N_of_RockapulcoN_of_Rockapulco Forum Posts (167)

RE: How many loves....

That's a bloody good question. I wish someone would figure that out once and for all.

RE: "I want to find someone...

rolling on the floor laughing

Get back on the meds. The little voices have returned.

RE: How many loves....

I've had three. So I guess that means I'm done.sigh

Anyone interested in a meaningless relationship?dancing

RE: "I want to find someone...

I think that's what the guy means by saying "someone who is over needing to be needed.:

Try saying these words to yourself.."I need to be needed".
In your own head, what does that tell you.
It sounds strange to me, and I would want to change that about myself. Do you know what I mean?confused

RE: "I want to find someone...

I think he's trying to say that he wants someone who is looking to enjoy life, as opposed to always trying to fix the world...

or somehting like that.mumbling

RE: Words of Wisdom

When in doubt...Mumble.

RE: How discompassionate can some people get??

You're neighbour is obviously just in it for the money. She doesn't seem like a true animal lover.

I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you did what you could for the poor thing. Your a good person.hug

RE: Today is my birthday! When is yours?

Happy Birthday! And might I say ... you're looking younger today than you did yesterday.laugh wave cheering beer

Mine's May 53rd.


I'll say a prayer for you and your family, and hope that your mother rests in peace.

RE: Influenced By Your Environment

I know what you mean. When I first moved to the area I'm in now, I thought "What the hell did I get into" when I drove around and saw the little blue church on a dirt road called Devil's Door road uh oh

RE: Influenced By Your Environment

I was born and raised in Toronto....Ontario....that's in Canada...lol

It's a BIG city and I hated. Lots of fun, but I don't like traffic. I used to get away to the beach on weekends every chance I got, which was almost every weekend.
I have now been living in a small town environment for about 15 years and love it. I've got the St. Lawrence River close by and no matter which direction I take from my place, it's a beautiful drive with a great view of the water (I consider myself a moon child and a water baby).
This area also has a great path that runs with the road and people are always jogging, biking, walking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, and doing whatever along it. Except for the summer months, it's very quiet here and the neighbours don't mind if you take a beer with you for a walk. They sell shirts at the restaurant by the water proclaiming us to be "The little sleepy drinking village with a fishing problem."

I like being rooted, but I'm at a point in my life where I'm open to anything that would give me a chance to see some more of the world.wave

RE: Sleeping Disorders...

She's not even here anymore. I think she fell asleep reading all these suggestions.

RE: would u jump

She's got a nice hat. Why not!

RE: for the guys out there

Oh...you mean like what I'm feeling right now?moping

RE: for the guys out there

I've always thought this was a myth. But it apparently is a real medical condition. Never had 'em, though.

RE: how many bones

Wow...you poor thing. hug

RE: how many bones

jaw drop Were you kicked by a bull or something? confused

RE: how many bones

It almost scares me that I was thinking the same thing as the guy that shamed me.uh oh

RE: Why do women lie about themselves

And here I thought I was actually going to learn something.mumbling

RE: how many of you had a baby stroller as

Not I. Had at least 5 cars by the time my daughter was born. I was 30, but a very immature 30.laugh

RE: Ashamed!!!!

I thought the guy that started this was demented. But I was wrong. Wrong I tell you. WRONG!very mad frustrated devil

RE: Ashamed!!!!

Now I'm ashamed. moping

Please don't bury me.uh oh

RE: What is it that is such a turn off about the needy?

This is sort of a tough one. But there have been certain times when I've thought a woman has been "needy". These past few years of being single (with one short-lived romantic interlude) has taught me that I can be happy all by myself. I know I can do it. I don't have to have people around me to have a good day.
A good book, the sunshine, a nice cigar, strong cup of coffee, the smell of springtime, watching my idiot neighbours getting handcuffed, going for a swim, the sound of crickets, a full moon, the simple things...these things give me pleasure in life. If someone can't be happy with themself and needs me to help them get to that point by committing to a relationship, forget it. I'm not the guy. But this doesn't mean I can't be their friend and offer my help in any other way.
I think their is a distinction between wanting someone, to be happier... and needing someone, just to be happy at all. Having peace and quiet at home is much nicer than fighting and arguing over stupid things.

RE: High School

Nope. Still graduated, but it took my 5 and a half years. I just wanted one more school ski trip to Quebec.

RE: High School

doh I coulda used you as a roll model.

RE: Are guys - Scared or intimadated by you?

Is this is a question for the ladies only?

Cuz I don't think there are too many guys that are intimidated by me. I'm a freakin' sweetheart. very mad

Pets...Smart or dumb?

Tell me about it!

We used to have three cats. All female! And they always seemed to be on the wrong side of the door.frustrated

Pets...Smart or dumb?

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing Do you know where I can get some for a cat?

RE: Where Does That Leave You??

I've read the posts and think that it's not necessary to say that they are the most important thing. It's almost redundant. I would sure as hell hope so.
In response to the other stuff being posted, what's more important to me, is their ages. It's much easier to get to know someone without their kids around. I'm not looking to date the kids, but if it does turn into a long term relationship, I would certainly want to get to know them. Eventually!!!
I agree that it's a good telltale sign about a person as to how they treat their children, but I want to be alone with that woman, too, especially in the beginning.
I'm what some would call a "part time" dad ( I hate that term mumbling ). For the most part, my daughter lives with her mother about 20 minutes away. I see my daughter often, but I have plenty of free time without her and would want to meet someone who also has free time, or someone who could say to her kids, "I'm going out for a bit. Don't burn the house down". A woman with young children that can't be left alone is something that I tend to shy away from, especially if the father of her kids (for whatever reason)doesn't share the responsibility of raising them, leaving her tied to the house all the time.
I recently broke it off with a woman that I had just started seeing because she wouldn't leave her two boys alone for even a minute. They were 12 and 16, and I liked them. They seemed like good boys. But when I was those ages, I couldn't wait for the folks to take off. I know they mean a lot to her, but I think it's time to loosen the apron strings a bit and trust the boys not to kill each other.

Pets...Smart or dumb?

My cat will sit in front of the window all day waiting for it to get dark before she goes outside. But every once in a while she will sit by the door and meow so that I can open it for her. But when she sees that it's still bright out, she'll turn around and go sit by the window again and wait. Does she really think it's two different worlds depending on where she is looking from? Can she not tell from the window that it isn't dark yet? Is she trying to drive me mad?

Does anyone else have pets that do silly things?

This is a list of forum posts created by N_of_Rockapulco.

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