My cat

You know, I like my cat. He is a cool critter.
Well, as cool as any creature lacking higher level intelligence and opposable thumbs can be.
(By the way, his name is "Rover".)
And I know that he must really adore me, because he has the freedom to leave and find a better home for himself at any time; yet he continues to return daily to claim me.
And I realize that felines like to show their love and appreciation, as well as their hunting skills, by providing "presents".

However, I am getting a wee bit tired of the never ending parade of:
tree frogs,
blue jays,
misc other feathered freaks,
and rabbits.

If you have never been quietly awakened at 3am by the blissful sounds of a screaming rabbit, you have truly missed out on perhaps the 982nd greatest thing in life.
Yes, rabbits DO Scream! I know first hand. I have seen and heard them. And no amount of calm vocal tones will calm one down when the great hunter is repeatedly tossing them into the air and then pouncing upon them as they attempt to get away.

And as much as I might hate to admit it, it is fun to observe.

Okay, so I don't really hate to admit it. After all, this is all mighty Nature at its best.

Hunter. Prey. Survival of the fitest. Animals doing what comes naturally to them. Animals doing what they do independently of the influence of humans.

On the other hand, I also enjoy watching Orcas playing badminton with seals.

Oooooh! NATURE!!

But I digress...
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Comments (8)

awwwwww.. rover sounds sooo cute! and loving!
Ohhh i miss my cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cats meow cats meow sad
I'll never forget the Saturday that I was cleaning my home and I heard a scratch on my door. I opened the door to find my cute little Beagle standing there, waiting to be let in the house.

She was holding her head down and looking up at me with those pretty little innocent looking eyes. I gave her the nod to enter, but as she started coming in I noticed something hanging from her mouth.

Low and behold, there was the rear end of a rabbit hanging out of her mouth. All you could see was the 2 paws of the rabbit. She was trying so hard to hide it from me.
She wasn't bringing me a present. She just wanted to chew on the legs of that rabbit in the comfort of my home, and on my couch.

I screamed at her to get out of my house and suddenly those innocent eyes of hers got extremely large, and she ran for the door with all her mite.

When she was back outside, she laid down the rear of the rabbit and just looked at me like, "What's wrong with her...won't even let me chew on the rabbit while laying on the couch?"
Dogs don't bring ya presents like cats do!
ill sort your cat out for you... if there is one thing i love its some nice fresh p.. ahem.. i mean .. cat!! yeah!!
I never knew that frogs can scream either until one of my boys (a cat) was torturing one in the garden!! Throwing it up in the air and batting it around!!

I love my cats too especially as I have 2 kittens who jump at anything that moves and generally end up falling over!!

Another funny thing about kittens is they can jump sideways which adult cats seem to forget to do.

I also have 2 labs who are gigantic in comparison with Alfie and Lily but are absolutely terrified of them!! David and Goliath me thinks!!

God I love my kitties!!!

ill bet your kitty is lovely.. devil
i have a cat and he is definatly mentally unstable <bit lke myself >ha ha always leaves me presents be in mice or birds you could fight with him for ages he even boxes back cant count how mant times he has locked onto my legs as i running up the stairs or waits behind doors ready ro pounce on me its all in good fun though ,wouldnt have him any other way
that says more about you that it does about your "kitty" gismo..(if gismo is your real name.. which i REALLY doubt!!)
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by Unknown
created Aug 2009
Last Viewed: Apr 29
Last Commented: Aug 2009

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