete the line, 4 a flwr. or emo

What is the 4 word phrase that describes what occurred at the Abu Ghraib prison from the minds and hands of american military prison guards and which is presently occurring to at least 1 american citizen?crying crying crying

Hint: (3-31-09) The 4 word phrase describes what can happen when person/s use the power they have to hurt other person/s, casting all reason aside and acting in a irresponsible manner disregarding the feelings and well being of others.

crying crying crying

I am nothing more than a poor, humble nobody looking at what has/is occurring there and requested a thoughtful response. Intelligent dialogue about such things can, and often does, lead to better understanding. Agreed? On the other hand, I understand that what happened at Abu Ghraib was in direct response to what happened on 9/11. But what good or benefit has come out of the horrible treatment? The consensus is that the supposed ring leader, Osa** B** La***, is too wealthy and well networked to ever stand trial for what he is supposed to have sponsored on 9/11. Where is the benefit in any way to humanity from it all? My appologies to anyone who feels offended by any of this
stupidity !!! crying crying crying

Answer: cruel and unusual punishment = NO WINNERS!
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