Socialism and healthcare!!!

Hello all, recently the news in Britain (where I am from) has been talking about 'socialised' healthcare as the American's call it. I have also seen some of the American media telling horror stories about a National healthcare system. They also had a Conservative MEP on American news condemning British healthcare.

I would like to explain a few things to our American friends, the Conservative Party are no friend of the NHS (National Health Service) and since the Thatcher days they have tried to dismantle a great institution. Opponents to the NHS have said it is full of bureaucrats, well those bureaucrats were put in place by Thatcher to undermine the health system and slowly erode it away in order for Britain to adopt an American system, no doubt. Then a Conservative MEP has the audacity to claim this is a problem, a problem his party created! Hospitals should be run by the Doctors and Nurses, but government doesn't trust them with the money.

I have been in and out of hospital a few times now and I have had nothing but good service. Yes sometime people have to wait, but this is largely down to priorities, if someone has a heart problem they will be seen before someone with a broken toe, this makes sense. I got seen straight away with my heart problem! The other problem is many people go to hospitals with minor ailments which are in no way emergencies. Thirdly hospitals are full of the elderly who have no where else to go, this is not because of the NHS but because of a CONSERVATIVE government under Thatcher closing down care homes for the elderly, and then a (non Socialist) Labour government closing homes down even further. Some of the horror stories being told are exaggerated, very rare or just plain lies. I have never come across any of the stories been told.

I have also noticed the American media seems to be very much against Obama's healthcare bill, you have to ask why? Is it to do with insurance companies who make millions out of people's misery perhaps? It horrifies me to think that there are some in this country who want to adopt such a system, people are raped everyday by insurance companies for car insurance, home insurance, life insurance etc! The insurance company decides who gets what, well I tell you now NO THANK YOU!!! You can stick that where the sun don't shine!!

I also hear many American's arguments against it, well surely it is part of social responsibility to help those in need and to make sure health care is ethical, not about money and that everybody has access to a doctor. Being a doctor is a vocation, not just about a pay packet. I also hear many American's claim that theirs is a country of God!! Umm well surely if God or Jesus were into politics I'm almost certain they'd be socialist!! We also have to hear this brainwashed drivel about the evils of socialism, well I'm a socialist, I'm not into dictatorship, I'm not a communist and I'm not a National Socialist either!! I'm a Christian and I share in those values, and for me Socialism is the most compatible political system. Socialism is versatile, it isn't static it is always moving and there are many different views within it. We have an NHS but people can go private if they want to, they still have a choice. I'm certain if America adopted a similar sytem it would be totally watered down anyway and citizens would still have a choice in what treatment they want to receive, we do!!

One final point, I can't believe this crap about 'why should my tax payers money go on that?, or why should I have to pay to help someone else in need?', unbelievable and then some who say this call themselves Christians, its shameful, it really is!! I say this, I would rather tax money went back into a society who needs it and save lives rather than wars and conquest!!
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Comments (3)

I am an US citizen. Of course, your ideas on health care are that which many regard as humane. I share your opinion. As to your remarks about Americans and American media, I suggest to you that oftimes it is necessary to listen a wee bit deeper than only the loudest noise to gauge the will of a populace. That is the problem with the United States, and much of the western world, perhaps the world at large. Our citizens don't read. Nor listen.
The block to universal healthcare is the idea of capitalism itself, where individuals and groups are merely driven to strive forward to that place where only profit trumps and rewards. The real question to ask is "who shall give the first dollar"? It's a metaphor.
Oh, by the way, Christianity and religion as a whole, have little to do with charity.
In the histories of countries, widely written into law, are measures to protect the status quo. For the ones in power have always been the rich and mighty.
Some believe, as I do, that if US citizens were to embrace the values of their own Democratic party, small advances may be made possible in the name of goodwill for fellow man. We might begin to wedge an opening of enlightenment into our hearts and souls. Most improbable. For then, we will have begun to actually regard others as a whole with more esteem than our own miserable paltry individual selves.
Your final point is moot. Or rather, just more of the same. Humans are selfish, Christian and otherwise. We are born and then we die. "who shall give the first dollar"?
Ireland 'inherited' it's Public Health system from the English, and then modernised it. It has always served the people well, even to those who have 'private health insurance'. If a public health system is soooo intinisically 'evil' to slef-serving and self-centered capitalists, then it's interesting to note that in the current economic climate, the proponents and supporters of exclusive 'private health care' can no longer afford the premiums and are now totally dependant on the Public Healthcare system. ......... so much for capitalism and private healthcare. Maybe this recession is the best thing to hit American capitalists.
tell them to go join the Independent Order of Oddfellows....they need the membership and they provide benefit plans at affordable prices via an organisation that is owned by the members! What else could be more simple, or have the private doctors forced orders like the oddfellows to stop providing collective benefit schemes?
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by Unknown
created Aug 2009
Last Viewed: Apr 22
Last Commented: Aug 2009

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