Since the purpose of a Blog is to blah blah blah..

I'm killing time by writing this blog. Pure and simple. I'm stressed as heck because I have to get up early tomorrow to see my recruiter, sign some paperwork, and make sure my hard work has paid off (for when I get weighed on the scale... yikes). After that? Helping smooth the transition of my uncle taking over my business... the business of painting cars (in the sun, for 8 hours, and I have sunburn from earlier today as it is). Going to be a hectic day, and that's just day 1 of tying up loose ends before I leave. Crazy, crazy stuff. Been trying to lose those last stubborn 5 pounds to make weight for weeks now, and it does not help that my scale is broken!! doh But yeah... as I said... just speaking my mind. Sortof a self-therapy session by venting the craziness that is my life right now.
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Comments (4)

Well i do hope you have a great day, sounds pretty hectic at the moment. Not sure why you have to lose the weight as you look pretty good at present? What exactly is the purpose for this?

Well, hang in there and hope all goes well!

Good luckdancing
I've gotta weigh 190 pounds to be eligible for boot camp, which I'm supposed to leave for at the end of the month.
Hang in there Travis. I am sure all will go well for you.
You are right it is good to vent and blogging is a great way to do it! Best of luck! Bless You. Peace and Hugs!
5lb's pssst, thats water weight lolmao thats nothing. eat some crackers and walk to your recruiters. You'll have that off in no time. ..

basically i'm saying your worring about nothing. you'll do and be fine!!
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