Smokers - the new Canadian victims (38)

Oct 5, 2006 2:19 AM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
grrrrgrrrrRegina, Saskatchewan Canada8 Threads 129 Posts
Is it just me or has anyone also noticed this - an overabundance of ad campaigns designed by the government to make smokers look like disgusting, evil people.

Local governments are quick to build methadone clinics to help people quit using IV drugs as it is a terrible addiction to cope with on many levels.

Would it not also benefit our society to build "patch clinics" or "Zyban clinics" instead of waging a personal war against smokers? Or at the very least, to give out the patch and nicotine gum for free with a prescription from your doctor.

The floor is yours. professor
Oct 5, 2006 8:09 AM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
onehot51onehot51Granum, Alberta Canada3 Threads 54 Posts
Hey I think that if they dont want us smoking then make Canada a smoke free Nation. Shut down all of the tobacco companies, put people out of work. Im a smoker and have tried quitting many times with not much success. Just my .02 cents worth.
Oct 5, 2006 9:35 AM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
wikkedwikkedAjax, Ontario Canada655 Threads 4 Polls 6,091 Posts
They could never do that because alcohol and tobacco are the biggest revenue makers in Canada...(my .02)

What i would like to say though is that i really resent how some people make smokers feel like second class citizens...

They have no problem with coming up to total stranger and reciting their views on the "evils" of bad it is for their health and various other arguments...

These same people will however, watch an obese person head for the "buffet" table at a restaurant over and over again...before hitting the "dessert" table...but they will never dare to walk over to them and say..."what you are doing is soooo unhealthy for you..."

Now why is that???dunno

I'd actually really like to know if someone has an answer to that one...
Oct 5, 2006 11:05 AM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
PucksPucksVernon, Canada107 Threads 3,326 Posts
Nope i dont think its the government that much. I think people in general are getting tired of second hand smoke. The ads i see are more from agencies - Canadian Cancer Society, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Medical clinics, (most from non profit socities that put peoples needs first)etc that advertise smoking is bad for your health.....and i think they should.

Smoking sucks in my opinion! For those of you who do smoke that is your business. However, your smoke should be kept away from those of us who want to breath clean air. This does not mean i wont hang out with smokers because i do. But they all know how i feel about it and they respect that. (they go outside, in a different room or in your their own surrrondings)

As far as the patch type clinics goes. i donno coz i dont know much about it. I would have to learn more about this possible idea if it were being dicussed by our government before commenting. (Honestly, my first thought is no way.......That being said, i would be open to it and learning more about the free prescription idea if it was beneficial for society, but there is so many things to consider...who's gonna pay for it? do my taxes go up know? etc.)
Oct 5, 2006 8:34 PM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
wikkedwikkedAjax, Ontario Canada655 Threads 4 Polls 6,091 Posts
I can appreciate and respect your views on "smokers" and "second hand smoke"...however..

I have the right to drive my car on a public street without the threat of a "drunk driver" (that's against the law by the way, smoking isn't) however...It happens...should we then schedule times for those that drink and drive and for those that don't drive at all (ie: smoking and non-smoking facilities)

Ohip covers surgery that makes overweight people a health risk...ummm they don't cover nicotine patches...

There are rehab programs for drug handouts of drug paraphanalia and an assortment of drugs for those that are addicted (but in the interest to keep it controlled...)..Cigarettes if i choose to smoke them...I would have to buy...

I am being more sarcastic than anything here...but the point i am trying to make is that they have targeted smokers..and by no means am i not saying that it is not a worthy campaign...but lets be real here...if you start targeting one "bad habit"...what about the other "bad habits"...what makes one more fatal than the other?? (Personally i have never seen a person smoke a cigarette then get in behind the wheel of their car and kill someone...I have seen an alcoholic do that though....)

I am not advocating smoking by the way...I am just asking where is the fairness in it all??
Oct 5, 2006 8:36 PM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
wikkedwikkedAjax, Ontario Canada655 Threads 4 Polls 6,091 Posts
...."and for those that don't drive at all "...

ooops sorry..I meant "and for those who don't drink at all..."
Oct 5, 2006 8:42 PM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
PucksPucksVernon, Canada107 Threads 3,326 Posts
i am not sure i can relate to your analogies...but nonetheless point taken.thumbs up
Oct 9, 2006 12:33 AM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
PunkassPrincessPunkassPrincessPlum Hollow, Ontario Canada33 Threads 294 Posts
I am a smoker...

Smoking is bad for us, it does kill us, second hand smoke does have health effects on those near us.... I understand all of these things.... However, I do believe that we should have "smoking places" and non-smoking places" such as pubs and restaurants ect....

I am not going to go off on a tangence here, most of what I would say has already been said...

Just for the record though, I do understand where the non-smokers are coming from though and I can respect that. I don't smoke in my home or vehicles because I have a four year old son.

I think that if the government did give out the patch for free under OHIP that I would most definitely quit smoking. I hate this habit but cannot afford the patch nor can I quit cold turkey, and now that I think about it, it is kinda messed up that the needle users get needles to help quit but smokers just get fines.
Oct 9, 2006 3:41 PM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
Comrad_travisComrad_travisGagetown, New Brunswick Canada2 Threads 84 Posts
i guess that most people see cigarette smoke as harmful to the smoker and others. if you are near someone smoking you still inhale it. someone being overweight will not hurt anyone else other than themselves. well thats my best attempt at an answer
Oct 9, 2006 4:16 PM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
Comrad_travisComrad_travisGagetown, New Brunswick Canada2 Threads 84 Posts
Yes thank you. i come from a smoke free area "no somking within 30 feet of an entrance" and still you have to puch through people somking to get in some places. I breath in enough crap at work i dont need it walking down main street too.
Oct 9, 2006 8:10 PM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
Bess1Bess1Magog, Quebec Canada2 Threads 76 Posts
Smokers are evil!
Oct 9, 2006 8:35 PM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
ItmightbemeItmightbemeOkotoks, Alberta Canada44 Threads 792 Posts
Hi Princess,

I am glad that you do not smoke in your home or your car due to your responsiblity towards my son. I "salute" you for that.

I am generally known as "a nice lady". However, I have no use for cigarettes and those who smoke them. I am a twelve year cancer survivor. Second hand smoke causes health problems for non-smokers. Cigarette smokers - "get a grip".

Oct 9, 2006 8:39 PM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
ItmightbemeItmightbemeOkotoks, Alberta Canada44 Threads 792 Posts
Opps - "Princess" - I made an obvious typo. I meant the responsiblity towards your son. Lorraine.
Oct 9, 2006 9:59 PM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
keith_malekeith_maleFraser Lake, British Columbia Canada30 Threads 370 Posts
I started smoking when I was 12. I had a 2 and a half pack a day addiction by the time I was 21. I swithed to a pipe on my 21 st birthday. I inhaled. I smoked the pipe for 33 years. So a total of 42 years of nicotine addiction. I quit, successfully, February 7, 2001. OI made the decision 2 weeks before I quit, chose the day and quit. I used the patch. Much less expensive than my nicotine habit.

Smoking is a concious decision. Quitting smoking is a concious continuous decision. I used the 12 Steps of AA also. I'm in my 13th year of sobriety.....I drank for 30+ years....on a regular basis.

No one "Makes" You smoke.. It is Your choice to indulge Your addiction. As long as no one else has to be "hot boxed" with Your habit, no problem....the hospitals need the work that You addicts provide......grin
Oct 9, 2006 10:01 PM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
PucksPucksVernon, Canada107 Threads 3,326 Posts
Hey there,

Way to go....thats an impressive story.

Here's to youbeer
Oct 9, 2006 10:10 PM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
Comrad_travisComrad_travisGagetown, New Brunswick Canada2 Threads 84 Posts
Congrats man. keep it up
Oct 10, 2006 1:08 AM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
grrrrgrrrrRegina, Saskatchewan Canada8 Threads 129 Posts
I totally agree that nobody makes anybody smoke, except themselves.

So why do the tobacco companies keep getting sued?
Oct 10, 2006 7:05 AM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
wikkedwikkedAjax, Ontario Canada655 Threads 4 Polls 6,091 Posts
Hi Lorraine...if its not too personal..what was your cancer due to??
Was it smoking??
Oct 10, 2006 7:29 AM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
Katine76Katine76Moncton, Canada145 Threads 4,516 Posts
I agree with you Puck!

I don't want to put down or bash any of the smokers because its their right and their business what they do to themselves health wise and other wise but I myself personaly can not stand the smell of cigarettes. It makes me severly sick (And I mean that literly) It annoys me that I can not leave my living room windows open on a nice day because the neighboors are smoking next to it and the smell gets in my appartment and hey if they don't care if their children inhale it but no way in hell do I want my children to. I am allergic to cigarette smells and if I get one sniff, I get really sick. Headaches, nausea, vomiting etc..

My mom got lung cancer and is not any better now because she smoked since she was very young. And she told us that if she knew then what she knew now she would have never ever touched one cigarette in her life. She really regrets smoking and resents it now.

Like I said. Its not that I don't have any respect towards smokers because I do and know people that do smoke. But its all about respecting those who can't be around it like myself and others. If a smoker can not respect my health and those of my children then I will not respect them either.

Just my personal opinion is all.
Oct 10, 2006 8:03 AM CST Smokers - the new Canadian victims
grrrrgrrrrRegina, Saskatchewan Canada8 Threads 129 Posts
Perfumes and colognes are harmful to my health. I suffer an immediate allergic reaction when I get too close to someone wearing those foul substances.

Allergies are a curse. I know there was a thread about this before, and I said something in there about it. The parallel can certainly be drawn here, if 2nd-hand smoke harms people (especially those with allergies), then perfumes/colognes are the same, and should be banned in public places for the same reason.

Anyone who bashes smoking and uses the clean air thing as justification.. you better not be wearing perfumes/colognes in public. Your stink messes me up big time.

Not everyone has balls like I do, I do point it out when necessary to those stinky people.

Also.. anyone who drives a car.. thanks for polluting the air. Not only do you make it hard for people with asthma to breathe, you're also killing the environment.

banana banana banana
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by grrrr (8 Threads)
Created: Oct 2006
Last Viewed: 14 hrs ago
Last Commented: Oct 2006

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