November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo (770)

Apr 29, 2012 2:05 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: One even more simple question TT... you really truely and honestly have no idea regarding the answer of ur question? Come on... you do really not know already? Where have you been in the last many years... on Vacation on Mars or some thing?

There are trillions of foreign investments in America, and in all other well developed and modern nations around the world as well, and this is actually the very essens of Capitalism, which have been good for America and for the rest of us as well.

It is really funny if many americans really beleive there are no foreign investments in your country, and it is only America investing in other countries and of course... many of ur kind of voters... seeing these american investments as being a called of "social welfare" stuff right?

The most funny is... too many right wingers really jump on the stuff u try to "Claim" in America and else where... and those well educated right wingers who know the answer, kind of lying their butts off in order to get the support of "not knowing a Damn thing" types

Foreign Government American companies.

I know that there is foreign private investor investment here.

Please find it for us.

Because right now. Obama in making the US government a private foreign investment firm. He is choosing the winners and losers of free enterprise and competitive business around the world.

That has alway been done by the investor and the consumer.

So not only is he messing up the United States economy. But he is messing up the global economy.

Let me give you an example. What if tomorrow....a firm came out with a better light bulb that what Phillips is making? Oh.....they Obama has just wasted the investment money (as you call it) in Phillips. Or he wasted the tax payers money.

But if it is a private investors and consumer making the economic is a financial lost carried across a smaller group OF....wealthy individuals that can afford the lose.

This is exactly what was done in Mother Russia when she was communist.
The Kremlin and Poliburo invested in their chosen few companies. Killing of innovation and new companies with new ideas. What happened to the Russian economy? One of the biggest failures in modern time, yes? 3 and 4 hour ques waiting for a loaf of bread.

Obama has the country so screwed up, it will four generations to unscrew it......
Apr 30, 2012 2:50 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
The new campaign motto for President Obama is.........F O R W A R D.

No more hope and change. That has been over done and done in.

But the word "Forward" can have several meanings that are much different from each other.

According to my thesarus ...forward can also mean....

1)Presumptuous (as a adjective)

2)Ahead (as a adverb)

3)Before (as a adverb)

4)Along (as a adverb)

5)Advance (as a verb)

Some of those are pretty dead on the past four year of the Obama administration. It has been pretty PRESUMPTUOUS. It thought it knew everything needed to know about running the world's sole remeaning super power.

And talk about a leader that wants to keep a high profile BEFORE the people and media? If that ain't President Obama,......

Then to advance a agenda? A very liberal agenda mind you? I would have to say there is honesty here. In his first three years President Obama has advanced a agenda that has divided the country along race, religion, wealth, urban/rural, employeed and unemployed.

Then it is also the get ALONG administration. Just get along with the message. Let us do the heavy thinking for you. Say the right thing and you too can be part of the Obama croud. Everyone is welcome but just leave your integrity at the door.

Anyways been thinking about a good symbolic metaphor for this new motto of the Obama administration.

Try this for size.....

Fast "FORWARD" to November 5th, the day after the election. Who do you want four more years with? Barack Obama, who has spent the country to deficit ceiling of 16t and still has a unemployment rate over 8%. Or Mitt Romney that has succeeded in several business and in saving the Winter Olympics for Salt Lake City.

We know what Barack Obama will continue to do. We don't know what Mitt Romney can do. But it has to be better than the last three years.
Apr 30, 2012 3:11 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
john12196341john12196341jamestown, North Dakota USA53 Threads 684 Posts
his majesty had four years to do everything he promised but did he deliver. nope. he spent all this time blaming others,kissing up to our enemies,going on vacation,playing golf, and picking sport teams to win. also he took it upon himself to disregard the rule of law and used the constitution as tolite paper, plus dictate on how we live. plus hanged around with people who are raciests and socialists
Apr 30, 2012 7:18 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
AG Holder is about to be held in contempt of Congress on the administration's stonewalling over the Fast and Furious documents.

REP control both the investing committee and the house which will
vote on holding Holder in contempt.

AG Holder and the DoJ......still hold 92% of the documents related to
Fast and Furious.
May 1, 2012 2:42 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Whistleblower emails are beginning to connect the White House to the
Fast and Furious program.

A ATF agent in Pheonix, AZ sent email directly to the White House earlier by-passing his chain of command to a White House staffer (OReilly) and asking for confirmation to the program.

One of these emails has leaked into the Congressional hearing on the

Now the hearing has syponea the White House staffer (OReilly) that the
email was sent to.


OReilly is refusing to come to a hearing or saying anything public. His attorney is now in Iraq, said at one time OReilly would appear.
But then was sent to Iraq.
May 1, 2012 3:18 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
So is he or is he not?

Is President Obama dancing the end zone of OBL raid and death anniversary?

Senator John McCain says he is.

The White House says he is not.

But surely by saying (er. suggesting) Mitt Romney would not have ordered the OBL raid, places him into the position of being a mind reader.

But either way, the Pakistani was still stonewalling a report on OBL
that they began soon after the raid a year ago. This was to determine if OBl was getting Pakistani government aid.

The White House here is 'disappointed'.

Why cannot the White House read the minds of the Paksitani? If they can read the mind of Mitt Romney?)) Because clearly the real threat in this, lies in Pakistan and not in Mitt Romney campaign for the Presidency.


See you attempt to figure out the intents and actions of your enemies when in power. President Obama in guessing Mitt Romney actions on bin only treating him as a a enemy. But teh real threat to Americans, lays in Pakistan. President Obama time is better spent in figuring out if Pakistani government is going to revitalize the defunct
alQeada organization.

Seeing your political opponent as your enemy, only makes for division.
May 1, 2012 7:27 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
So how close is the OWS movement to the Communist party?

They picked international labor day...May 1st....the traditional day of Communist labor movement, to call for a 'general worker strike' in the United State. In most major cities. How well the workers are listening is another thing. I doubt very much.

General worker strikes in Europe have long been used by the Communist and socialist parties to 'correct the injustices done to the workers by the capitolists.'

If one substitutes 1% for have the very same claim the OWS is making in the United States.

The OWS is Communist and Communist is the OWS, in other words. These are kissin and huggin cousins. Van Jones of the White House is a card carrying Communist. he is alos a 'consultant' to the OWS.

But the Obama administration is treating the OWS like it was a political movement made up solely in the United States. And we have Nancy Pelosi words that the DEM party embraces the OWS. That was to a give it some legitimancy.


The Communist party is outlawed by various Congressional acts. The OWS could not register for a street demonstration under the heading "Communist Party". The local government would have said no. But if it registers under the OWS, that Nancy Pelosi gets a thumbs up. So they make up a new name....Occupy Wall cover for the Communist Party name.

Pretty simple for dim wits that slept in the cold winter night in tents. But hey if the murders, rapes, and drugs were not enough to investigate OWS....these connection to the Communist party were only more reasons to.

This is selective law enforcement by the Obama administration. It will
go out after any right wing nut movement but when it has a left loonie tune movement, it is hands off. What is unjusitice, if the govenrment cannot be part of it.

Vote REP and Romney in November for a fair government.

Then both right wing nuts and left loons will get investigated for criminal acts......
May 1, 2012 7:44 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
The has been a marked increase in drug addicted babies being born in the US. Up 300% from only 5 years ago, are babies with prescribed med withdrawals.

Yes. Please note most of that 5 years falls under the Obama administration.

This very close to the same addiction in the 1990s to crack cocaine that 1000s babies suffered thru. Once in the schools, they were slow and difficult to teach and were often sick.

President Obama is overseeing the same kind of crisis coming to America that hit the country in the 1990s. The question is what is he doing about it? Not much.

His take over of the health care system only made it easier to get illegal prescription drugs. Now there are more way to acquire them.
Obamacare does not have the internal checks within it to keep theft of the countries drug supply from happening. Not only that, but has the administration cracked down on foreign drugs coming into the country illegally, as this medical crisis arose? Again no.

But you would think that is a pretty good operation to you see 100s of new born babies going thru drug withdrawal pains.

The Obamacare HHS committee made to monitor and direct the counties medical resources has to be a joke or on the take. For so much scripted drug addiction to be happening in new borns. 300% increase is a epidemic level addiction.

Surely they have the ability to keep addictive meds out of the hands of Doctor that over prescribe and who illegally sell. Surely that would be part of their mandate. But is just as clear a mandate that they have failed.
May 1, 2012 12:04 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: The new campaign motto for President Obama is.........F O R W A R D.

No more hope and change. That has been over done and done in.

But the word "Forward" can have several meanings that are much different from each other.

According to my thesarus ...forward can also mean....

1)Presumptuous (as a adjective)

2)Ahead (as a adverb)

3)Before (as a adverb)

4)Along (as a adverb)

5)Advance (as a verb)

Some of those are pretty dead on the past four year of the Obama administration. It has been pretty PRESUMPTUOUS. It thought it knew everything needed to know about running the world's sole remeaning super power.

And talk about a leader that wants to keep a high profile BEFORE the people and media? If that ain't President Obama,......

Then to advance a agenda? A very liberal agenda mind you? I would have to say there is honesty here. In his first three years President Obama has advanced a agenda that has divided the country along race, religion, wealth, urban/rural, employeed and unemployed.

Then it is also the get ALONG administration. Just get along with the message. Let us do the heavy thinking for you. Say the right thing and you too can be part of the Obama croud. Everyone is welcome but just leave your integrity at the door.

Anyways been thinking about a good symbolic metaphor for this new motto of the Obama administration.

Try this for size.....

Fast "FORWARD" to November 5th, the day after the election. Who do you want four more years with? Barack Obama, who has spent the country to deficit ceiling of 16t and still has a unemployment rate over 8%. Or Mitt Romney that has succeeded in several business and in saving the Winter Olympics for Salt Lake City.

We know what Barack Obama will continue to do. We don't know what Mitt Romney can do. But it has to be better than the last three years.

Interesting try to make the whole thing looking so terrible TT... but what I can tell you a bout this is plain and simple...

you see

Once upon a time and not long ago...

A Bunch of anti american interest Beavis and Buttheads, all men of oil and weapon and health insurence indsustries and even funded by some absolutely suspicious dang foreigners... a group also called GOP, whose forfathers even created THAT dang OBL who killed so many tousands of absolutely inoncent american in THE most terrible act of terror the entire world have ever seen... Rulled over America and did what ever the Hell they wanted to and called their critics names and hold THE stupid hotige because of being called the same exact names!

For getting rid of THAt absolutely dangerous gropu on charge back the Mr. Obama called for Hope and for Change becasue people of the country were scared the Heck of the dang Bushney,s and their entire regim of Fear and many did not even Dare to not voting antoehr Bushney head on power back then... GOP told a bout countless numbers of enemies behind every stone and what could help America was HOPE and also hope toward a real CHANGE in America which have asbolutely happened compairing to what kind of sensless BS the dang GOP had made America in to!

Now... Sure man... FORWARD!Sounds asbolutely great and president Obama will push America Forward also during his second turm on job as Presidnet of THE United States of America, and the whole mumbo jumbo of ur guys is a bout one single thing...

Freaking against paying back more of the money you have made on America, because of being so damn selfish and self centered... that even calling one self a Republcian should release a week at least at a mental facility! GOPtooneys of the dang planet of OZ do not even like America and then wanting the rest of us trusting America,s safety to their bloody hands one more time and this early, and while their endelss amount of BS shuved upon America and the rest of the entire world is sensed doh
May 1, 2012 12:15 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
john12196341: his majesty had four years to do everything he promised but did he deliver. nope. he spent all this time blaming others,kissing up to our enemies,going on vacation,playing golf, and picking sport teams to win. also he took it upon himself to disregard the rule of law and used the constitution as tolite paper, plus dictate on how we live. plus hanged around with people who are raciests and socialists

Dang sad cause WE can not even TAX you more devil laugh
May 1, 2012 12:22 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: So is he or is he not?

Is President Obama dancing the end zone of OBL raid and death anniversary?

Senator John McCain says he is.

The White House says he is not.

But surely by saying (er. suggesting) Mitt Romney would not have ordered the OBL raid, places him into the position of being a mind reader.

But either way, the Pakistani was still stonewalling a report on OBL
that they began soon after the raid a year ago. This was to determine if OBl was getting Pakistani government aid.

The White House here is 'disappointed'.

Why cannot the White House read the minds of the Paksitani? If they can read the mind of Mitt Romney?)) Because clearly the real threat in this, lies in Pakistan and not in Mitt Romney campaign for the Presidency.


See you attempt to figure out the intents and actions of your enemies when in power. President Obama in guessing Mitt Romney actions on bin only treating him as a a enemy. But teh real threat to Americans, lays in Pakistan. President Obama time is better spent in figuring out if Pakistani government is going to revitalize the defunct
alQeada organization.

Seeing your political opponent as your enemy, only makes for division.

Seeing your political opponent as your enemy, only makes for division... BUT! Seeing a dang terrorist called OBL being your kind of pal, because of the dang stincky Oil, can cause your whole country endless amounts of pain, and suffering... and your crimes against your own country and agaisnt whole humanity as well, are going to get revealed sooner or later tongue
May 1, 2012 12:31 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
May 1, 2012 2:06 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
I am telling u guys... THEY can keep trying what ever they got but... no Freaking Way GOPtooney,s will success Repealing Affordable health care act of president Obama, which is one of THE best laws EVER in the history of the US of A... and even THEM knowing this, and are just making a freaking fool of them selves playing BS upon America as they do:

Freakopublicans are willling to begin ten new STUPID wars in order to get rid of America,s possibility acting propper upon citizens of the country after so many years, and so many dead americans because of lack of possibility of paying a health care, and because of Joe the plumber NOTS!!!!!!!!!!! behind the dang secterain movement called GOP...

please America?? Watch out! GOP is there and really strong and rich and tons of money on way to it from Talils and Murdochs and Kochs and the whole bunch of Leeches around... Do not sell feauter of the country to a lousy hotdog and a cold Bud!
May 1, 2012 2:18 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Ladeis and Gentlemen:

May 1, 2012 2:19 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
May 1, 2012 2:31 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Goopootooloopticans must be really mad and even more sad because of this Ey?

What will happen now to their best friends EVER, in all their favourite Dicatorships supproting terrorism, and adding to the dang Fear factory of the GOP? "Poor" dicators soon all on the run and not a dang thing can help and save those no more...

moping ... wow ... uh oh ???... shock... idea...

cheering cheering cheering yay
May 1, 2012 2:44 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
May 1, 2012 2:52 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Really! wow ! A Fabulous Republican candidate in deed! Leeches need bodies to feed on you see?

Yes sure... Repubheads... select Romney ... All way Republican, and when his VP coice will be revealed who is even more destructiv for the american economy, and even more radical, and lying and deceiving even more than Romney... then Party on for the one procent for sure.
May 1, 2012 6:31 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
A group of anarchists were arrested today in Cleveland, Ohio. Their plot?To blow up a major bridge on a interstate highway crossing a river. Had the plot been conducted, several 100 could have died.....maybe more.

So will the Obama administration tie this group to the OWS? Or treat them like a individual cell disconnected from other anarchists groups in the world?

When 911 happened, the US quickly move to connect the dots to the larger alQeada threat to the country and world. But the OWS is the movement that Nancy Pelosi embraces. So gets special hand off favor.

With the fiasco of Fast and Furious, AG Holder has lost credibility in the country. Clearly Fast and Furious was politically motivated program that was designed to force 2nd admendements gun changes in the country. It was just a little tough on the Mexican people and the US border agent that took bullets from the Obama administration supplied guns to drug cartels.

Here governments are suppose to protect you. And they are supplying the cartels with weapons to kill you.....Some thing just very wrong about that in this bloggers opinion.

But no wonder the Government of AZ...feels that the United States cannot protect the border. If the United States government is the arming party for cartels, that are killing border patrol agents....
then the States should have a Constitutional right to protect their citizens.
May 1, 2012 6:43 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Interesting try to make the whole thing looking so terrible TT... but what I can tell you a bout this is plain and simple...

you see

Once upon a time and not long ago...

A Bunch of anti american interest Beavis and Buttheads, all men of oil and weapon and health insurence indsustries and even funded by some absolutely suspicious dang foreigners... a group also called GOP, whose forfathers even created THAT dang OBL who killed so many tousands of absolutely inoncent american in THE most terrible act of terror the entire world have ever seen... Rulled over America and did what ever the Hell they wanted to and called their critics names and hold THE stupid hotige because of being called the same exact names!

For getting rid of THAt absolutely dangerous gropu on charge back the Mr. Obama called for Hope and for Change becasue people of the country were scared the Heck of the dang Bushney,s and their entire regim of Fear and many did not even Dare to not voting antoehr Bushney head on power back then... GOP told a bout countless numbers of enemies behind every stone and what could help America was HOPE and also hope toward a real CHANGE in America which have asbolutely happened compairing to what kind of sensless BS the dang GOP had made America in to!

Now... Sure man... FORWARD!Sounds asbolutely great and president Obama will push America Forward also during his second turm on job as Presidnet of THE United States of America, and the whole mumbo jumbo of ur guys is a bout one single thing...

Freaking against paying back more of the money you have made on America, because of being so damn selfish and self centered... that even calling one self a Republcian should release a week at least at a mental facility! GOPtooneys of the dang planet of OZ do not even like America and then wanting the rest of us trusting America,s safety to their bloody hands one more time and this early, and while their endelss amount of BS shuved upon America and the rest of the entire world is sensed

You have to admit Dude....that using the campaign motto FORWARD....ties right into the Saul Alvinsky thingee. Were there
are hidden agendas and motives within a 5th column government.

And remember Alvinsky's key political doctrine.....say anything to stay in power.....well....after telling the world that the OBL death photos were to "offensive" and that the US would not be doing a victory dance in the end zone....

President Obama has sure changed his tune in the last few weeks prior to the OBL anniversary. He is doing exactly Saul Alvinsky advised.
Using his one key victory to keep political power.

He cannot sell Americans on the economy with a 8% unemployment rate.
So ...he uses the OBL raid and death as the campaign focal point.

Only places Americans into harms way from Islamic Jhadist's repriesal attacks.

They can talk the talk that alQeada is all dimenished and broken down in Washington. But the reality is alAwalkie bomb maker is still active in Yemen and elZharawiri is still alive in Pakistan. A Pakistan that with tonight security agreement with Afghanistan....mean is off limits to more US raids.

So our President is placing American into harms way with his Presidential campaign. That is exactly a Saul Alvinsky priniciple....
May 2, 2012 3:51 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
What is the best line in the movie "The Sicilian"

"Fascists and Communists both want the same concentrate and to control power."

May 2, 2012 5:23 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: You have to admit Dude....that using the campaign motto FORWARD....ties right into the Saul Alvinsky thingee. Were there
are hidden agendas and motives within a 5th column government.

And remember Alvinsky's key political doctrine.....say anything to stay in power.....well....after telling the world that the OBL death photos were to "offensive" and that the US would not be doing a victory dance in the end zone....

President Obama has sure changed his tune in the last few weeks prior to the OBL anniversary. He is doing exactly Saul Alvinsky advised.
Using his one key victory to keep political power.

He cannot sell Americans on the economy with a 8% unemployment rate.
So ...he uses the OBL raid and death as the campaign focal point.

Only places Americans into harms way from Islamic Jhadist's repriesal attacks.

They can talk the talk that alQeada is all dimenished and broken down in Washington. But the reality is alAwalkie bomb maker is still active in Yemen and elZharawiri is still alive in Pakistan. A Pakistan that with tonight security agreement with Afghanistan....mean is off limits to more US raids.

So our President is placing American into harms way with his Presidential campaign. That is exactly a Saul Alvinsky priniciple....

Not agree TT... and beside your guys greatest worries is a bout losing one monster terrorist after the other, and then losing your favourite kinds of boogeymen and not being able of using them as an excuse, cheating America and outsourcing America,s money to secret accounts in Swiss and else where.

No worires here any way... majority of America have already firgured GOP out and things are getting under control that way.

Even When this honorable administration is going to get Elzawahiri and the bombmaker and so on... your guys will moun and crying out loud and will criticise the presidnet and creditting THAT GWB of urs, or even The old war monger dude McCain instead of him!

It is funny to see now on days... after this administration have done major victories against islamist militants... your guys trying to play "Commies Commies are coming after you Mommies" song... Rednecks are really funny... but after the alughter is over, better calling these tactics Redicoulous doh
May 2, 2012 5:35 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Ladies and Gentlemen...

THE President of THE United States of America:

May 2, 2012 5:53 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Another wake up call for LGBT...

Be ware what kind of people ur valuable votes can bring on charge in America, and make sure not supporting kind of folks who are going to make ur own lives and ur loved ones lived and ur friends lives much more complicated than all our lives already is, and Do not bring ur own safty in great risk and danger , by supporting the far right GOP taken over of America.

There is no such thing called "Moderate" in the GOP... Imagine those GOPtooneys wearing turbans and big bearded and thats all folks... Make a wise choice and NO! THEY do Definately NOT like you, and THEY will never like you and THEY will Definately do what ever to HARM you when ever getting the slightest kinds of possibilities doing so ! professor
May 2, 2012 6:15 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Really THAT difficult to understand?

Busting the Top 10 Myths on the Affordable Care Act

MYTH #1:

It’s too complicated to understand any of it.

FACT: The basics are simple. 32 million more American will be insured. The worst insurance company abuses will end.
We will start improving quality and controlling cost for everyone.
FACT: explains the law and how it will be rolled out.

MYTH #2:

It hasn’t helped anyone.

FACT: Insurance now covers: 1) Children with pre-existing conditions, 2) 2.5 million young adults through age 26 who can
now stay on their parents’ plans, 3) Adults with pre-existing conditions who can now sign up for high-risk plans
FACT: No more insurance company caps on how much they will spend on your health care.

MYTH #3:

We can’t afford to have it.

FACT: We can’t afford not to have it. By promoting access to the right care, at the right place, at the right time, the
Affordable Care Act was designed to save money while keeping people healthier.

MYTH #4:

It hurts Medicare and seniors.

FACT: Seniors get help affording prescription drugs.
FACT: Seniors get annual checkups with no copays.
FACT: It invests in making Medicare work better for the long run for seniors and doctors.

MYTH #5:

It’s increasing premiums and costs for families.

FACT: Private employer-based health premiums were skyrocketing before the law, and it will help change that.
FACT: Insurance companies now have to explain why they are raising rates on a public website.
FACT: If insurance companies don’t spend enough of your premium dollars on health care, they are now required to send
you a rebate at the end of the year.

MYTH #6:

It’s hurting small businesses.

FACT: Many small businesses with fewer than 50 employees are now getting tax credits of up to 35% of health insurance
premiums. Beginning in 2014, many small businesses will be eligible for tax credits up to 50% of insurance premiums.

MYTH #7:

It’s unconstitutional.

FACT: Most law experts have said health reform is constitutional, and most judges - even the most conservative - agree.

MYTH #8:

It’s all about insurance and not about health.

FACT: It creates a national Prevention Fund - a long overdue investment in improving health and preventing chronic
disease. Communities across the country are already using grant money to help people live healthier lives.
FACT: It invests in training more doctors, nurses, and other health professionals

MYTH #9:

It’s all about insurance and not about cost.

FACT: The Medicare and Medicaid Center for Innovation is promoting new models, innovations, and research across the
country to start improving care while decreasing costs.
FACT: The law invests in improving quality and coordination of care.

MYTH #10:

It’s a government takeover of health care.

FACT: The Affordable Care Act is a partnership between the government and businesses, communities, hospitals,
doctors, and patients. It strengthens the private insurance market while protecting people and their health.
FACT: The more we know, the more we can get to
better health and better health care for our families and our country!

I am "sorry" insulting the dang GOP, bringing a FOR AMERICA site in here
tongue conversing uh oh
May 2, 2012 7:26 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Embedded image from another site

rolling on the floor laughing
May 2, 2012 8:12 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Dude do you know why the States AGs brought the Health care Bill to the Supreme Court for a Constitutional ruling?
May 2, 2012 8:13 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Ladies and Gentlemen...

THE President of THE United States of America:

He is missing the banner....that says...."Mission Accoplished" in the background. laugh
May 2, 2012 9:11 AM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
I finally got around to Obama's Afghanistan address....

He is more deluded than I thought.

"Turning another chapter in Afghanistan without war?"

Afghanistan has been run over by so many armies during the history of the still has tread marks from the Greeks, Romans, Muslims,
Hordes, Russian, Indian.....carts and vehicles that have been there.

I hope it happens. But the odds of it happening? Now that vast mineral wealth has been discovered in the country? Like between .0001 and .000001% of 100%.

The Chinese are going to be in there faster than you can say dig me a mine for copper. The Taliban are going to come back to grow poppies. The Iranian are coming in to defeat a American made democracy that is on their border. The Pakistani are coming in because they want more US $s.

But he cannot see any of this?doh

He is keeping us there....for 10 frigin years.....while these foreign parties scramble around to own pieces of Afghanistan. 10 years of treasure and soldier's lives. What a waste!

All the time we are there...for this 10 frigin years....we cannot do any more raids into Iran and Pakistan or do night raids in Afghanistan.
He gave the local everything that they wanted and more. Raids like he is boosting about right now......for his re election campaign.

elZharwiri is free to rebuild alQeada from Pakistan. Iran is free to make the bomb with worrying about a US invasion from Afghanistan.
May 2, 2012 3:50 PM CST November 2012 is near America! Obama Rocks, and even GOP knows this, and do not know what to do a bo
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: Dude do you know why the States AGs brought the Health care Bill to the Supreme Court for a Constitutional ruling?

Yes... classified information for now wink

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