... And so you're a-know-it-all?

Annnnd, you think you've got it going on. What are you a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian or what? Are you standing to the lift, right, in the middle, out front, or behind when it comes to your political views... what's your take on your government?


Think you've got the best answers and know where you stand, why not take this world's smallest political quiz to find out for sure, and we'll find out for sure if YOU are politically correct in your views. Don't be scarrrrdd. laugh ... its all for fun and discussion, then you can pass it onto your friends for the fun of it.

I was encouraged to do this blog by a dear friend to all of us here at CS, he told me in so many words, that this would be a great opportunity for me to get started toward fulfilling my dream. dunno I don't know how that is... but I'll trust him THIS time rolling on the floor laughing

(1) First post the political party you mostly relate to or associate with in your political views.

take the quiz, and after you get your results from the quiz please (copy and paste) and post them, so we can see how close you are to who you think you are politically... and NO CHEATING? wow uh oh moping

It has been said that this QUIZ is very accurate to identifying who you really are politically, and its results are supported by many in politics.

Click here and take the quiz...

see ya back soon to post your results! Remnember?... no cheating laugh
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Comments (23)

dancing I've already taken it before. And I'm a independent!
Whoo Hoo! End of story!

If you have any question for me. Run them by Johnny!
Don't mess it up John. I dare you!....popcorn
confused ..... confused
Okay! I taken it again.
scold And I do not want to show my answers. But! My scores is 70/30.
I guess! I will be getting back to my old party!
Liberian./ Liberal...comfort

wave That's Okay John!
wave Heyyy! Walliop.
I will be glad to see you! When you get here.
Poke U. ...thumbs up
One thing for sure Angel your people will not fall asleep sleep with all the poking and prodding you will be doing shock you will be keeping them WIDE awake wow
I know nothing and im sticking too it yay
hijack SistaC.

dancing Everybody! Will be one party! And together we stand.
On one nation. My Nation!.

wine But! Will be happy!

smitten Pepper For Prez!
Which group is pro private ownership of machine guns and grenades? I don't see that on the quiz?
Kenneth cuz that's my group grin and we don't advertise rolling on the floor laughing
80 - personal/social; 60 - economic.
That makes me a slightly left leaning Libertarian. peace

I knew a guy who took this. He'd always sworn he was a true, dyed in the wool, CONSERVATIVE!
The test said differently. Placed him as a right of center Libertarian. wow blues

That really shook his image of himself! moping

It is fun! In some instances, it seems the quiz knows folks better than they know themselves.
Or, folks know a lot less about political philosophies they align themselves with than they THINK they do!!
rolling on the floor laughing

Hey, Angel!

That sounds like a pretty good position to me.
you're gonna need a running mate you know...

ANGEL - CALLIE '16....???


I told someone about the quiz saying I'm a left leaning Libertarian.

His response? "Isn't that, like, an ANARCHIST?"

dunno Could be.....could be! banana

Sista....Pepps it too much for me to handle. laugh
Actually....she is too much for me to manage. rolling on the floor laughing
Constitutional Carry-
The position that the U.S. Constitution is the "permit" which establishes the right to carry arms, openly or concealed. Any permit required by a state is regarded as an "infringement". Enacted into law first by
New Hampshire, followed by:

Yep, shall issue. Where VA is better than Texas though is you can go that way if you want. However VA law says without a permit, as long as you don't conceal it, no law is broken. If you conceal it though you will need the permit. Wear it openly, and no permit is required.
Also we allow machine guns and other toys.
Under Schwarzenegger's governorship, California considered banning the .50 BMG. scold
One proposed way around the law? Introduce a new cartridge - the .499 Girly Man. laugh

Put another way, as defined by the quiz -

A Conservative wants to control HIS money,
and wants government to control YOUR personal life.

A Liberal wants to control HIS personal life,
and wants government to control YOUR money.

A Stateist wants GOVERNMENT to control YOUR money & YOUR personal life.

A Libertarian wants YOU to control YOUR money & YOUR personal life.

Anyway, that appears to be how the quiz is set up to run.

Thanks for the fun - & instructive blog, Sista.
tip hat

No, thank you Miclee for your help and explaining, but you failed to explain where the Centrist fits in all of this. I suppose a Centrist wants to control everybody's money, their money, government's money, and personal money, and only hand it out as needed... and money found or inherited better not come in, or even appear to be on the way, because that goes in the pot as well.rolling on the floor laughing
Hey Johnny, nice seeing you... yes, I think Angel-face is getting out of hand... getting big-headed, knowing she has supporters to back her. Something must be done before 2016, damage control is already out the window. rolling on the floor laughing
laugh Johnny!
scold You fired dude!

roll eyes John, You know nothing, nothing! Notta.
That quiz is an American frame of reference that's so transparent about the desired outcome.

Anyway, I came in at slighty-left and slightly-statist by this American measure. In Britain I'd come it at further to the Right and less statist as the fundamental principle of our Right is order and not liberty. For instance here Libertarianism is regarded as an anarchic joke and the only ideology less likely to work in practice than Communism.

In Britain it is our gimmedats that are most ethically Libertarian whereas the Right believes in authority, order and paternalism. Our Right is robust and traditionally masculine whereas the American/Libertarian are so often nothing more than Right-wing hippies.
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