RE: New Years resolution to ponder over .

“There are more old drunkards than old doctors”—— Benjamin Franklin

RE: Is eduation neccessary to get a well paid job?

did I misspell? Sorry…

RE: Is eduation neccessary to get a well paid job?

When I graduated from high school in the mid-1970’s, if one cleaned up nice, wrote cognitively, had good manners, etc…a very good job was not difficult to find.
(And I found one right away). Things changed rapidly. In order to follow my interest to a professional level, I needed to attend and graduate with an associates degree, plus license. I did it, then slowly earned the next level (bachelors). So, to answer your question, probably can find good enough work without a degree, but it’s necessary for almost all upper skill-set jobs. Hope this helps…

RE: Prince Andrew may be bailed out by the Queen

It is frequent, quite common, actually, in America for lawyers to use paid “specialists” to testify durability/ quality/likelihood, etc…of specifics in a case. Often they’re “comped” travel, hotel, meals, cabs, plus a fee germane to their career. Many people, both vestry and lay, argue that this is unfair. (Tends to influence a doctored dissertation only helpful to the side that is paying.) A prime example would be an architect defending an otherwise flawed measurement…that sort of thing. Can I say just one thing? Of course I don’t know Mr. Windsor, and granted, I have no dog in the fight, but it’s entirely possible he was just hanging around for the Eros- esque milieu, oblivious of anything besides his Johnson. Bad enough, but not illegal. I’m for giving Randy Andy a break. JMO

RE: A movie you've watched over 3 times that you're still entertained by.

The Parent Trap ( both versions), The Sound Of Music, Ghost

RE: Mom and Popisms

One of my darling little aunties would say,

“Look at your room! Would you invite Jesus into this room? For shame!”

RE: Money v Time

”The harder I worked, the luckier I got”.

True statement, although I believe that a person born into a wealthy family certainly has more “luck” than one born in poverty. Not always, but , do the math…Harvard and Yale are not heavily populated with the lower financial classes! One or two here and there, but NOT the standard.

RE: Money v Time

As far as the financial aspect, I made about two and a half times working. However, I now live in an area that is much more economical than a metropolitan city/suburbs, AND, the cost of going back and forth to work, uniforms, meals out, higher insurances, higher utilities, a “third” city tax, all these are gone. Can’t put a value on the stress and angst that is gone, as well. It’s well worth the money * .

* I live well on less, so it’s kind of a wash, the money part.

RE: Any positive people left on the forums ?

You ask this while you have a knife in someone’s back— for a long time I really liked you— thought you were endearing, cute personality. But you dissed me a couple of times lately, and during The Holidays…put me down, disappointed me. Still, I understand humanity, at least to a degree. So if you’re going to question people about doom and gloom, well, stories about the mote in another’s eye vs the two-by-four in your own come to mind. A lot of people weren’t doomy and gloomy until YOU stirred it all up. Go to your room and be good for a change…scold

RE: How much should governments pay for child care?

The nuclear family was extended. Retired grandparents/other relatives would watch the children, IF both parents or a single/widowed parent needed to work. Also, the cost of childcare was not astronomical, as it currently is. (I've known two couples who discovered it was more economical for one to stay home than to pay the ridiculously high rates for pre-school or nanny....)

Ghislaine Maxwell

I fully understand the culture of schools, medical service, etc… feeling like the inclusion of parents/guardians is tantamount. However, in my generation, children (minors) were whipped, beaten, threatened, mentally abused, to say the least, for what many of us would consider ordinary “growing pains”. Missing a curfew, seeing a boy her parents disapproved of, getting a substandard grade, etc…all of these were very real, very critically punished. And there was no one around to help. (Back in the day, there was no ‘mandatory reporting’ from doctors, nurses, teachers, coaches, whatever. No help. And children were told by parents and step-parents that “telling” was suicidal. That they would only be digging their own graves. Kids believed it. Who else was teaching them? No one. So they tried to steer clear.) But humanity being what it is, teenage girls would make a mistake and get pregnant. IF a parent/step-parent found out, all hell would break loose. There was no one to help. Got it?

RE: Thoughts For The Day

Theres my Buddy—-! ( yeah, I know…)rose

RE: Thoughts For The Day

Thank you, love. Btw, what a pretty photo of you— another time, another universe, different starship…teddybear

RE: Thoughts For The Day

Isn’t he uncommonly refreshing? Like the guy….bouquet

RE: Thoughts For The Day

Thanks Geno. That just came across as so warm, kind, genuine…your telepathic skill-set is in good working order!laugh


RE: Happy new. Year all

Ditto, ya ol’ sweetie..hug

RE: Pop up ads for other sites, mostly women ones.



Thanks for writing Jac. I’m sure regional capabilities factor in. One example is that here, on the southern beach, we’re an hour and a half to three hours from the ‘corridor’, or “main” highway. So, trucks must come fully loaded. Air freight is not cost-effective, nor are our small air and helio-ports efficient enough for the huge amount of products. Rail is all but gone, and trucking would have to relay, anyway. So, gas (petrol) is expensive, comparatively, oranges, toilet paper and towels, hardware, etc…elective items, such as cologne, high row clothing, (I wear ten dollar Bi-Mart dungarees!) watches, tv’s, etc…are often substantially higher. Our good stores, Macy’s, Penny’s, Albertsons, have all pulled up stakes and left. I’m fitting in a shopping trip in February when I’m in Eugene for medical appointments. They have “Jerry’s” Costco, Trader Joe, better stores with more merchandise.handshake

RE: Is time travel possible

Oh, the wasted hours of Life
That have swiftly drifted by!
Oh, the good we might have done;
Gone - lost, without a sigh!
Love that we might once have saved
By a single, kindly word;
Thoughts conceived, but never expressed
Perishing unpenned, unheard!
Take this proverb to thy soul,
Take, and hold it fast..
The mill will never grind with the water that has passed.

RE: Your ex sent you a text....."Baby i'm in jail. Reply with just 2 words



A very Happy New Year to everyone. Perhaps some of you might be able to give good insight into something: I keep reading that there are going to (soon) be alarming shortages of both grocery and household products. I’ve “googled” several choices regarding this, but they’re rather lame. Now, I keep a very healthy pantry of non-perishables, canned goods, etc…and a storage area with virtually everything one could think of for cleaning, yard work, paper items, bath, kitchen… So, I live in southwest Oregon, which is relatively self-sustaining..ranches, fair weather, clean water, etc…comments from all about projected shortages would be appreciated.

RE: Your ex sent you a text....."Baby i'm in jail. Reply with just 2 words


RE: In three words...

In Doubt- DON’T

Ghislaine Maxwell

Thanks everyone, for commenting. I learned a great deal more about the case. handshake bouquet

RE: A discussion on...the cancel culture of comedy

I SO agree— why did people “allow” outrageousness from George Carlin, Rodney Dangerfield, Benny Hill, Monty Python comedians, etc…? If you don’t care for it, change the channel…honestly..

Ghislaine Maxwell

Just heard that a jury unanimously convicted Maxwell of most of the accusations, and she could get up to six decades in prison. I admit I don’t know a lot about this part of the Epstein whirlwind— is there anyone out there that can give the Cliff’s Notes on this? (I googled, but am having “broken” articles— they want me to buy something or pay for the story—geeze—) thanx…

RE: Your specialised subject .

there are several I could do well in:

French Revolution, Biology, The Medical Field, Australia, Music…

RE: would you breakup with a woman...if she had bad manners?

Im not so sure about that…the poll received 75% first string…THAT’S telling…get where I’m going?

RE: Pop up ads for other sites, mostly women ones.

I guess I don’t see it quite that way…maybe I missed the opportunity to educate the way I meant to…never mind, though, never mind…sigh

RE: Pop up ads for other sites, mostly women ones.

What irony in this day and age! Pop-Ups to prevent Pop-Ups…reminds me of stories friends in New York would tell me: a gang would go into a “Mom & Pop grocery”, offer them “protection” for a set amount per week. If they resisted, same gang ransacks the store. Lovely…

This is a list of forum posts created by rohaan.

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