RE: I am going.... broke your hand?!

RE: I'm thinking seriously

You would look fabulicious with chunky hair, several shades of brown, gold and blondes......smokin!

RE: Hello!!!!

HI...I hope you enjoy CS, make some great friends and maybe even a connection!

Living With Fibromyalgia

Good information again Jackson. Some I am familiar with. It is a challenge to find and keep a good doctor along with the specialists. More so when having moved across Canada three times now, in relation to my career. I was quite lucky here in Manitoba, as there is little to no wait time to get a family doctor and in to see specialists. Hard to believe a little city of approx. 700,000 has faster medical care than in a city of over 7 million (Toronto).

I hope everyone is having a better day and great weekend. comfort

RE: New! :)

Yeah, wear a helmut and buckle up, lol.

I hope you enjoy CS and the threads!

Partner Poaching.....

LOL...will take that cup of coffee right about now. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't saying it all mixed up. Had to go back and read myself...I know you're on the ball! At the end of the day, you're right, all that would count, is that you are with the one you want to be with, for sure.

Prolonging the Agony......

There is a difference with being friendly and being friends. A person needs to know where the line is, in respecting eachother's private and personal life after a split. Going seperate ways and moving forward is the whole point of splitting up, lol.

Prolonging the Agony?

Yes, I agree. There is a difference with being friendly and being friends, especially when it comes to an ex. A person needs to know where the line is, so they respect eachothers personal and private life after a split. Is the whole point of splitting up, lol.

RE: My suggestion

Naaaaahhh, defeats the whole intent and purpose of the site then. Nobody would be in here then, lol. Most everyone has IM and use it whenever they feel like going one on one with another. And if you really want to reach out and touch someone, (other than yourself)there's the phone. You can be in IM or on the phone and participate in the forum. Life is good.


Hmmmmm, quite odd. His profile says nothing about a wife and is very eloquent in saying he wants to find someone.

On Feb 12th he announced in a thread he was quitting CS and deleting his account as he had met someone in here. Maybe they got married since then. That's alright, but I really question as to how or why anyone's partner would log into a singles site under their name and post anything.

Partner Poaching......

When speaking of obstacles, the obstacles are real, not games.... they could be career, distance, location, family, friends, religon, etc.

When two people overcome obstacles, to be together, there is deep and personal satisfaction that makes the realtionship much more valued and cherished, I think, versus an effortless one, as in the case of a poacher. A poacher's intent is to play with other people's toys. They seek those that really believe the grass is greenier on the other side.

In the case of meeting The One, while you are not with The One, it only means to say that you realize the person you are with, is not in fact The One after all and it's time to exit..... which I would do before pursuing another.

RE: New here

Hope you have fun in CS dallas!

RE: New Here

Hey...nice to meet you. Hope you enjoy CS and have a great weekend!

Prolonging the Agony?

Yet another good point. I'm sure it can and does happen. The difficulty would be when one person cannot move forward. Being friends would never be enough. Would you not have to be constantly aware of your word choices and interactions with them, so that they would not get mixed messages with the belief simple friendship and common courtesies have a hidden meaning, that you want to get back together with them? That would only make the friendship time consuming and high maintenance, for all the wrong reasons.

Partner Poaching.....

Hey koni...wasn't meant as a game. I guess I could have put some examples of some real and common obstacles to clarify. For the sake of discussion, the obstacles are not games, but speak more to every day challenges, obstacles we face. Some examples could be career, distance, location, financial, family, friends, religon...etc.

Do we appreciate and value a relationship more, if we went through so much to be together versus a relationship that was effortless, moreso in the case of poaching a mate? Would a poacher value and appreciate the realtionship as those that worked and overcame obstacles to be with the one they love?

Not sure if that is better explained but I sure hope. Just throw something at me if it isn't, LOL. I have a headcold so I could be foggy in spitting out what I am trying to say.

Prolonging the Agony?

Well girl, you put a different spin on it, when there are kids involved. So much more to it when that happens. Friends that are parents, have told me they want to be an example to their kids, to teach them how to care for, love, and respect others. Being single, and not having kids, I couldn't imagine how difficult it would be, to remain civil and respectful to an ex if the split was nasty, in order to ensure the kids are not seeing their parent's hating eachother, or trying to poison the kids against the other parent. You were so much bigger than him, to have made the attempt to be civil, it's his loss.

Prolonging the Agony?

For sure. Going from lovers sharing a life, to simple friends can be very difficult. Especially if one of the two cannot let go and misconstrues plain friendship as something more or other than. A clean break can be painful but could allow you to step back and really remember why you broke up in the first place. When both have moved on with their lives, I would think that the emotional bonds will hopefully have been put to rest. Then you could know for sure, if you really do need a former lover as a friend, especially when the realationship went sour, no? I know lot's of people that remain civil and friends with former lover's but both parties know where the stupid line is and don't pry into the other's life nor expect any right to do so.

Partner Poaching.....

LOL jess...I didn't write the stuff, only posted it for discussion but I hear you, for sure. A sinister poacher has every intent to play with someone else's toy's. While it take's two to tango, a sinister poacher only has to find someone who really believes the grass is greener on the other side.

'The One' is a pretty tall order to fill. I do believe that if you are with someone and still feel the need to be looking on the other side, it's time to exit. Most, if not all people, prefer to be with someone, at the end of the day, that makes them believe and feel there is no other one. That's when there is no greenier grass than the grass in your very own backyard.

Partner Poaching.....

Does anyone agree that we are more attracted to people when we overcome obstacles to be with them, than when we don't?

A realationship in which obstacles were overcome versus and effortless union.

Prolonging the Agony......

Yes, is about the one dumped.....

Partner Poaching......

Another interesting read....

Many people are attracted to the opportunity of a challenge. Studies show that we are more attracted to people when we overcome obstacles to get them, than when we don't. Apparently men and women have a grass-is-greener gene, lol.

Poachers are ranked low on ambition and like the quick-fix challenge of landing a relationship, not the real challenge of keeping one. If they had real amition, they'd find their own relationship, no?

But in saying that, not all poachers are sinister. Sometimes people meet The One, while they are not with The One and there's nothing to blame but pure chance.

Have you ever encountered a partner poacher or, have you met The One, while not with The One?

Prolonging the Agony......

I read something today and thought it interesting.

If someone has been dumped, chances are, they want them back as a lover and attempting to convert to simply friends will only prolong the agony of coming to terms with the split. They say that until you accept the relationship is over, you'll probably keep reading "secret" messages into everything connected to your ex. The best way to get over an ex is to keep your distance, sever all connection, even if for a few months, then take the time to decide whether or not a friendship is possible, or even desirable.

Do you agree?

Partner Poaching.....

Another interesting read....
Many people are attracted to the opportunity of a challenge. Studies show that we are more attracted to people when we overcome obstacles to get them, than when we don't. Apparently men and women have a grass-is-greener gene, lol.

Poachers are ranked low on ambition and like the quick-fix challenge of landing a relationship, not the real challenge of keeping one. If they had real amition, they'd find their own relationship, no?

But in saying that, not all poachers are sinister. Sometimes people meet The One, while they are not with The One and there's nothing to blame but pure chance.

Have you ever encountered a partner poacher or met The One, while not with The One?

Prolonging the Agony?

I read something today and thought it interesting.

If someone has been dumped, chances are, they want them back as a lover and attempting to convert to simply friends will only prolong the agony of coming to terms with the split. They say that until you accept the relationship is over, you'll probably keep reading "secret" messages into everything connected to your ex. The best way to get over an ex is to keep your distance, sever all connection, even if for a few months, then take the time to decide whether or not a friendship is possible, or even desirable.

Do you agree?

RE: Why would people have more than one profile on CS?

I only have one profile because there is only one me. I have seen people with several profiles. Pucks raised a good point, why add another one instead of simply updating the old one?

I seen people use multiple profiles and pretend to be other people in cs. Don't care what their reasoning is when a person does this, it's just plain deception. Not cool. Especially if they mislead people and have taken on each profile identity and make friends under those false profiles.

I have heard that temp. banned people create new profiles when they are allowed back in as well as perm. banned person's come back as other profiles. While some may just want to change thier nickname and you can't do that in your existing profile.

Living With Fibromyalgia

Musicalle, thanks so much for sharing information from your experiences. Is nice to read here, from others. I will definately bring up Osteopathist with my doctors. I have quite a few things to discuss with him on our next visit. They have said I am not a candidate for any surgery at this point. Acute and chronic pain is a fact of life many of us. I force myself to put it to the back of my mind, and spite it, but pay the price for that dearly and often. The body can revolt and rage against you when it's had enough. Fighting the disease is a battle that leaves you exhausted, mentally and physically. I have much that I want to do with and in my life and have said it many times before, am too stupid to lay down. For still having some ability to fight against it and keep working, I am thankful, while my heart goes out to those that cannot due to the severity.

BTW girl...can tell the treatment gave you some comfort and relief, which is a very good thing. Keep smiling!

Living With Fibromyalgia

Thanks for the post jackson! Is difficult when one can go through years of misdiagnosis and wrong treatments, which can leave a person feeling like they have lost their mind, lol. Until properly diagnosed, its confusing and frustrating. Once done, at least you have a better understanding in the information and alternatives you are seeking. There are secondary health issues that always come up and even the common cold can be a challenge and the disease even harder to manage.

You mentioned a Chiropractor. My doctors have not been wanting to go that route and I wonder if others do use it as a treatment option and what the results are. My Physio does give some relief and uses a pro-active approach with long term treatment, attempt to reduce the frequency and intensity of the flareups. Sometimes, no matter whats being done or taken, a flareup will rage it's own war on the body though.

BTW...thanks for posting the read.....will look for that one.

Living With Fibromyalgia

Hey Denise....sorry to hear the last few days have been rough. You might want to give Musicalle a shout, she has tried other options in regards to treatment. She sent me great info. on nerve blocks. I haven't tried Methadone or Lortab. I was diagnosed with IBS back in Oct '06 but another doctor said the diagnosis was incomplete and that having fibro. may have skewed the I will end up going through all wack of tests againcrying

I have a pending referal to a Rhuematologist who specializes in fibro. After all the misdiagnosis, wrong treatments and wrong med's over the last 4 years, I can't explain how excited I am to finally have the doctor's on the same page and moving in the same direction. It's been a long and twisted road to pinpointing and properly diagnosing and treating this disease as well as treating and managing the permanent nerve damage and other injuries I have from the accident.

I hope today is a better day for you and you feel some relief.

RE: Fire Fighters or Cop uniforms

I give them both credit for bravery and the ability to deal with the uglier and scarier side of life most of us never see or choose to's not all glamourours. applause

Living With Fibromyalgia

Thanks ken.....glad to hear you've had some success and are able to be active and doing a program. Would love to be able to not have to take tests or medications.... but, as long as they give some relief and me the ability to function versus curling into the fetal postion for several days, I am there! grin

This is a list of forum posts created by JaneBond.

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