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Love Is Nourishment in Itself

"Your question is, 'Can you talk about the art of nourishing oneself with love?' There is no art because there is no need of any effort. Love is the nourishment. But humanity has been so confused by its leaders that one does not know the most inner realms of one's own being. Love is nourishment in itself. The more you love, the more you will find untrodden spaces where love goes on and on spreading around you like an aura.

"But that kind of love has not been allowed by any culture. They have forced love into a very small tunnel: you can love your wife, your wife can love you; you can love your children, you can love your parents, you can love your friends. And they have made two things so deeply rooted in every human being. One is that love is something very limited – friends, family, children, husband, wife. And the second thing they have insisted is that there are many kinds of love.

"You love in one way when you love your husband or your wife; then you have to bring another kind of love when you love your children, and another kind of love when you love your elders, your family, your teachers, and then another kind of love for your friends. But the truth is, love cannot be categorized the way it has been categorized throughout the whole history of mankind. There were reasons for them to categorize it but their reasons are ugly and inhuman, because in this categorization they killed love...

"The reason why all the cultures have insisted on categorization is because they have been very much afraid of love, is because if there is existential love, then it does not know boundaries – then you cannot put Hindus against Mohammedans, then you cannot put Protestants against Catholics. Then you cannot draw a line saying that you cannot love this person because he is Jewish, Chinese. The leaders of the world wanted to divide the world, but to divide the world they have to do the basic division which is of love."osho"
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“That is the simple secret of happiness. Whatever you are doing, don’t let past move your mind; don’t let future disturb you. Because the past is no more, and the future is not yet. To live in the memories, to live in the imagination, is to live in the non-existential. And when you are living in the non-existential, you are missing that which is existential. Naturally you will be miserable, because you will miss your whole life.”
? Osho
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~~need soul mate~~

There is a touch that offers comfort to the soul - it might be a relationship with a spouse,fiancee,siblings,etc whatever you need to build on it & nurture, the greatest is love. Don't abuse it when others show you affection.
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Jealousy is one of the most prevalent areas of psychological ignorance about yourself, about others and more particularly, about relationship.

People think they know what love is – they do not know. And their misunderstanding about love creates jealousy. By love people mean a certain kind of monopoly, some possessiveness – without understanding a simple fact of life: that the moment you possess a living being you have killed him.

Life cannot be possessed. You cannot have it in your fist. If you want to have it, you have to keep your hands open.

But the thing has been going on a wrong path for centuries; it has become ingrained in us so much that we cannot separate love from jealousy. They have become almost one energy.

For example, you feel jealous if your lover goes to another woman. You are disturbed by it now, but I would like to tell you that if you don't feel jealous you will be in much more trouble – then you will think you don't love him, because if you loved him you should have felt jealous. Jealousy and love have become so mixed up.

In fact, they are poles apart. A mind that can be jealous cannot be loving, and vice-versa: a mind that is loving cannot be jealous.

What is the disturbance? You have to look it as if it is not your question – somebody else has asked, it is somebody else's problem – so that you can stand aside and see the whole fabric. The feeling of jealousy is a byproduct of marriage.

In the world of animals, birds, there is no jealousy. Once in a while there is a fight over a love object but a fight is far better than to be jealous, far more natural than to be caught up in jealousy and burn your heart with your own hands.
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"There is nothing to practise. To know yourself, be yourself. To be
yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that. Just be. Let
your true nature emerge. Don't disturb your mind with seeking"
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"a quiet mind - undistorted by desires and fear,
free from ideas and opinions,
clear on all levels - is needed to reflect reality.
be clear and quiet, alert and detached.
all else will happen by itself."
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~~~ ENJOY~~~

A stimulus, insisting and misery to happiness and excitement to add apritikar too. we enjoy is different from both suffering. the stimulus is not the stage of peace who wants pleasure, he continued. in misery after a stimulation. because, the second is inevitable as anti-stimulus, such as are canyons with mountains, And the ratriyan with the days and suffering both there. to look forward, to enjoy it, which is eternal. Huang-Po was a only a person tells the story of missing son. "was very very day it passed showering gumen. researching the person tired all by then also gradually forgot the event only after the door several years then a stranger; and he Said, ' I'm not your son you identified? Father delights in the happiness of the son she was returned to the House to friends and celebrated the Festival Banquet, Preeti. However, he had forgotten his son only and, therefore, the claimant could not recognize. Recognizing also the same on days! The man was not her son and took the time to find out all her property was part again, Huang-Po says that each House such as contenders, but very few people, who recognize them in their deception. more people are losing their lives and property. instead of real pleasure arising from the soulThe objects and themes from which to enjoy the pleasure sense, they destroyed their own hands the priceless property of life. take whatever remembrance to get out, he stripped him forget even understanding.. own the same, which occurs only in that same real property and then it not. whatever searchThey even find anything, they finally they found nothing pagina and vice versa in the race they get her own life away. "~ Osho,"
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Is the concept of soul mates more useful than marriage?

“You are asking, ‘Is the concept of soul mates more useful than marriage?’ Concepts don’t matter. What matters is your understanding. You can change the word marriage to the word soul mates, but you are the same. You will make the same hell out of soul mates as you have been making out of marriage – nothing has changed, only the word, the label. Don’t believe in labels too much.

“Why has marriage failed? In the first place, we raised it to unnatural standards. We tried to make it something permanent, something sacred, without knowing even the abc of sacredness, without knowing anything about the eternal. Our intentions were good but our understanding was very small, almost negligible. So instead of marriage becoming something of a heaven, it has become a hell. Instead of becoming sacred, it has fallen even below profanity.

“And this has been man’s stupidity – a very ancient one: whenever he gets into difficulty, he changes the word. Change the word marriage into soul mates, but don’t change yourself. And you are the problem, not the word; any word will do. A rose is a rose is a rose…you can call it by any name. You are asking to change the concept, you are not asking to change yourself.”
Osho, The New Dawn, Talk #20
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? All inferior people go on trying to prove that they are something. All ambition arises out of an inferiority complex. It is very rare to come across a politician who is intelligent. It is very rare to come across a rich person who is intelligent, very, very difficult. Because an intelligent person, by his very intelligence, becomes noncompetitive. Intelligence is noncompetitive. Intelligence can see the whole absurdity of it.

Intelligence can see “I am myself and there is no need to compare myself with anybody else. I am neither higher nor lower. Not that I am just like the others — I am different — but there is no higher and lower.” We are all different and unique human beings, but nobody is lower and nobody is higher — and the whole effort to become higher is stupid. ?

~ O S H O ?...
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The thinking up to now has been this -- that the individual exists for the society so the individual has to follow just what the society says. He has to fit with the society. That is the definition of the normal human being -- to fit with the society. Even if the society is insane, you have to fit with it; then you are normal. Even if the society is neurotic and you try to be sane, you will be thought neurotic because the society is the majority. They have power so they can make anybody feel guilty.

They have put a deep mechanism inside you which they call a conscience which, if you move slightly away from the norm, the accepted rules of the game, immediately says, 'Wrong! Wrong! You are doing something wrong!' Now the problem for the individual is that nature demands one thing and society demands something contrary. If the society was demanding the same as nature demands, there would have been no conflict. Man would still have remained in the garden of Eden.

The problem arises because society has its own interests which are not necessarily in tune with the individual and his interests. Society has its own investments. The individual has to be sacrificed. This is a very topsy-turvy world. Just the other way round should be the right thing.

The individual does not exist for the society. The society exists for the individual. Because society is just an institution. It has no soul. An individual has the soul, is the conscious centre; it has a centre. God resides in the individual, not in the society. Society is nothing -- just a word.
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Meditation is nothing but withdrawing all d barriers thoughts, emotions, sentiments tht create a wall btween u n existence. The movement u drop u suddenly find urself in tune with d whole. Whn a dewdrop slips from a lotus leaf into d ocean it does not tht it is part of ocean, it finds it is d ocean. And to find it is d ultimate realization. There is nothing beyond it...
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" Never throw the responsibility on the other. The other is, at the most, a help to show the undercurrents of your mind. And that’s how a relationship helps. It is almost a mirror – but you see your face, and Geeta will be seeing her face. Whatsoever we do, we are the source. So whenever you feel angry, remember – it is you who is feeling angry. Never make the other feel guilty. That’s the strategy of the mind. That’s how one goes on avoiding one’s own encounter.

When you feel angry just say, 'I am feeling angry.’ Don’t say; 'You have made me angry.’ And that is the same with all emotions. You are feeling sad. Say, 'I am feeling sad,’ but never say to the other, 'You have made me sad.’ Nobody can make you sad; nobody can make you happy. If you decide to be happy, you are. If you decide to be unhappy, you will become unhappy – it is your decision. So use the relationship as a mirror and become more and more aware and alert. "
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