Big Brother Surveillance Expands Worldwide

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More than 40 years old, this cartoon presaged the arrival of surveillance society. (Cartoonist – Ron Cobb – 1968).


Joseph Candel: Big Brother has not only arrived, but he is already tightening his grip on the world. From Australia to India, Canada, South America, the U.S., and Europe, the infrastructure for a One World Government that keeps an eye on people “for their own good and the good of society” is being put in place. Today’s surveillance tools are paving the way for the most monitored society imaginable.

It’s all about control. The Bible predicts that a One World Government is coming, led by a Devil-possessed dictator known in the Bible as the Antichrist or the Beast (Daniel 11:21, 23-24; 8:23-25; Revelation 13:4-7). To rule the world, the Antichrist must first be able to control the people, and how can he control the people unless he knows what they’re doing?

Via prophecynewswatch

Surveillance is becoming big business worldwide, largely in the name of anti-terrorism and law enforcement. And as could be expected, privacy rights advocates are continually up in arms, arguing that there is inadequate control and independent supervision over the potential abuse of these systems by unscrupulous businesses and law enforcement agencies.

Unfortunately, with limited transparency or accountability to the general public, there is no telling for the most part when and how individual privacies are unnecessarily compromised. The NSA/Snowden saga is still fresh in the minds of people who are yet to be convinced that government can be trusted not to abuse privacy rights or confidential information belonging to innocent parties.

So the public in general may need to become resigned to the fact that surveillance continue to be a part of everyday life – which may be well-intentioned from a security management standpoint but wide open to potential abuses beyond that. Consider the extensive ways in which surveillance has become commonplace in society today.

All pretty “cool” from the law enforcement perspective, if used correctly – and there are no guarantees about that. Most public discomfort and suspicion however, seems to be directed towards network video/camera surveillance. For example, in St. Louis, Missouri, a new report from the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri finds the city of St. Louis is doing a poor job preserving the privacy rights of residents and visitors as it expands its network of surveillance cameras.
It’s called Google Fit, and besides challenging Apple’s Health Kit service, it also represents Google’s efforts to gather real-world data to complement the information it already has about the digital world.

Mott adds: “It’s especially worrisome for a company like Google to be gathering so much real world data. The company has historically struggled with striking the right balance between its presumed right to gather information and consumers’ actual right to privacy. For example, it’s been tracking the locations of countless people to serve better advertisements and improve Google Maps.

It’s also acquiring an increasing number of services that surveil consumers’ homes. And finally, it’s building drones that could gather information about anyone beneath their flight path, like a murder of all-seeing crows”.

So who will control any potential personal or consumer privacy excesses by “Big brother” and powerful businesses such as Google and Facebook?

Given that “Big Brother” and “Big business” are at the top of their respective spheres of authority and influence, can they be trusted to police themselves? Or will they continue to work together to ensure that there will eventually be “no place to run, or to hide?” No prizes for guessing what will happen…

Endtimeinfo (full article) TFI
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Comments (7)

Keys! of O V. H/ USA!

I am not surprised at all!
Yep. >>>>>>>> Read about it!...sigh
Good blog Keys!

Look at the US one dollar bill. On one side you see the all seeing eye atop of a pyramid. This is the sign of the "illuminati" which has been in existance for several hundred years. They are in control of many people and governments in this world.
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Lovely Angel, wonderful to have you near! GBY!

Aloha brother Jim, yes, Love, not money makes the world go round; it makes a good servant but a poor master! God Bless!!

Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. (KJV)
Brother great info.....Keep the info coming
If you switch off your phones and computers "Big Brother" will disappear with this.

Also in Russia and BRICS counties there are plans for getting away with Windows and this internet.
Some wise man said that technology advances in tandem with mental disorder, and I couldn't disagree with these wise words.

Scientific studies have shown that the more diverse the community the less cohesive it becomes, and it would be impossible for me or anyone to disagree with this as it is scientific fact.

So an increasingly high-tech and integrated globe creates weak communities and individuals of decreasing sanity. Isn't the surveillance state an inevitable conclusion of this?
If Only They were All This Good ! What about Daesh and Terrorism Surveil and Location ! What a Wonderful World, Intoxication at Its Full.
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Ocean View, Hawaii, USA

Greetings dear faithful and true, I'm a prophet of the wind... the spirit of a man on the mountain! I've been praying for a lovely woman to fill the need by my side, and a grandson I raised from birth turning 21 06/16 already left the nest, Jason. My [read more]

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created Nov 2014
Last Viewed: May 2
Last Commented: Nov 2014
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