witboywitboy Forum Posts (92)

This is a list of forum posts created by witboy

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Sorry to burst your bubble my dear, but even at an average income of "just" US$100000 a year, 1 Million would only cover a 10 year lifespan.
Meaning, under this plan all of these folks would have to take a significant cut on their retirement benefits, as that one million US$ would only cover them until they get 60 (not even counting inflation, which would normally cause their salaries to rise during that period).

It would only be a winning situation for people from the lower income bracket, or the utterly unemployed.
But those folks are not competing in the job market, or if then they are competing for the jobs that are less desirable anyway.

They tried that kind of scheme in Germany, allowing people to retire at almost full benefits as early as 55 years old.
The results were so catastrophic that they had to cancel it soon afterwards.

Entire industries cleaned their ranks of the early aged, leading to rampant age discrimination.
Even job center told people in their early 50's, "why bother getting you a job if you can retire in 2 or 3 more years anyway?"

Finally the government had to step in and cancel the whole program, as companies didn't bother anymore to go through the complicated process of legally justifying firing entire departments when outsourcing.
They just offered anyone close to 50 some small compensation and told them to file for unemployment benefits for ~3 years afterwards, then go for early retirement.

The original idea of creating millions of new jobs, never worked out that way, as almost all of these jobs were then outsourced to Eastern Europe.

And now the German social systems are stuck with millions of perfectly able bodied men and women, that are highly skilled yet out of the work force for good.

It was a costly disaster and no one over here wants to repeat...

RE: Gadaffi Still Innocent.

Who the heck are you to determine what is best for the people of Libya?!
Who the heck are you to say that Qaddafi's tribesmen got less of a right to rule in Libya than the tribes of Benghazi?!

But most of all, who the f@ck are you to make such callous statements about killing Libyans for the sole crime of them supporting a leader who, up until a few weeks ago, was welcomed on the red carpet all over the Western World?!

Its the same old game, whitey decides to who gets to rule in the brown part of the world, and once whitey gets bored with one dictator, he just bombs the place back into stone age and installs another very mad

RE: Gadaffi Still Innocent.

Hey Mr. how about watching the news for a change?!
France's Sarcozy made it crystal clear on whose side he is and that it is the aim of French forces' intervention to oust the Qaddafi regime (and as a consequence get France's allies into power).

This is exactly the same kind of UN resolution mission creep BS the Bush government sold us on - and back then it was called a lie and compared to war crimes.

But for some odd reason the rules are different now, and Sarkozy is allowed to get away with stuff the previous French government cried "foul" all over the world for!

RE: Gadaffi Still Innocent.

Not with me, with me it is "don't trust poets who write their prose of freedom and liberty with blood - specially if it is mostly the blood of others".

I don't like hot heads, and I don't like turn coats.

A rag tag outfit of hot headed "rebels", lead by a former henchman of Qaddafi would not be a sufficient enough reason for me to send my own blood and money to the frontline.

Even Robespierre's followers were shouting "FREEDOM" when they tore the heads of the necks of their perceived enemies.

So as far as I am concerned, the rest of the world should have never gotten involved in this one.
Typical case of "a rush to war" and not one bit different than what Bush did to Saddam Hussein.

I never liked Qaddafi, but I don't like Hugo Chavez either.
Now is Venezuela going to be next on the "liberation list"?!

RE: disaster in Japan

Last time I checked the "Russian Solution" left an area the size of Tokyo permanently uninhabitable - thus that's something I would not recommend for a densely populated place such as Japan.

RE: West moves towards Libya action

Most of these black fighters are not mercenaries - they are immigrants from Mali or their descendants.
People who came to oil rich Libya in search for a better life, being lured there with promises of acceptance by Qaddafi when he tried to fulfill his (day)dreams of high & mighty leadership with the African Union, after the Arab League had more or less laughed him out of the room with his pretenses.

So Qaddafi instead turned to the African Union, making all kinds of alliances with nasty leaders (mostly dictators like himself) in turn for support for his claim to become leader of the AU.
He even finally succeeded in this quest (much to my bewilderment) and the immigrants from Mali and the Tuareg region are the leftover remains of that period.

Qaddafi's opponents (mostly from the northern regions around Benghazi) never, ever accepted the presence of these dark skinned people.

For them the Tuareg or the gypsies of the desert - and just as much despised - and the people of Mali just impoverished African savages.

Both of these groups know what fate awaits them should the rebells win.
The same fate that befell the Russians in the Baltics after the collapse of the SU, or the Germans in Poland, the Sudetenland and Eastern Prussia after WW2.

These Black Libyans will have to pay the price for the fact that it was Qaddafi wo let them into the country, and that is why they are fighting to keep him in power.

They are fighting for their very survival and the Western politicians who are picking sides in this fight couldn't care less about their fate very mad

RE: West moves towards Libya action

I don't hate to clue you in on this one, but it always pays to educate oneself about the subject at hand first.

The shallow ground oil reserves of Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle East are unrivaled in their cost efficiency.
I trust you've never ever been to the Canadian oil sand region, well I have.
And I can tell you that conditions there above ground are just as brutal and ruthlessly technology destroying as they are at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

The issue here is not the (un)proven oil reserves.
Its a matter of scientific fact that this whole planet once used to be awash in hydro-carbons, before plants and planktons where so nice to clean most of that nastiness out of the atmosphere.

But even if there would be common agreement to restore the "status quo ante" by burning all the fossil fuel we can dig out of the ground, fact of life is that the cost efficient oil reserves are very, very, very limited in scope.

Everything else might or might not be gotten to, the only thing that is certain about it, is that it will cost a lot more than people are willing to pay for it right now !

So one way or another, get ready for a fossil fuel free life style in your future.

RE: disaster in Japan

Unfortunately that's the other side of the coin of a very conservative society.
Can't have one w/o the other.

But then again, I doubt that a Hippie culture of "let's just all make love, smoke pot and don't even bother watching the news" could have managed to survive even day one of this disaster.

RE: West moves towards Libya action

One more war will surely pull everyone out of recession ... or not doh

RE: disaster in Japan

There is no looting in Japan, period
On top of that, the Japanese don't even think of asking for freebies, instead they pay for each and every item they take.
And that even if all their worldly possessions are gone.

I damn sure know that this picture would be different in most places in America and even some places of Germany I know.

RE: what ceasefire???

And by that comparison Libya will be the next Iraq?
I for one ask myself what political suicide gene drove Sarkozi, Obama and David Cameron to rush into this one?
I have yet to read or hear one single political proclamation from those rebel leaders - or even get to see they got any leadership.

So for what or for whom, PLEASE, are we fighting for over there?!?!?!

RE: West moves towards Libya action

Its hate spewing rats like (guess who) that are the reason why I would have preferred for the West to just stay out of it.
That ain't nobody else's war but the Arabs and hate mongers from Dehli to Dar-el-Salam will now come crawling out of their sewage holes, calling for "holy war" on the infidels.

RE: Tsunami Advice and update center

I just saw a TV report about Prince William's visit to NZ.
Why is so much of it still in rubble from the quake over there?!

RE: help training collie pup

You got yourself a very demanding breed there.
Collies are highly intelligent creatures, breed to interact intensely with their handler.
My recommendation is to visit a dog training school with your collie, before (s)he gets 2 years of age.
It will be well worth the time & money spent.

RE: If There Was One Thing You Could Tell The Entire World

Peace is boring, war is news grin

RE: If There Was One Thing You Could Tell The Entire World

Hello World!

RE: what the heck i am here for???

Yep, you're rite ... I am vanishing while I look at myself in the mirror.

Oh no, wait ... its the condensation from my own breath ... got to step back here a little.

So on second thought, maybe you should simply learn to express yourself more clearly, or not to be so over-sensitive tongue

RE: How far would you go for love??

You'll need that tooth pick to dial an ambulance rolling on the floor laughing

RE: I'm Really Starting To Worry For The Japanese People.

Don't worry for Japan
You may grieve for their current suffering, but there's no need to worry for their long term outlook.
At least not as far as the quake, the tsunami and even the exploding nuclear plants are concerned.

Japanese people are highly educated.
Compared to them most American - and even some European - people are just buddy scratching dimwits.

Sorry to put it so bluntly, but there's a reason for the record breaking suicide rate amongst Japanese high school students.
The pressure to succeed they're under is relentless.

Japanese infrastructure is likewise well developed, they've got the machinery required to allow their engineers to succeed.

And on top of all that, their culture strongly emphasizes the common good over the individuals quest for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Just the opposite of the American culture, which is one of the reasons why in the US everyone tends to be on his own in such a catastrophe (see New Orleans).

So Japan will recover from this disaster.

But the much greater problem they face of an ever aging population and a sky high public deficit, that one they will not get rid of as easily.

As the high deficit necessitates higher taxes, which in turn discourage the raising of large families in an educated populous, which in turn causes an ever bulging overhead of old people, which finally cause sky high government expenditures for social,medical and welfare services

In other words, if the Japanese would be less educated, they would have less problems in the long term, but a harder time to recover from natural disasters (see Haiti).

RE: Before I was...... Now I am....

Before (s)he was single, now (s)he is lonely grin

RE: How far would you go for love??

The prophet Mohamed was once asked by some of his followers if they should help or deny support to one of their brothers in power, if he became an oppressor.

"You must help him", Mohamed replied
"But how can we do that, as he's committing acts of evil...?!", his followers asked in surprise.
"You must help him by stopping him" was Mohamed's answer.

PS: I'm not a Muslim myself, but I don't mind copycatting other religions' proven wisdoms as I tag along in life grin


Eurythmics - Julia / Lost & Winston's Diary

RE: what the heck i am here for???

Spot on bro' spot on head banger

RE: what the heck i am here for???

My dear Lady, pretty much everyone in here is lonely or bored and claiming they're loving it.
So if you came in here hoping to find someone willing to commit in real live to what they are babbling about in cyber space (a lasting relation), then I'm afraid you came to the wrong place. doh


That one was easy - I never even started it grin

RE: Woman questions but if man knows something can help too :D

Oh, and yes - trust you gynecologist in this one.
Believe me, Estrogen was one of his/her favorite study objects in med school grin

RE: Woman questions but if man knows something can help too :D

My dearest, first and foremost cool down, please! teddybear

"Freaking out" when it comes to ones hormones is the least productive thing to do.

Second, I will be telling a few science factoids that might or might not be of interest to you - I just believe that some added knowledge can never be of harm.

Simplistically speaking "Testosterone" is what makes a man a man and Estrogen is what makes a woman a woman.

I say this is over simplifying things, as both males and females actually posses either hormone.
All mammals are born inherently female.
Like many other biological features, the animal's actual gender is then determined by a trigger hormone, which encourages the development of the predisposition, or a suppressor hormone which, well suppresses the development of said feature.

The reason why e.g. both men and women have breasts, but male breasts are usually small in size and non-functional, is that the balance of EStrogen vs. Testosterone acts as a suppressor, not allowing the male breasts to fully develop.
There are known cases in which a genetical male developed fully sized breasts, because his Testosterone/Estrogen balance was screwed up.

Therefore Estrogen encourages the development of breasts, a soft voice and is also responsible for sparse body hair.
Except on the head, were - for as of yet unknown reasons - the hair follicles are inverted in their sensitivity.
Meaning a male's excess Testosterone will kill them and cause premature baldness (thus baldies actually tend to be more masculine than guys with a full set of head gear and women with too much Testosterone will likewise start losing theirs).

Testosterone is also the primary motivator for muscle growth, which is why its a popular doping aid.
But as I said before, both men & women produce both hormones.

Its just that men (normally) produce much more Testosterone and women more Estrogen.

So much for science babble ...

Imbalances for these hormones are nowadays easily treated, as either hormone can be produced artificially with a high degree of purity.

So once again, please do not freak out - there no reason to! bouquet

RE: Peace Train... Cat Stevens?

How about you follow your own advise and educate yourself on the facts first:

Even when given a chance to retract his former comments, all that sorry excuse for a human being could work himself up was that some of his comments "were stupid and offensive jokes" made in "bad taste," while others were merely giving his interpretation of Islamic law ...

That's like Mengele stating that was only following orders very mad

And Mr. I donate regularly to charitable causes, and don't require to propagate the extermination of infidels or apostates as a motivating factor for that one.

Finally, I am getting truly tired of certain people using their own musical obsession to justify the fundamentalisms of a fascist extremist.
Its like telling everyone what a good family man Joseph Goebbels was - which is likewise a historical fact, until he ended up killing his entire family.

Hamas also runs countless charitable organizations - AND THEY ARE STILL A BUNCH OF MURDERING TERRORISTS AT THE END OF THE DAY!

RE: Peace Train... Cat Stevens?


Jeez Louis, why is it that people are so adverse to knowledge when it comes to talking politics? frustrated

RE: How it feels to be single for a long time

Why? I love the early dawn.
Its full of hope and yet unbroken promise.

The late afternoon sucks, when you realize the day is done but not yet over.
There is nothing left to hope for, but to be able to endure the lonesome dusk and silent night. wow

Getting 2 poetic late @ nite.
Time 2 go 2 bed sleep

This is a list of forum posts created by witboy.

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