evergreen8991evergreen8991 Forum Posts (40)

RE: Why most of ladies block the boys

That makes no sense...In the truest sense of the word a relationship is about two people that care deeply about each other and should have strong feelings. If you let these practical 'Euro-trash' give us their stoic, pointless dribble, you will never have a solid, rich, loving relationship.

RE: europeans all the same?

People prefer national sovereignty, control of their own borders and decisions...The EU globalist, bureaucrats and elitists used the strategy that the EU was inevitable to circumvent popular support. The EU president is unelected and the bureaucrats get 100's of thousands of EURO's tax free.

The usurping of an individual's power and the obliteration of national democracy due to the failings of the EU's vainglorious technocrats is hideous and an abysmal failure at best.

The Directives that are coming out of Brussels are to the tune of 80,000 pages a month without any public hearings or input from the people.

The dilution of individual power being part of 500,000,000(500 million) people as opposed to say 6 million in a country like the Czech Republic weakens the individual's vote in unbelievable proportions. The entire EU project is an unworkable, unmanageable utopian nightmare, with Germany at the top.

You mean to say that countries cannot bargain for themselves better deals? Of course they can.

You mean to tell me that a country like the UK that gives the EU 50 million pounds a month and gets back in estimates of 20 to 30 million or much less are not better off in keeping their own money and helping their own people? I think the answer is yes and so are the mathematics.

Their is a lickspittle arrogance of EU supporters that is dangerous and destructive. They are always right and the people are always wrong, in fact they should have no right to complain; that kind of leadership is ridiculous and has the makings of tyranny.

RE: europeans all the same?

People prefer national sovereignty, control of their own borders and decisions...The EU globalist, bureaucrats and elitists used the strategy that the EU was inevitable to circumvent popular support. The EU president is unelected and the bureaucrats get 100's of thousands of EURO's tax free.

The usurping of an individual's power and the obliteration of national democracy due to the failings of the EU's vainglorious technocrats is hideous and an abysmal failure at best.

The Directives that are coming out of Brussels are to the tune of 80,000 pages a month without any public hearings or input from the people.

The dilution of individual power being part of 500,000,000(500 million) people as opposed to say 6 million in a country like the Czech Republic weakens the individual's vote in unbelievable proportions. The entire EU project is an unworkable, unmanageable utopian nightmare, with Germany at the top.

You mean to say that countries cannot bargain for themselves better deals? Of course they can.

You mean to tell me that a country like the UK that gives the EU 50 million pounds a month and gets back in estimates of 20 to 30 million or much less are not better off in keeping their own money and helping their own people? I think the answer is yes and so are the mathematics.

Their is a lickspittle arrogance of EU supporters that is dangerous and destructive. They are always right and the people are always wrong, in fact they should have no right to complain; that kind of leadership is ridiculous and has the makings of tyranny.

RE: europeans all the same?

People prefer national sovereignty, control of their own borders and decisions...The EU globalist, bureaucrats and elitists used the strategy that the EU was inevitable to circumvent popular support. The EU president is unelected and the bureaucrats get 100's of thousands of EURO's tax free.

The usurping of an individual's power and the obliteration of national democracy due to the failings of the EU's vainglorious technocrats is hideous and an abysmal failure at best.

The Directives that are coming out of Brussels are to the tune of 80,000 pages a month without any public hearings or input from the people.

The dilution of individual power being part of 500,000,000(500 million) people as opposed to say 6 million in a country like the Czech Republic weakens the individual's vote in unbelievable proportions. The entire EU project is an unworkable, unmanageable utopian nightmare, with Germany at the top.

You mean to say that countries cannot bargain for themselves better deals? Of course they can.

You mean to tell me that a country like the UK that gives the EU 50 million pounds a month and gets back in estimates of 20 to 30 million or much less are not better off in keeping their own money and helping their own people? I think the answer is yes and so are the mathematics.

Their is a lickspittle arrogance of EU supporters that is dangerous and destructive. They are always right and the people are always wrong, in fact they should have no right to complain; that kind of leadership is ridiculous and has the makings of tyranny.


The European Union is one of the most destructive and undemocratic institutions ever made to bolster the bank accounts of vainglorious globalists.

The rights of people and sovereign nations are constantly obliterated.
Every single nation in the EU would be better off spending money on their own people and managing their own affairs.

The people of these tiny countries barely know what is going on in Brussels. Of course, the bully bureaucrats of Brussels are so arrogant and believe that everything they do is right and has a certain inevitability.

One country like Germany with different needs than say the Czech Republic or Hungary has made a selfish plea for more immigrants. The remaining countries are left to pick up the mess made by Merkel and the Germans. You cannot have this uncontrolled chaos.

The last thing any free person needs in Europe is more integration with these bumbling idiots. They believe they are well-educated but they have the common sense of a first grader.

Remember the Lisbon Treaty, how the people were left out of the approval process. When a vote was held and the globalists in the EU lost, they forced them to vote again.

The world has seen enough of this prison and monstrosity known as the EU, the new Soviet Union lite of Europe, it should be relegated to the trash bin of history. Let freedom, liberty be restored..Entangling alliances never succeed.


The European Union is one of the most destructive and undemocratic institutions ever made to bolster the bank accounts of vainglorious globalists.

The rights of people and sovereign nations are constantly obliterated.
Every single nation in the EU would be better off spending money on their own people and managing their own affairs.

The people of these tiny countries barely know what is going on in Brussels. Of course, the bully bureaucrats of Brussels are so arrogant and believe that everything they do is right and has a certain inevitability.

One country like Germany with different needs than say the Czech Republic or Hungary has made a selfish plea for more immigrants. The remaining countries are left to pick up the mess made by Merkel and the Germans. You cannot have this uncontrolled chaos.

The last thing any free person needs in Europe is more integration with these bumbling idiots. They believe they are well-educated but they have the common sense of a first grader.

Remember the Lisbon Treaty, how the people were left out of the approval process. When a vote was held and the globalists in the EU lost, they forced them to vote again.

The world has seen enough of this prison and monstrosity known as the EU, the new Soviet Union lite of Europe, it should be relegated to the trash bin of history. Let freedom, liberty be restored..Entangling alliances never succeed.


The European Union is one of the most destructive and undemocratic institutions ever made to bolster the bank accounts of vainglorious globalists.

The rights of people and sovereign nations are constantly obliterated.
Every single nation in the EU would be better off spending money on their own people and managing their own affairs.

The people of these tiny countries barely know what is going on in Brussels. Of course, the bully bureaucrats of Brussels are so arrogant and believe that everything they do is right and has a certain inevitability.

One country like Germany with different needs than say the Czech Republic or Hungary has made a selfish plea for more immigrants. The remaining countries are left to pick up the mess made by Merkel and the Germans. You cannot have this uncontrolled chaos.

The last thing any free person needs in Europe is more integration with these bumbling idiots. They believe they are well-educated but they have the common sense of a first grader.

Remember the Lisbon Treaty, how the people were left out of the approval process. When a vote was held and the globalists in the EU lost, they forced them to vote again.

The world has seen enough of this prison and monstrosity knows as the EU, the new Soviet Union lite of Europe, it should be relegated to the trash bin of history. Let freedom, liberty be restored..Entangling alliances never succeed.

Internet Dating Etiquette Do's and Don'ts

Just curious as to what people believe should be a set of appropriate rules or etiquette on the internet.

I have a hard time with people that just disappear after appearing so interested. I have never just vanished. I explain that we may not be a match.

I guess I am old school and I am starting to feel that the internet is not a place for some of us with a sensitive heart?

What do you think?

Also besides the scammers, I think a person should want to write, call or Skype is that wrong?

The pictures presented on the internet should not be 2, 5 or 10 years old. If you have put on 50 pounds it is disingenuous to hide that fact.

What do you think should be added?

I do not think that some people realize there is a human with a heart and a soul that can be hurt by their comments and behavior.

RE: Who should approach first: ladies or men?

Who knows? Out of the so called ladies that have approached me..in the last month. I would say 2 out of the 20 actually proved out to be real.

I do not believe it matters much. I think for the most part its the ignoring genuine kindness that really upsets both sides. If you are not interested at least write and say so.. CS may have some of the most rude people on the planet, although POF is right up there too.

RE: Who should approach first: ladies or men?

Who knows? Out of the so called ladies that have approached me..in the last month. I would say 2 out of the 20 actually proved out to be real.

I do not believe it matters much. I think for the most part its the ignoring genuine kindness that really upsets both sides. If you are not interested at least write and say so.. CS may have some of the most rude people on the planet, although POF is right up there too.

RE: Who should approach first: ladies or men?

Who knows? Out of the so called ladies that have approached me..in the last month. I would say 2 out of the 20 actually proved out to be real.

I do not believe it matters much. I think for the most part its the ignoring genuine kindness that really upsets both sides. If you are not interested at least write and say so.. CS may have some of the most rude people on the planet, although POF is right up there too.

RE: Who should approach first: ladies or men?

Who knows? Out of the so called ladies that have approached me..in the last month. I would say 2 out of the 20 actually proved out to be real.

I do not believe it matters much. I think for the most part its the ignoring genuine kindness that really upsets both sides. If you are not interested at least write and say so.. CS may have some of the most rude people on the planet, although POF is right up there too.

RE: Who should approach first: ladies or men?

Who knows? Out of the so called ladies that have approached me..in the last month. I would say 2 out of the 20 actually proved out to be real.

I do not believe it matters much. I think for the most part its the ignoring genuine kindness that really upsets both sides. If you are not interested at least write and say so.. CS may have some of the most rude people on the planet, although POF is right up there too.

RE: What men are looking for?!

Men are actually looking for women who are not so superficial or materialist and may I say that do not seem to be carrying a mental illness. They are hard to find on this site.

RE: What men are looking for?!

Men are actually looking for women who are not so superficial or materialist and may I say that do not seem to be carrying a mental illness. They are hard to find on this site.

RE: What men are looking for?!

Men are actually looking for women who are not so superficial or materialist and may I say that do not seem to be carrying a mental illness. They are hard to find on this site.

RE: Who is going to win the american presidential election in November? Obama or Romney?

I wish we had better choices...Dale

RE: Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?

Neither one of these two losers are good for the country...They are both owned by the military industrial complex...I will be voting for Gary Johnson the Libertarian Canidate for President. Johnson was a great governor...He left the state in the black with a surplus...None of the other jokers has even come close.

What is more important to women a rich man or a loving man and why? (one or the other please)

I am not sure that cheerleaders or arrogant snooty types are in your opinion the 'best girls.' I think such high taste has been very destructive and caused havoc worldwide and locally in the health and balance of men.

What is more important to women a rich man or a loving man and why? (one or the other please)

Do you have to insult people? Then show your arrogance...Please if you do not like the forum, do not reply..

What is more important to women a rich man or a loving man and why? (one or the other please)

I think I did it by mistake. But I thought your post was a little unfair to men, but you are entitle to your opinion...It was well thought out and respected by me.

What is more important to women a rich man or a loving man and why? (one or the other please)

I like your post. I believe that some people replace self esteem with money...Neither of which they may have.

What is more important to women a rich man or a loving man and why? (one or the other please)

I meant many guys are pessimistic and sardonic about the whole thing. I usually am the one who stand up for the ladies and says they just want someone nice...I have four sisters and two daughters and I think they all just want attention with kindness.

What is more important to women a rich man or a loving man and why? (one or the other please)


I think your post makes the most sense and offers hope for us jaded guys.

What is more important to women a rich man or a loving man and why? (one or the other please)

Its a very simple question. I think you did your best to try and reverse the question of men. I doubt it is that simple, but seriously
I think it is unfortunate that people are so materialistic. No one
will ever remember the amount of money you have when you die.

What is more important to women a rich man or a loving man and why? (one or the other please)

I think I know what you mean...

What is more important to women a rich man or a loving man and why? (one or the other please)

It depends on your demands? What would be your contribution in obtaining those demands?

What is more important to women a rich man or a loving man and why? (one or the other please)

Generally unless the guy has old money, he would have to work considerably more, and in return he would give a woman very little
attention. So then why would a wealthy guy want a woman that pushes
him to unhealthy limits just so she can have the toys and the so called

What is more important to women a rich man or a loving man and why? (one or the other please)

Curious, I have so many male friends that are so jaded by women. They tell me that women would prefer a rich man to a nice or loving man every time. What does everyone think especially the women? Is this true?

Women and alcoholism.

Wondering if anyone can tell me if it would be a good idea for me to tell the woman's ex-husband...As I think she could be a bit of a danger to the daughter and to herself. After I questioned her behavior, she decided to send me a letter to end the relationship. Now I wonder if telling the dad is vengeful or still a healthy action for me to take?

This is a list of forum posts created by evergreen8991.

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