RE: Boko Haram are Cowards

Why can't the US with their militairy power just delete them? I are just cowards not??

End of Capitalism and the world of today??

Famous world economists (also American ones) predict new financial crisis in the near future because nothing has changed by the governments or banks despite all measurements taken. The debts do still increase and the people have to pay for it! Last time China saved the world economy but since their turn to capitalism their debts are increasing fast.
The crises were caused by the idea of the USA by the detachment of the value of the national currency from the national goldreserve (Nixon,70's). The US estimated that the value of the whole USA was worth a 2 billion dollars so they started to print as much money as they needed, fake finacial markets were created. Result,the crisis we are in now. The whole financial system of the free world is hijacked.
China is now buying all the gold on the market and keeping its own reserves and producting for themselves. Because when the next big crisis occurs - and it will!- they will have some value. As the financial markets will collapse again no one can save it, even China that rules the world economy now, can't.
But China has a industry that can supply their 1,2 billion consumers,
it will survive it. The US not, they will not be able to export cause there is only worthless money going around.
Will it become that way?? Is this the end of capitalism as told?
All of it thanks to the greed of a few people??

UK and Brexit

I was wondering about the reaction of Northern Ireland and Scotland now the UK has chosen for a Brexit. A Brexit that was caused by the older and retired groups of the English and Welsh(?)population. Not the younger active groups. Is this not like taken a country into hostage??
Will the Brexit do good to the people of the UK?

RE: Germany suffers as a result of Merkel's decision Part 2

Misses Jones,I wonder what the goal is of your tread? I do not believe an inhabitant of the US has any benefits or interest is starting up a tread as this, knowing there are much other items and problems that interests the American people today. I assume you do it just for your amusement or...?
BTW. I doubt you are the person you prescribe in your profile. It is just a cover up to mislead the other. What your real goal is I do not know but I also don't trust you.

Btw: Europe will have to deal with the Islam terrorists the one way the other. One thing is for sure, a strong Europe would be a real threat for the US, Russia,... in all the aspects. This is now avoided by the Islam terrorism...induced by ......??? For the moment: mission accomplished and status steady!
Do not feel offended and respect the freedom of speech!

RE: Real interest or time wasting?

Not to forget the colonisation of Spain a few centuries ago!!
But Honebee left the site, I doubt she was native Spanish.
Maybe an immigrant looking for a better life?? ;)

RE: Real interest or time wasting?

I have been active here for many years.And I even wrote a same question on the EU forum ("The real truth about dating sites.." (archived)[I already forgot the title,sorry]then you could notice what a variety of people with different idea's is active on this site. All this for different reasons. The trick is to develop a kind of intuition or experience to allow you to seperate the crap from the decent ones.
Yes, there are scammers, fraudeurs, and cheaters on the site but also good people.
A tip: I found my real friends in the list without pictures. Maybe focussing on the look alone isn't the best to do???
I wish you succes.


Tell it Donald and the republicans!head banger
There are some similarities in the struggle against cancer and the refugees.You can't win from them. They only become bigger.


Greece was nearly bankrupt they are now almost refugees themselves, hihi.
And the European forces? They are not trained for battle but for maintaining peace.wink
I got a better idea, make Donald Trump president of US and he will get rid of these "crap" with the forces. What do you think? So The US can again test some new weapons, great not?? wink ...laugh

RE: More migrants?

On a old news report I heard the reason why Danemark is so opposed against migrants. They figured out that immigrants who are in the country over 10 years or more only 40% has a job!!
Knowing for instance that Germany has now 1 million refugees it is obvious they will have an serious hangover on this "adventure"

Another news, France is now installing containers for the Dunkerk refugees. Why this turnover? Humanitarian reasons? No! Its the non governmental organisation "medecins sans frontieres" that already started an new tent camp south of Dunkerk. This putted the pressure on the politicians.What to think about it??


Another news, 5 men traders were catched while "saving" refugees on the water. They are were members of foreign aid organisations !!!
What money could do to men!


Sweden and there humiliation story is just a fake act to hide the fact that they need young workers for there economical model.

More others facts on the news today:
1. 48% of the Germans says to be afraid of the immigrants!!
More and more resistance is growing against their leaders!!
2. The migration wave is still going on everyday many "refugees" are landing on Greek beaches despite the winter!!!!
3. The Swiss government has found the clue for the migration problem, all the refugees their money and possesions are confiscated. Only €900 they may keep.They have to do all kind of jobs to pay for their stay. If they have earned 15000 Swiss Francs their possesions will be given back. Also if they leave the country within 7 months. If they leave later on, their possesions are lost if they have not earned the 15000 Swiss francs yet.
This proves Switserland does not recognize them as full refugees but as migrants!! Every European countries should do it!!
I am curious how the ... (censored) dogooders will react on this?? they are no bloody refugees, they are just immigrants !

RE: More migrants?


You and those people like you have to learn from a north African who is not shy of claiming that this incident in Cologne has something to do with islam."

Intersting news about you. North African!
ex colonist?....or Immigrant? rolling on the floor laughing LG!


Heard on the news: In Paris a judge with an unbelievable expertise in the war against terror had to stop his job as the bureaucratic system (=law) required him to do so. This man was a core member in the antiterror war last ten year. His knowledge and experience is enormous.
Now he is settled at Lille where he has to judge .....divorce cases!!
Vive la bureaucratie!!!
He predicts an assault to which the one at Paris will be minor!!
I hope I will not to be there at the moment of truth, amen.

RE: More migrants?

I forgot to mention a part of the docu: "The influence of the Jews in this conflict should not be underestimated as the Romans once said "divide and rule" was a statement.

RE: More migrants?

About the crimes in Cologne, Bremen etc...Is it possible that these criminal actions could be set up with the intention to disparage the refugees?? I should certainly facilitate Germany and other countries to create new repressive decrees so they can control and manipulate the people( natives and immigrants).

RE: More migrants?

I saw today on the national broadcast a docu of an American journalist who visited all the warzones in Syria. What struck me is that their are still 18 million Syrians that live in the war zone and have no intention to flee to live abroad. Those who fleed where the richer middleclass. The people in the zone controlled by Assad have still a normal life. About 20 miles from Homes a holiday resort for tourists was finished!! Then a propaganda spot should be made and therefore everyone was invited to send his project.
The respons was massive....the designs spoke for themselves. A few good marketing pictures but the rest showing the horror of the country accompanied by scoffing slogans. Showing how the world thinks about it.
Again it was clear that this is more than a civil war between two movements in a religion, as Christianity faced a few centuries ago in Europe = the wars between the conservative Catholics and the progressive protestants. Also then on stake was the possesion of the political power the true reason. L'histoire se répete as the French say.

RE: More migrants?

Hello Capricorn, I must admit in a United Europe, but not the way it is created. Indeed it is an artificial monster led by unwordly minds who's obsessiion is to become an economic power whatever it costs. I read a article in which was stated that todays democracies of the world are the best political framework for capitalism. Capitalism is based on humans greed. An instinct that is of no need anymore in this times was written in it. And I agree. We should evolve to more political systems were people have more influence in politics. I can't remember one at the moment. What I know is that economical it is possible. In a northern region of Spain a part of the county has much coöperatives and the impact of the crisis was there lesser as in the rest of Spain. Why? F.i. the people could not be fired as they were co-owner of the firm. So between the firms an agreement was made to give workers a job in the other cooperatives if his own cooperative had no job for him at the moment. And it worked out well!!
The workers were well motivated and thankfull. So we must think about such formulas . It could also support a more sustainable economy. I believe if the economy does work the politics will follow. But we must be aware that the capitalistic states will not let it happen so easy.I do not give up examples now but look into history and you know it.


An lie? Not at all, and besides also a warning!! I hope they will learn from his words. The US must be aware that muslim immigrants might become a big problem in the future. But I doubt it, the people in the US are more 'open' minded as those of the old world, Europe.
I don't agree always with his Trumps statements.But this time I do.

RE: Would Donald Trump make a good President

I can't say whether Donnie T. would be a great president or not. But what I can say is this...He will surely write history!!!professor wink
If the American people decide to chose him so be it. It will tell us a lot over the nation US today.

RE: More migrants?

I am afraid an economic union alone would not be sufficiant in this globalizing world. Look at the USA there the formula seems to work.
But the USA was not built in a few decennia! And the roots where it was built on were also different.


I believe it was a docu on a FOX News, national broadcast, during the last war in Irak.

The USA was founded by the ancestors of the Pilgrim Fathers, christians. Logical that they organised and founded own institutions. Islam was never popular in the US even now only 2% of the population.
But I remind Donald Trumps words " They get well organised and breed as mice." Time will tell. Good luck to you.

RE: More migrants?

I couldn't agree more. Europe is nothing but a fake artificial monster created by multinationals and other big employers in order to gain more profits from the unification.They forgot they aught to united more things then only economies. Such as defense, police, taxes,health care and welfare, agriculture,etc...
Now they suffering the consequences of their narrow-minded politics.
Happy 2016 Europe and leaders.


I read that same movement is expanding in the US. Their goal is to make the US a pure christian society! How want they to do it? Their strategy is first to get well educated people that will infiltrate the most strategic functions and jobs in the country so they can act when the time has come. To reach that goal a pure christian University was founded. This University will provide the revolutionaries in future.
Will they succeed?? I hope they won't!! What christianity has done in the world tells us history, not a nice picture. The same happens now in the Islam. Every religion must be kept away from politics but it seems to be an utopy!

RE: Travelling solo

I have done it quit several times when I was younger and even now I do it the moment (not the period of the year)I would be carefull were I should travel to. The countries who are daily on the news dealing with
the refugee crisis I would left aside. As a women you are more vulnerable
as a men.You should chose for the best an organised trip by an travel agency.


Capricorn143 I do agree with you 100%. I can't understand why our politics don't? Are their advisors so stupid? Or is there more we are not allowed to know? If they hold on this strategy, time for a new dictator is coming nearer every day. I hope they will realise it asap.

RE: What makes it difficult for a black getting a white girl for a wife?

I wonder why you need a white girl for? I believe if it is for love you are at the wrong place here. You should better go out, to places, where people are meeting and learn Swedish fast so you can make contact. If you are lucky you'll find one. A better way is to search for a women of your own culture so you both can integrate in the Swedish society....It still keeps me wondering why you came to Sweden because in other European countries there are plenty opportunities and white woman who want an man as you.

RE: What makes it difficult for a black getting a white girl for a wife?

I wonder why you need a white girl for? I believe if it is for love you are at the wrong place here. You should better go out, to places, where people are meeting and learn Swedish fast so you can make contact. If you are lucky you'll find one. A better way is to search for a women of your own culture so you both can integrate in the Swedish society....It still keeps me wondering why you came to Sweden because in other European countries there are plenty opportunities and white woman who want an man as you.

This is a list of forum posts created by Malfidus.

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