And God speak to you (Page two)

This is page two of "And God speak to you"

Because I love you created and know exactly what you need to believe in me and my son, and the Holy heist because we are one and the same. I compare it like with the water once it is liquid but also fog or ice but it is always the same.

Let you flow through me like a glorious SIP of a drink on a hot summer day.

Let me wash all the bad feelings from friends out and replace it with good.

Hatred is greed to forgiveness tired of peace and satisfaction will be greed.

Believe me my child your heart can love so free how you have never experienced it.

Go in a quiet corner where the evil don't can be distracted us pray with all your strength the following: Dear God, thank you that you love me, you can see where I've really been a bad person in the past and actually I didn't earn it yes but I'm grateful that you've never left me and were always protecting me.

I thank you that you love me so much, and to save me your son on the cross have let die.

Please, in my heart, and sink all evil come out and forgive me where I have sinned and was angry.

I want to feel not bad I want to no longer to live.
I want your love that fills me.
Give me your spirit and will be my man so that the devil has no power over me. Amen

Do you feel this deep peace which I gave to you now?

This is already a down payment on what still is waiting for you as I said I am a God who keeps his promises.

You're going to know soon Christians that support you in faith, because I'm not leaving you my child. Actively search for other Christians.

I would like to give you a warning but on the way:

Please note your gut feeling when you think you have found the right community.

You're supposed to be a happy Christian and not awesome on a hard bench under pain suffer to please me, that's not important to me.

My child your faith should be so free that you like me, I like it when you me cheerful service, to any work do to please me.

I love you and you love me also and I want that you love can give because I know that's okay.

Find a place where Merry songs are sung the word for that is "Worship" these songs I liked really well are merry but respectful.

Believe me listen to your gut feeling you don't need special place where you can talk with me is important but you know who you are talking to and where not.

Meet happy people and avoiding that which you've got a bad feeling because are not good for you.

Let's not seduce you in the Bible because I left a new conscience gave you or say so I gave you an upgrade with the Holy Spirit.

He is now strongly warn you against bad deeds. He speaks in your voice to you.

What I however could not prevent is such a way that evil way of doing exactly the same in you as if you thought it.

But I can give you a good help for evil tried bad as your thoughts to spend.
You're a good man because I created you for this.
In other words, your thoughts are actually neutral.

An example: You see a beautiful woman and you wearing an expensive handbag and expensive shoes.

Your neutral would I short notice and would think anything of it.

But evil in you is already on the lookout and says so in you with your thoughts you it can distinguish whether you thought it: "one is a handbag I believe it has not at least as much as tasted one I want a car too, and I believe the shoes it looks not that how out like a..."
It is the short skirt of this great brand I look is probably so super I want anyway. So how are there you you definitely... And therefore has the money...

Let me tell you that second what just happened:

You people ever since from me created that you will guided by feelings, emotions and fluids in your body. It seemed right to me than I at that time did you.

Let me more tell you in the continuation of And God speak to you ( Page three )
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by OtherPartOfYour
created Mar 2016
Last Viewed: May 4
OtherPartOfYour has 6 other Blogs

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