RE: Peace in Israel

Sb does not want to talk about might give him indigestion

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

Find us some sites where Shia are refusing the Supreme leader edict and directives....because you will not find many. or evenany. The ones that do....face Sharia Law....

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

A recent PEW report on world wide Shia....the Shia make up 10 to 13% of the worlds 1.5b Muslims. Top end of the number of Shia is 225m

Here is the thing.....the census reports on shia.sunni are not that you get wide spread range of numbers. Like here....10 to 13%....of the total 1.5b Muslim.....1 percent is....15m

But we are getting to heart of this. All the muslem brotherhood, whabbist, jhadist, and muslim still take a major nation state to back these guys.

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

We are to the "blood of innocents" now. That is in the Christmas spirit.
When Preident Obama signs off on a Predator strike in Pakistan....and in the target house....there is a family with women and children inside....I guess that is different innocent blood than when GWB did it........laugh

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

The real world also tell me that Obama had major corporate sponsors of his candiance. The Dodd and other DEM have tied with American banking firms.

Did big business spend on 4b on REP canidate? Maybe....maybe they did not like the business environment of President Obama and the DEMs...and were willing to donate legal campaign change it. The legal part is by the recent Supreme Court ruling that says, Corporation and Unions can contribute to any amount as they please.

But if you know of any major American corporation that are trampling workforces, countries, advise is to report it to your near Prosecuting attroney. With evidence. Trampling is such aweful crime.

RE: Merry Christmas America

College education cost around the world has been raising. But the increase in the US is not as high in other countries. But $20k per year for undergrad studies (in state tuition) is not uncommon here.

In the US, the issue is becoming if foreign students....that normally have higher tuition costs...qualify for state grants and lower tuitions. If so when? Many will stay and get their US citisenship. Even during their undergrad work.


RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

Are we going back Sunni and Shia thingee? Shia are the number 2 Islamic sect. there are about 340m of them....around the world. There are about 800,000 Shia in the US. All Muslim countries have Shia in them. About 1/3 of all Muslim in Europe are Shia.

Iran.....have the greatest number of Shia of the 54 Islamic countries.
About 52m if I remember right. Supreme Leader Khatonie is the top man in the Shia sect. He got the job from a hand off Khomenie.

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

But both during...GWB periods were control by liberal gov'ts...that got them nito the deficit problems.

RE: Merry Christmas America

Foreign Students coming to the US was in highest number ever in 2008-9....
some 671,616 came to the US for secondary education. Up from the previous year by 8%. Undergrad degees enrollment grew by 11%.

That is because the US has such a weak education system......

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

Reading the minds of REP again????dancing laugh rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

With the new census out....look like McCain voting states in 2008.....picked up 12 new the population of the US continued to shift to the south and south west.

With the REP taking control of the States in 2010...they will be gerry mandered into favorable district for 12 new REP/Tea Party canidates.

A stat out on terrorism indictments.

In the last 24 months, 126 terrorist indictments and arrests have been handed and made out in the US. Of the 126, all (100%) were Muslims.
Of the 126, 56 years homegrown.

Congress is beginning to have hearings on American/Muslim extremeism. And the two Muslim in Congress are attempting to broaden the dscuss to include all terrorism.

The FCC is enacting new internet regs on provider to regulate their busines practice among the provider.

Lite news nite

Happy Holiday everyone

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

Dem ins a straw vote have gained enough REP vote to pass START. 67 to 28.

While the treaty is written is good for the security of the United STates and for reduction in future DoD's budgets. The question is does still allow for a missile shield for the far east that is strong enough to defend Japan and South Korea.

Expect a passage tomorrow or the next day.

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

See Dude, Americans are thinking about you. Even on the road and during the Holidays, you have learned how to raise our blood pressure level to the point of exploding.

But the question I have had is why?

I think that Stratfor gave it to me. See from 2000 to 2008, European Bond rates....were supressed at around 3 to 4%. Yes please note that is the same term of Office for GWB. Then in 2008, with the election of one Barack Obama....European bonds rates spring to high rates of 6 to 13%.

European bonds were the way, Liberal Europeans were going to fund the great new Eupeonean society.....with gov't hand outs and beenfits. Only
investors saw America under GWB a better investment. And Americans investor can kept their dollars at home.

Slowly but surely your taxes increased with the gov't needs for the funds for hand out programs. Then a young Barack Obama decided to run for the Presidency.....and.......a great black hope to solve European fiscal irresponsibility came.

Europe embraced canidate Obama like few in the past. You began to attack any and every canidate that stood in his way....not just attack but viral attacks. A American hero in John McCAin was shreaded in your post. A solid fiscally conservative female governor in Palin, decimated by your blogging.

The deal was pretty simple. "No earmarks" McCain and a Governor that thought spending a million dollars was a large sum was not going to solve the fiscal mess of Europe. Only someone that was willing to sign those billion dollar contracts and make billion dollars purchases of European bonds would.

But the damage had been done. Small European countries has already over spent. Vastly overspent in the GWB years. Then the American economy the housing crisis. Obama gets stimulus package for the US....but now European smaller EU economies are tanking to defaults on their bonds. It is not just a American economic recovery.....but a European one as well.

During the GWB years, Europe spent itself into a financial crisis. Europe is just as must at fault for the economic conditions of the day as America is. But it cannot be a liberal European fault....blame it on
GWB and his two wars. It cannot be liberal hand out and benefits program fault....with all that free medical care. But GWB triggered off the global recession by taking down Sadam Hussien.

But think about this....most of Europe did not go to Iraq. You all sat home. It did not effect your over spent economies at all. Hopin and prayin that the next President would bail you out.

I think that the next REP congress needs to look into the stiumuls fund spend by the Obama very carfully....note especially the contracts and loans to European companies and governments. I am all for transperency.....full transperency.....grin

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

grin devil <----Note I don't often use that little critter in my

But this time it fits. Am reading a Stratfor report on Europe's Euro. If any anything Stratfor is very detailed in its reporting. Seldom do they miss anything. But this time.....While getting the facts straight....Stratfor missed the conclusion

This takes a little explanation so bare with me. We have all heard of teh defict isue in Europe. The austerity that Germany is forcing the small countries to endure to get bailouts. That is because Germany is the 'economic engine' of Europe. It has lower interest rates. Than these smaller countries. And the lending parties.....want their money back from the bailouts. So they force them into austerity programs.

But this is were it gets sweet. The Euro is supported by investor.....wealthy... that have bough some 7.5 trillion EUs over the years. These bonds....on the Euro.....have been taking a beating. The liberal governments were over spending.....thinking that eventually they could default of the EU bonds...a nice bit of sharing the wealth there.grin Stratfor missed that in the article.

Now....the investors are the either go to austerity programs or no bailout. This coming from Berlin. Since the EU does not have the power to tax....all the pay back have to come from the bailout countries. E.g these liberal gov't.

This today is why.....European liberals are anti- capitolist. The investors of Euro have them by the proverbial short hairs on wanton spending in the deficit countries. They don't like it.

Now according to Stratfor.....France and Italy have receptive debts of
1591 b EU and 1824 b EU.....meaning that two major European countries are soon to be facing bailout situations. This no longer Greece and Ireland.....but two major European powers that are going into fiscal hardtimes.

Anyways the the liberal EU community attempted to use the EU bond system for handout of handout revenues. They in the smaller countries made both bad loans and over spent. Now they need Germany to bail them out. And Germany is putting the crush to them. Note Germany so far is the only European country not to have street rioting....

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

Taking my last swing at the plate on the Supreme leader and his nulling and voiding UN ruling on Rahriri's muders.

Does the world want a Iran that is harboring murders? It is. But of foreign leaders and of 911. While Iran gets nuclear materials and develops nuclear device capacity?

Put it together some. Your government might one day take a position against what the Supreme Leader of Iran considers Sharia Law approriate.
Because Sharia Law is not coded, but interpretive law....subject to the thoughts of the Iman, Cleric, Supreme Leader. You will not even see his ruling coming. Just like 911 Fatwa by bin Laden.

But he in Tahran or Qom, will write this secret edict on your government.Then with the power of the edict, the Iranian Revolutionary armed with nuclear device or other WMDs...will begin a painstaking recom of how to smuggle that device or agents into your country.

Then when your government is all in office in the capitol or at some formal function...the device will be detonated or the agent released.
The Supreme Leader of Iran edict on your country has been fulfilled.

Oh the UN will investigate...they might even point the finger at Iran....and when they UN makes its ruling on the attack.....the Supreme leader will merely say it is null and avoid. It does not meet Sharia Law standard of a judicial ruling.

Nuclear and WMD global extortion by a religious leader of Islamic sect of 340m.....dominating the world events of 8b.

RE: Merry Christmas America

Personally, I like us being the big Greyback Gorilla on the block. Party because we do it very well. But also because the UN will never do it. Europe will not do it. Nor South America or Africa. Someone has to do it.

I guess the US was appointed for the task....when the UN....gave it mandate over Iraq following the first Gulf War. Anti American parties....never mention that little fact.

That the US had a UN mandate to be into the Persian Gulf region. There was no other fly daily inspections over Sadam's Iraq....unless you had afoot print in Suadi and Kuwait.

RE: Merry Christmas America

Not sure the Mexican Gov't would want a American fighting force of 1.5m along its norht sure the Drug cartels woujld not....that said in humor.

But take the NKorean situation....of today.....we have 37,000 road bumps in the country. There to be trigger for more US miltiary if the North invades the SKorea. For near 60 years, the North might shell a position or send a mini sub south. Even sink a frigate.

But to actually invade South Korea? No. The US presence has help to keep the countries from a full out war.

Besides chasing down illegal immigrants in a Abram's battle some what of a over kill.....)) Happy Holidays, Ray.

Thanks for your service.

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

No, the country will be looking back at the last four years of Economic chaos that the DEM and Obama have given it. Unemployed MID road DEM will have flocked to the Tea party. Hard line, Conservative and Christian REP
will make up another voting block. IND will avoid the liberal swing, unless that unemployment figure is lowered. What ever...Presidential cantidates that the REP/Tea party runs....are going to be looking good!

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

If you read the man post.....he was had some economic success during GWB years in office.

During the GWB years, I was doing what always I do. Finding bad guys.....I came so close to Sadam one time.....grin

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

So explain to the out of power REP party waa bringing to a together another war in Korea? DiD Rumsfield and Cheney senak into some North Korea military uniforms and inflitrate a North Korean artillery position to pull off a few rounds at South Korea?grin

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

Dude, can you give us your definition of Democracy and Socialism? To you is Socialism sharing of the wealth? Or not? Is Democracy normally a Constitutional government with equal rights and protection under the law or not?

RE: Merry Christmas America

How you personally hurt or degraded by the water boarding done at GITMO?

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

My,my,my....The Supreme Leader of Iran....has just made mull and void...
the UN ruling on the former Prime Minster Hariri murder charges on Iranians involved.

You need to understand...he is doing this from the position of the leader of Sharia Law. We have our selves.....Sharia Law vs United Nation Ruling (also called international law).

Now I will not be a told you so. That Sharia Law was going to be used to usurp legal opinions around the globe. But what the heck, I will go ahead and say it. I told you so.

It means that the Supreme Leader is refusing to accept UN legal rulings. Which means, Iran can be tossed from the Unite Nations. Pretty sure that is what means, when a leader of a country refuses UN rulings.

Hillary Clinton warned Iran on the coming UN Ruling on the Hariri case.
She told them that they needed to fall in line with it....meaning extradiction for those Iranian accused.

So the Supreme now using his position and Sharia Law to shield the killers of Hariri. I bet he stayed up at night making this decisions.

We are starting to see the real face of Iran. If Iran cannot follow a simple UN request on the Hariri murders.....why do we think that Iran will follow any UN ruling on nuclear materials or weapons.

It also means that you have a real face off coming between Sharia Law and the coded law of the UN or the coded laws of countries. Example...a Terrorist commits murder in your country and flees to Iran.....and Iran is going to ignore your request for extradiction. Oh....shucks...Iran already does that with the bin Ladens.

I would say.....get out your blue helmets boys and paint them green....because eventually this will work it way to the UN Floor and to the Security council...for resolutions. Resolutions that just might place UN forces in Iran.

RE: Merry Christmas America

No, it is not. The Germans and Japanese both came out of WWII as more moral countries and with a deeper concern for human rights. Till WWII outcome, neither had much use for human rights and the rule of law.
After WWII, both readjusted their societies priorities and become the countries that they are today.

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America! took me while to figure out what was going on in China. It is a big place....I don't have all of it. But I got some of it. But my report on China and START is just getting mailed out.

So it may not make before the DEM vote of Thursday on START. If REP hold up that one vote up....then it goes to the next Congress and my report on China will be part of the discussion.

That said....

The Duma has not approved the treaty either. So if on Thursday, it is ratified....I still have a chance to get the modification in. Medevdev might have wish he did the Duma process as we did ours.

But the modifications have nothing to with Russia. But everything do with China and North Korea. We are going to find out.....if Russia is still Buddy/Buddy with China over these proposed modifications to START.

So we will at least know if the old Sino/Soviet pact is still in operation. Or if it has met a demise....

Like they say....nothing ventured nothing gained......

RE: Merry Christmas America

Happy Holidays, Kid. Keep the blades sharp, the pucks frozen and the ice Town USA is back.....yay

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

He is at 40% approval. Now will these legislative victories gets him more approval? I don't know. I think that is still the economy. If unemployed is above 9% coming into the 2012....I don't see him having much of a chance.

That would mean his economy stimulus plan has totally failed. This country is land of fast food, they want instant satisfaction. They gave him 4 years....time to try someone else.

I know liberal media is saying that this legislation is major wins for him. Bu t it was the REP that got him the votes needed, not his own party. He has to live with the REP for the next two years. Most of the people don't trust liberal media anymore. They see it as Obamaganda. Rime that with propoganda.

Like I said before if he is at 35% approval in the 2012....with a one canidancy of TEA Party and REP.....I think it is a done deal. New President.

RE: Merry Christmas America

If you read my post....Japan appraises the coming China military with
some concern. Europe feel comfrontable with a thin anti missile shield, because they think that they only one launching them at them will be Iran.

So Europe is comfrontable with Russia....and its growing military abilities....who am I to complain? I already papered 4 year ago...that the US withdraw from NATO. To the none voting associate status like Russia holds.

At the same time...I suggested the US set up a third global strategic alliance with two of the BRICK countries....Brazil and India....South Africa....England.....Canada ....Mexico....SEATO Countries ..Panama.. Ukriane.......Isreal.....Egypt....... Jordan.......Signapore....Persian Gulf Countries.

If you note this group would control all the world vital water ways.
It would be bigger than NATO. And offer the US more intelligence on Islamic terrorism that NATO can today.

Also....when Russia and Europe to decide to engage in war again. The US can be neutral.....sitting on the side lines.....enjoying the good life.

The idea has been knocked around in the US many times.

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

Bill Richardson is like a fish out of water over there. He is flobing around.....making a serise of blunder that only heating the situation up.

His media comment....."Korea is like a tinderbox"....that is the such a informing statement to what it occurring their. Yet behind the seens, not even Obama know what he is offering to the North Korea.

My take is that Richardson is playing to be the next Hal Holbrooke.

I would put allot more weight on the North Korean foreign minsters trip to the Kremlim to getting the North Korea to step back than Richardson presence in North Korean. Because I think that the boys in the Kremlim....told him.....that they were messing up the START ratification. That they had already got theirs hand caught in the nuclear cookie jar.

By the way...that trip to the Kremlin began before Richardson arrived in North Korea....after they were caught in the nuclear cookie jar.

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

Puerto Rico is a unincorporated terroritory of the United States. As a unincorporated terrority, Puerto Rice gets to set its own offshore investment policies. It make recommendations to the Federal gov't and they are approved or disapproved.

So your tax breaks initiated in Puerto Rice or in the US. I suspect that they were intitiated in Puerto Rico.

That GWB and his adminstration approved them...shows that they were a more business friendly administration that the present. They approvaed a set of tax break from which you and the country prospered from.

For the success of your alternative energy program it took both the FED gov't and the commonwealth of Puerto Rico to achieve. But that does not mean that offshore jobs were lost to Americans. Rather it expanded the opportunity of American alternative energy firms to contract and work in Puerto Rico. It made jobs in the US....and likely you and others made that argument to get the tax breaks for the Commonwealth.

This is a list of forum posts created by ttom500.

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