Bling or "Stuff"!!

The term bling means ostentatious clothing and jewelry. A DOOOOD my age just goes for "stuff" or threads and scratch as we called clothing and jewelry when we were young. Scratch also meant money!

I bring that up because when I was young I liked threads, not scratch so much and limited to a watch, but threads were my thing.

I used to wear suits to class at Pasadena (CA) City College. I also had some mean "stomps" (shoes) or "Calkos", if your Hispanic. I was styling.

Age has caught up with me because now I don't care how I look. And sometimes it draws stares and smirks from people. I don't really match stuff like I used to and style doesn't mean much. I was thinking about how long I had some of my "threads" and it's approaching between 10 and 20 years. I had to chuckle remembering my youth!! I wouldn't be causht "dead" not styling!

Last Sunday, after church, I went to eat at a Mexican restaurant. It was named "De La Michoacan". As I walked in I went to the "library" (restroom) because that's what us old guys do. I walked past a White couple and they were .... smirking!! I chuckled inwardly because my "threads" were in tune with "old man" style. And that's what brings this blog up.

All of my "threads" were gifts from my children. I have taken care of them to preserve them as long as possible because the love and affection I feel towards my children and our loving relationship. I know I must have looked corny but when you wear something that symbolizes the love I described above then nothing else matters. Heck, I have a long worn out pair of "Nike" socks that my twins gave me 25 years ago. I look at them with a feeling of tenderness in my heart because I know who gave them to me.

My oldest daughter went on a trip to New Orleans about 30 years ago and I still have the Tee. Yeah, the collar is frayed, it has holes in it and I don't care. I don't wear the socks and the Tee anymore. I keep them carefully folded up and in 2 special places. They are wrapped in a plastic bag and in my heart.

They have given me an array of clothing and most of it doesn't match because these "threads" were given to me over the years, yep, all from 10 to 20 years old, but they are still wearable so wear them proudly I do!! If this couple that smirked at me on Sunday only knew what an old man with wonderful children has on his body and in his heart I am sure they would smile. But they didn't know and that's understandable. There was no meanness intended.

In truth, I also smirked at them because they were both covered with "Tatts". The woman, very attractive had sleeves of "Tatts" and so did her partner. A very handsome looking man! They made a good looking couple but those "Tatts" ruined their appearance. My opinion so it don't mean "jack"!!

Now, I can hardly wait til Sunday to find the most imperfect wardrobe but totally filled with memories and love!

I give the Lord Jesus Christ all praise, credit, honor and Glory!1 Amen & Amen!!

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Comments (5)

I dont have much personal stuff, Due to a my angry youth I destroyed a lot of my memories, but what I do have now is really precious to me. thumbs up

How does the saying go;
"Youth is wasted on the young" laugh

Peace bro cheers
You'd be surprised that you outfit might be in style.Or she might
Have asked him to dress just for a date,occasion and he wears clothes like yours around the house.
Post a picture-wide collared shirts,paisley.skateboarder with plaid shorts.thumbs up

Great assessment of youth. I remember I had about 3 or 4 cars I wished I still had.


You know, I think she winked at me a couple of times. laugh!! She was looking hot!

I know what you mean by "angry youth"!

I had a few bouts with my siblings over a lot things. I hope you are feeling better. I sometimes get an angry moment now and then.
Dear edd I have moved around too much so have very few possesions. I do have a big plasic box with some special memories but mainly memories are all in files in my brain, somtimes I just pull file out and have a rumage through it and then slide it back.
One day for sure I will forget about files but make new meories everyday.

grin Yep sure do have one big head rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing However chips are so small these days I am converting said memories hug
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Bullhead City, Arizona, USA

I'm a Christian that loves the Lord more than anything. Before anything else I love to praise the Lord and going to church, I like to go dancing and fishing.

I play in the praise band at church and our praise music is Gospel Blues. And I make sure [read more]