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Happy Thanksgiving CS

Psalm 100

Shout for joy to the Lord,all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;come before him with joyful songs.

Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us,and we are his people,the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;give thanks to him and praise his name.

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;his faithfulness continues through all generations.

First and foremost I like to thank God for who He is,and what He has done in my life. For without Him,nothing would be possible. I am also thankful for my family and friends,which are a true blessing in my life.

I also like to thank all my friends here, at CS,who have been an encouragement to me here, in blogland. I appreciate the kind,insightful,funny,and thoughtful comments that I receive from people that share different perspectives on various things,from different walks of life. For I believe in "unity in diversity."

What are some of the things you are thankful for this on this Thanksgiving holiday?

God bless everyone! "Happy Thanksgiving!"

wave teddybear
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"Jesus is the Only Cure for Humanity"

God designed us to operate on Him and gave each one of us a moral nature(a sense of right and wrong) to help us stay on the right path. Throughout history there have been people trying to obey that moral sense in varying degrees. Yet,as C.S. Lewis said,"None of them ever quite make it." God also selected a group of people with whom He spent centuries "hammering into their heads the sort of God He was,that there was only one of Him and that He cared about right conduct. The people were the Jews and the Old Testament gives an account of the hammering process."Even God's chosen people just could not seem to get it right. Then along comes Jesus who says,"God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life(John 3:16). When Jesus described the darkness of the human heart and the need to step into and live in the light(truth),He was referring to Himself:"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,but will have the light of life"(John 8:12).

To follow Jesus clearly calls for the death of pride or self-centeredness:"If anyone would come after me,he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me"(Luke 9:23). Facing the truth about our own selfish nature will bring liberation; Jesus promised,"You will know the truth,and the truth will set you free"(John 8:32).

Jesus said that He was born for two specific reasons. First,He came into this world to"give his life as a ransom for many"(Matthew 20:28). In other words,He came to pay the penalty for our sins,of which pride or self-centeredness is primary,and if we accept His payment for our sins,we can be pardoned by God and released from death row. Second,in a strong statement to Pilate,Jesus said,"For this reason I was born,and for this I came into the world,to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me"(John 18:37). When Jesus speaks,He speaks the truth,and those who listen to Him are the ones who stand on the side of truth and step into the light. The Moral Doctor has spoken and offers the only cure-Himself.

Jesus' prescription to remedy eternal death(relational separation from God forever)is eternal life. Since we were born relationally or spiritually dead to God because of our corrupted nature,we were utterly powerless to do anything about it. There is only one cure that can help a dead person,and that cure is life! That life is the life that only Jesus can give. It is the truth that Jesus proclaimed over and over again-the truth that He is the only cure for the moral disease called sin. The only way to begin a new life in a loving relationship with God is His way. This is why Jesus said,"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"(John 14:6).

Sometimes there is only one path that leads to the top of the mountain;sometimes there is only one answer to a problem;sometimes a disease only has one cure. This is one of those times. Jesus presented Himself as the only cure for a morally sick and dying world;Jesus prescribed Himself as the medication to take in order to be cured and have eternal life. The medication for eternal life costs us nothing;it is a gift from God to us,freely dispensed by the grace of God."For it is by grace you have been saved,through faith-and this is not from yourselves,it is the gift of God-not by works,so that no one can boast"(Ephesians 2:8-9).

The nature of God is immutable: He is holy and just,yet He is also loving and merciful. Since He cannot change His nature,His justice requires that a penalty be paid for the sins of humanity. Jesus provided that payment at the cross(Peter 2:24; 3:3:18) in a perfect and sinless act of love. Jesus,in grace and mercy,offered Himself as a ransom for anyone willing to follow Him. When anyone decides to truly follow Him,they are put under the"protective umbrella"of Jesus Christ and are shielded from the holiness and justice of God...
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Jesus' Prognosis of and Prescription for Humanity

A prognosis involves two things: a prediction of the probable course of a disease in a patient and the prescription or sequence of action needed to achieve recovery. Jesus was quite forthright about the results of treating or not treating this moral disease called sin. He issued a warning about the nature of the disease in that it is terminal-if left untreated the result would be death. However,He was not referring to mere physical death but rather to permanent relational death with God-a death that will last forever. In fact,the relational death is a reality right now. All of us living in a state of guilt and have a conscious knowledge that we are standing condemned by God for breaking His moral laws.

Jesus said that He did not come to earth to condemn us;we already stand condemned before God(John 3:17-18). Rather He said He came to save us from having to pay the penalty we incurred by having broken God's moral law. Jesus said that all humanity stands condemned and that this life on earth is like being on death row. We are just waiting for the execution of the sentence to take place and what we need is to be pardoned-saved from death-to be set free(John 8:32).

To better appreciate the prognosis and prescription of Jesus,it will be necessary for us to spend some time on developing a biblically accurate and experientially sound perspective concerning the condition of humanity. The Bible tells us that we were created in the image of God,and we are relational,psychological,volitional,and spiritual. The Bible also informs us that the first created humans(Adam and Eve)disobeyed God and severed their intimate relationship with Him. As a result,every human being has inherited what the Bible refers to as a sin nature(original sin). All of us are born relationally dead to God,and,therefore,our basic inclinations are selfish and evil by our very nature. In other words,it seems self-evident that all of us are engaged in a personal struggle with sin and vice starting at an extremely early age when we become aware of what is right and what is is wrong. Just consider the fact that no one has to teach a young child how to disobey or how to be selfish;it is in that child's very nature.

We all understand this inner conflict and what it means to live under the pretense of appearing to be someone we're not. Duplicity produces an intense inner struggle as noted by one author:

All of us are engaged to one degree or another in a personal,ongoing battle with sin and vice,although we may not think of our conflicts with our natures in those terms. Although our anger doesn't make most of us murders,our lust doesn't make most of us rapists,and our greed and envy don't make most of us outright criminals,they,together with gluttony,arrogance,and sloth,often make us and those who have to live with us miserable. Moreover,when we give in to our low passions we debase our humanity. Our failure to live up to the best we can morally be is tragic as the unhappiness our evil causes...Every deadly sin fuels harmful social phenomena:lust-pornography;gluttony-substance abuse;envy-terrorism;anger-violence;sloth-indifference to the pain and sufferings of others;greed-abuse of public trust;and pride-discrimination.

If this is correct-and we believe there is sufficient evidence to show that it is-then sins against oneself cannot be divorced from sins against one's neighbor. Seemingly innocent and apparently"victumless"sins have tragic consequences. This is true not only for the individual who commits the sin but for those who are effected by that sin as well. With respect to the 7 deadly sins mentioned above it has often been said that the sin of pride stands above the rest. Solomon Shimmel explains that through the centuries Christian theologians and devotional writters classified pride as the "deadliest"of the seven deadly sins...
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Jesus' Diagnosis of the Condition of Humanity

Since we will be using the terms conscience,sin,guilt,we ensure a basic understanding of what these words mean. Conscience has been defined as the "process of thought,which distinguishes between morally good or bad,commending the good,condemning the bad,and so prompting to do the former and avoid the latter." We are using this word in the same way the apostle Paul did when he said of all humanity that"the requirements of the (moral)law are written on their hearts,their consciences also bearing witness,and their thoughts now accusing,now even defending them"(Romans 2:15).

So God's moral laws are written on every human heart,and to willfully violate His laws is what we mean by the term sin.

Guilt is the mental awareness that we have broken one or more of those laws and therefore,stand condenmed by God.

If treated properly,this internal shame or guilt will bring us to the point where we acknowledge the need for God's help. But this dimension of morality is often rationalized away or misunderstood. This internal dimension is sometimes referred to as self-esteem or self-respect.

It has to do with having the right sense of valuing ourselves and being secure with who you are-our identity. The proper understanding of self and having a sense that we are truly valued can bring inner peace and harmony deep within the very core of our being. On the other hand,an improper understanding of self,or having the wrong kind of self-love,along with embracing a sense of not being valued,can cause deep psychlogical damage and breed inner confusion.

So if we are to love our neighbors as ourselves,we must not listen to the lies of the rational-emotive and other cognitive therapies that say"our feelings of guilt and shame are basically our own doing,the results of our distorted thoughts and irrationality; we should learn how to get rid of them." One of the most dangerous things we can do is to discard legitimate feelings of guilt and shame. By "legitimate" we mean those feelings that are the direct result of breaking one or more of the commandments of God.

According to Jesus,a correct view of self and relational harmony with God will lead to life of integrity through the internal development of the virtues. It is this inner strength of charater that will foster right relationships with others. However,an improper view of self and relational disharmony with God will lead to a life of corrution through indulging in the vices. It is this internal corrution of self that foster improper relationships with others. Every time we choose virtue over vice or vice over virtue ,we are turning our hearts into something a little different than what it was before. When we take this truth and string it out over a lifetime,what Peter Kreeft noted makes sense. He sites the poet Samuel Smiles:

Sow a thought,reap an act.

Sow an act,reap a habit.

Sow a habit,reap a character,

Sow a character,reap a destiny.

In order to keep ourselves from a destiny that leads us away from God and into darkness,it is neccessary to deal with the root cause of our immorality. To find the root cause of our depravity ,we must look beyond our actions or behavior and within ourselves-the thoughts of our minds and the attitudes of our hearts.

Jesus said that the violation of God's moral law does not begin with an immoral action but rather with an immoral heart attitude. For example,we may never murder anyone or commit adultery,but if we hate someone or have a lustful heart,then the law of God has already been broken,even though the act has not yet been consummated. In other words,if we consistently hate our neighbor,we have already murdered the relationship with him or her in our heart...
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How was the Bible put Together?

How do we know that the sixty-six books of the Bible are the only writings that should be included in Scripture? What about the Apocrypha,or the Gnostic gospels? Why shouldn't they be included? The answer lies in the idea of canonicity. Canon comes from Greek and Hebrew words that mean a measuring rod,and it signifies a standard that all scriptural books must meet.

Several inadequate views of what that standard should be have been offered,such as age,agreement with the Torah if it was written in Hebrew,religious value,and Christian usage. But each of these makes a common mistake.;they confuse God's "determination" of what is Scripture with man's "recognition" of those writings.

The bottom line is that whatever God inspired is Scripture and what He did not inspire is not. When the Holy Spirit moved a man of God to write,that writing became,not only inspired,but inscripturated. God has already decided what should be included;our problem is knowing how to discover what writings God has inspired.

There are five questions that have been asked by the church in accepting and rejecting books as canonical. The first and most basic:

1. Was it written by a prophet of God?

Deuteronomy 18:18 tells us that only a prophet of God will speak the Word of God. This is the way God reveals Himself(Heb.1:1). Second Peter 1:20-21 assures us that Scripture is only written by men of God.

2. Was he confirmed by an act of God?

Hebrews 2:3-4 gives us the idea that we should expect some miraculous confirmation of those who speak for God. Moses had his rod that turned into a serpent,Jesus had the Resurrection,and the apostles continued Jesus'miracles,all to confirm that their message was from God. Many of the prophets had prophecies fulfilled shortly after they were made to confirm their authority.

3. Does it tell the truth about God?

"But even though we,or an angel from heaven,should preach to you a gospel contray to that which we have preached to you,let him be accursed"(Gal.1:8). Agreement with all earlier revelation is essential. This dictum also rules out false prophecies made in the name of God(Deut.18:22).

4. Does it have the power of God?

Any writting that does not exhibit the transforming power of God in the lives of it's readers is not from God.,"For the Word of God is living and active and shaper than any two-edge sword"(Heb.4:12).

5. Was it accepted by the people of God?

Paul thanked the Thessalonians for receiving the apostles' message as the Word of God(1 Thes.2:13). It is the norm that God's people,that is the majority of them and not simply a faction,will initially receive God's Word as such. Moses'scrolls were placed immediately into the ark of the covenant(Deut.31:24-26)and Joshua's writings were add in the same fashion(Josh.24:26),as were Samuel's(1 Sam.10:25). Jeremiah is known as the plagiarizing prophet because he quoted so many prophets who had written only a few years before him,which shows that their writings had been readly accepted. Daniel is seen studing the book of Jeremiah within 50 years after it was written(Dan.9:2). The New Testament also shows similar acceptance in that Peter calls Paul's writings Scripture(2 Peter 3:16)and Paul quotes Luke alongside a passage from the Law(1 Tim.5:18). We also are aware that Paul's letters were circulated among the churches(Col.4:16; 1 Thes.5:27). This may have been the begininng of the collection of books for the New testament canon. Though some books were later disputed,their oringinal acceptance speaks strongly in favor of their inclusion.

When Skepitcs Ask by Norman Gesiler

God bless!
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Can True Happiness Be Found in this World Alone?

What is happiness?

Aristotle accepts the idea that the greatest human good is happiness. But he immediately points out that it needs refinement. The reason is that the common opinion of mankind is not in agreement about what happiness is. However,the number of competing views are small:

1. Happiness is pleasure.

2. Happiness is honor.

3. Happiness is virtue,or excellence.

4. Happiness is bodily and external goods,such as health and wealth.

Aristotle considers wheather in each one of the four opinions there might be a grain of truth mixed with chaff.

Definition 1: Happiness is pleasure. Grain: No one would call a man happy who never experienced any pleasure at all. Chaff: Still,can we really say pleasure is the same as happiness? Unhappiness in the midst of pleasure is a common experience;it seems that,ultimately mere satisfaction is unsatisfying. Not only that,pleasure comes and goes. By contrast we think of true happiness as something abiding,something that characterizes a whole life. Apparently pleasure is not the essence of happiness but merely it's accompaniment or by-product.

Definition 2: Happiness is honor. Grain: No one would call a man happy who never received any honor for his excellences. Chaff: But even a seeker of honor admits that to be honored by other people for excellences that he knew he did not possess would be a hollow experience. So he does not want honor for it's own sake after all;what he really wants is to merit honor. Besides,honor depends on those who confer it,and what is confered can be taken away. But as we said above,we think true happiness as something abiding,something difficult to take away.

Diffintion 3: Happiness is virtue,or excellence. Grain: Unlike pleasure,virtue is abiding,and unlike honor,it cannot be taken away by others. Not only that,we saw on a closer examination that what the honor-seeker really wants is to merit honor. But one merits honor by possessing the virtues. Chaff: Imagine a man who is perfectly virtuous but who,by some dreadful mistake,is condemed to torture for crimes he did not commit. In the midst of his agony,is he happy? Socrates thought so,but Aristotle thought that view is absurd.

Diffintion 4: Happiness is bodily and external goods,such as health and wealth. Grain: Did we not just admit,in the example of the virtuous man undergoing torture,that happiness depends on outward conditions? Chaff: The example of the virtuous man undergoing torture did not prove that virtue is unnecessary for happiness;it only proved that virtue is insuffient for happiness.

Even when we combine Aristotle's grains of truth,we still end up with some missing element to attaining true happiness because all the diffintions offered above depend on temporal things. In fact,these diffintions of happiness were given in respect to the greatest human good.

However,true happiness and ultimate meaning transcend humanity and are anchored in a higher good-God. Without God we are left with extracting meaning and happiness from seeking and achieving the highest human good in this world. Without God,ultimate happiness and meaning will always be-in the final analsis-elusive concepts.

Yet if people looked inside their own hearts,they would know that this world does not offer what they truly desire.

The Bible says that God has placed eternity in the hearts of all people(Ecclesiastes 3:11). There is a desire within the human heart to be of eternal import,to have value that transcends the temporal world. There is a longing deep within each of us to live the kind of life that,when all is said and done,will somehow have eternal consequences.

However,the craving for eternal significance can never be satisfied within the limitations of a temporal world;only that which is eternal(God)can bestow eternal significance upon which is temporal(humanity).

Unshakable Foundations by Norman Gesiler

God bless everyone!
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Jesus View On The Bible

Perhaps the strongest arguement that the Bible is the Word of God is the testimony of Jesus. If Jesus is the Son of God, then whatever He affirms has divine authority. Thus, whatever Jesus taught about the Bible is the last word on the topic.

Jesus affirmed It's Divine Authority

Over and over Jesus declared,"It is written"(Matt.4:4, 7, 10). He instructed,"Man does not live on bread alone,but on every word that comes from the mouth of God"(Matt.4:4). Jesus even appealed to Scripture as the highest authority by which Satan can be rebuked:"Away from me,Satan! For it is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve him only"(Matt.4:10).

Jesus Affirmed It's Imperishability

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets;I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth,until heaven and and earth disappear,not the smallest letter,not the least stroke of a pen,will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished"(Matt.5:17-18).

Jesus Asserted It's Unbreakability

"If he called them 'gods'to whom the word of God came-and the Scripture cannot be broken.."(John 10:35).(This is the equivalent of claiming that the Bible is infallible.)

Jesus Declared It's Ultimate Supremacy

The bible is exalted above all human instruction. Jesus said to the Jewish leaders,"Why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?...Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition"(Matt.15:3-6).

Jesus Affirmed It's Factual Inerrancy

"Jesus replied,"You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God"(Matt.22:29). Again,Jesus said to the Father,"Sanctify them by the truth;your word is truth"(John 17:17). In breif,the Bible is wholly true,without any error.

Jesus Referred To The Old Testament as a Whole

Jesus indicated that the whole Old Testament is the Word of God in phrases like"the Law and the Prophets"(the entire Old Testament)"Do not think that I have come to abolish them but to fulfill them"(Matt.5:17). Also,beginning with Moses and all the Prophets,he(Jesus) explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself"(Luke 24:27).

Jesus Promised the Divine Authority of the New Testament

Not only did Jesus confirm the Old Testament to be the Word of God,He also promised the same for the New Testament,affirming that the Holy Spirit would teach the apostles "all things" and lead them into "all truth."He announced,"The Counselor,the Holy Spirit,whom the Father will send in my name,will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you"(John 14:26)."But when he,the Spirit of truth,comes,he will guide you into all truth"(John 16:13).

Christ and the Critics

Jesus Confirmed That God Created Adam and Eve

Most Bible critics believe that the first human evolved from lower forms of life. But in response to a question on the relationship between a husband and a wife,Jesus established the basis for marriage of the first couple,whom He said were created by God: "Haven't you read...that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'and said,'for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh?"(Matt.19:4-5).

Jesus Affirmed That Jonah Was Swallowed by a Great Fish

Many critics deny the story of Jonah and the fish,calling it a myth. Jesus,however,took it as literally true,comparing it with His own literal death and resurrection:"For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish,so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth"(Matt.12:40).

God Bless!wave
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Answering Objections To Christ's Resurrection

Most of the theories to explain away the resurrection are based on an antisupernatural bias(If God exists miracles are possible). These therories are all easily shown to be absurd.

"Jesus swooned he didn't really die"

1. How could he have survived?(See my blog Jesus Death and Resurrection).

2. And if he did survive,how could a weak man seeking medical attention:

A. move the 2 ton rock up and away,then get by the Roman guards,and then

B. fool the scared,scattered,skeptical disciples and 500 others into faith to the death(Jonh 20:19)?

3. In light of his teachings,could Jesus have been such a charlatan?

"Witnessess hallucinated his resurrection"

1. How could 500 hallucinate at different places and different times over 40 days,especially people who were NOT predisposed to it?(They were disbelieving,not anticipating a resurrection).

2.Why was the tomb empty?

3. Why didn't the Jews or Romans produce the body to squash Christianity?

"The disciples stole the body"

1. Why would they later die for a known lie?

2. They denounced lying(Ephesians 4:25),were they charlatans?

3. What did they possibly have to gain?

4. How did they get past the elite Romans who guarded the tomb with their lives?(Besides,the disciples were cowards before the resurrection(John 20:19).

"Witnesses went to the wrong tomb"

1. Did everyone do this for 40 straight days and ever since?

2. Why didn't the Romans or Jews go to the right tomb and produce the body to squash Christianity?

3. What about the 12 appearences and 500 witnessess?

"Jesus didn't die;Judas(or someone else)was substituted for Jesus on the cross"

1. The Old Testament predicted Jesus would die(Isaiah 53).

2. Jesus predicted He would die(Matthew 26:1-2).

3.The Jewsish Talmud claims that Jesus practiced sorcery,led Israel astray and was thus was killed by "hanging"(crucifixion).

4. How could everyone present at the crucifixion have been mistaken(including his enemies,Pilate,John,the women,and even his own mother)?

5.An angel claimed Jesus died by crucifixion(Mark 16:6).

6. Jesus displayed his crucifixion wounds(Luke 24:39;John 20:27).

7. Why didn't the Jews claim the disciples stole the body if he hadn't really died(Mathew 28:11-15)?

"It was a case of mistaken identity"

1. How could people who spent 3 years with Jesus day and night continue to mistake someone else for him for 40 straight days?

2. If it was a case of mistaken identity,then who performed the miracles and ascended into heaven?

3. Again,why didn't the Romans or Jews go to the right tomb and produce the body to squash Christianity?

The most outstanding proof that Jesus rose from the dead is that he was seen by more than 500 people on 12 occasions. the creed-like statements recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:3-5 are from very early in the life of the church,being formulated within a few years of the death of Jesus. Hence,it has great historical reliability.

He rose in a physical body that had flesh and bones(Luke 24:39),ate fish(Luke 24:42-43),and challenged doubters to touch him and see(Luke 24:39). To Thomas,he said,"Put your finger here;see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side"(John 20:27). This kind of contact makes it impossible to suggest that the disciples saw a spirit or an illusion.

Beyond this several people saw him on more than one occasion,some alone,and some with large groups,sometimes at night and sometimes at daylight. Paul challenged any who doubt the report to simply ask any of the witnessess who were still alive to be questioned(1 Corinthians 15:6). Also the apearences were long enough to be sure of the identity of the Man. He walked and talked with some(Luke 24:13),ate with others(John 21:1),and stayed long enough to teach them concerning God's kingdom(Acts 1:3).

With this kind of testimony,there can be no doubt as to it's truth.

God bless!wave
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Jesus Death and Resurrection

Jesus accomplished His resurrecetion. But to rise,Jesus had to first die. Here's the evidence that Jesus died:

1. After getting no sleep the night before,Jesus was severely whipped and crowned with thorns. Three six-inch spikes were then driven into his hands and feet,and a spear was later thrust into his side.

2. Jesus experienced a heavy loss of blood from at least six hours on the cross(Mark 15:25,33-34)and from the bloody sweat in the garden the night before.

3. His side was pierced and "blood and water"(John 19:34)came out. this had to have been an eyewitness account because it's a medical fact that blood and a watery serum would flow from a puntured heart after crucifixion. No one could have invented that detail-John must have witnessed it!

4. Crucifixion required that Jesus needed to continually pull himself up in order to breath. If the whipping,nails,blood loss,and a spear didn't kill him,then asphyxiation certainly did it.

5. Jesus was not druged since he refused drugs(Mark 15:23).

6. Witnesses heard his death cry(Luke 23:46-48).

7. The Romans,who were professional executioners,did not break his legs to speed death because they knew he was already dead(John 19:33).

8. Pilate confirmed the death of Jesus before allowing them to bury him(Mark 15:44-45).

9. Jesus was embalmed in about 75 pounds of spices and bandages(John 19:39).

10. He was laid in a garden tomb,blocked by a rock weighing 3,000-4,000 pounds;sealed by a clay Roman seal,and guarded by elite Roman soldiers.

11. He remained in the tomb for "three days"(1 Corinthians 15:4).If He wasn't dead when he went in,he would have been dead by Sunday.

12. Medical authorites have verified it: "Clearly,the weight of historical and medical evidence indicates that Jesus was dead before the wound to his side was inflicted and supports the traditional veiw that the spear,thrust between his right rib,probably perforated not only the right lung but also the pericardium and heart and thereby ensured his death. Accordingly,interpretations based on the assumption that Jesus did not die on the cross appear to be at odds with modern medical knowledge"(Journal of the American Medical society,March 21,1986,1463).


The third strand of evidence supporting Jesus claim to be God is the grandest and greatest of them all. Nothing like it is claimed by any other religion,and no miracle has as much historical evidence to confirm it.

Here's the evidence that He rose:

1. There is a permanently empty tomb! The enemies of Christianity could only call him names,but they couldn't produce his body(their disbelief was a matter of the will,not of the evidence). The silence of the enemies almost speaks louder than the voice of the believers.

2. The "very large rock" was rolled away from the grave site and the grave clothes were left behind(Mark 16:4;Matthew 28:2).

It is interesting to note, that women were the first to see Christ empty tomb, and that he first appeared to them(John 20:10-18; Matthew 28:8-10).

As Lee Strobel notes in The Case for Christ,"when you understand the role of women in the first century Jewish society,what's really exraordinary is that this empty tomb story should feature females as the discoverers of the empty tomb. In fact,"any later legendary account would have certainly portrayed male disciples as discovering the tomb- Peter or John,for example. The fact that women are the first witnesses to the empty tomb is most plausibly explained by the reality that-like it or not-they were the discoverers of the empty tomb!

This shows that the gospel writers faithfully recorded what happened,even if it was embarrassing.

I will continue to share more on my next blog, regarding the resurrection of Christ,for at this time I ran out of space.Lol.

God bless everyone!wave
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Jesus Sinless and Miraculous Life

To live a sinless life does not prove Deity by itself(though only Jesus has managed to do it),but to claim to be God and offer a sinless life as evidence is another matter.

Some of Jesus'enemies brought false accusations against Him,but the verdict of Pilate at His trial has been the verdict of history:"I find no guilt in this Man"(Luke 23:4). A soldier at the cross agreed,saying,"Certainly this Man was innocent"(Luke 23:47),and the theif on the cross next to Jesus said,"This man has done nothing wrong"(Luke 23:41).

But the real test is what those who were closest to Jesus said of His character. His disciples had lived and worked with Him for several years at close range,yet their opinions of Him are not diminished at all. Peter called Christ "a Lamb without blemish or defect"(1 Peter 1:19)and added,"Nor was any deceit found in his mouth"(1 Peter 2:22). John called Him "Jesus Christ the righteous"(1 John 2:1;3:7). Paul expressed the unanimous belief of the early church that Christ "knew no sin"(2 Corinthians5:21)..and the writer of Hebrews says that he was tempted as a man "yet without sin"(Hebrews 4:15).

Jesus Himself once challenged His accusers,"Which one of you convicts me of sin?"(John 8:46)but no one was able to find Him guilty of anything. This being the case,the impeccable character of Christ gives double testimony to the truth of His claim. It provides supporting evidence as He suggested,but it also assures us that He was not lying when He said that He was God.

Beyond the moral aspects of His life,we are confronted with the miraculous nature of His ministry. He turned water to wine(John 2:7),walked on water(Matthew 14:25),multiplied bread(Luke 9:1-17)open the eyes of the blind(John 9:1-7),made the lame to wak(Mark 2:3),cast out demons(Mark 3:11),healed the multitudes of all kinds of sickness(Matthew 9:35),including leprosy(Mark 1:40-42),and even raised the dead to life on several occasions(John 11:43-44);Luke 7:11-15;Mark 5:35).

When asked if He was the Messiah,He used His miracles as evidence to support the claim,saying,"Go and report to John(the Baptist)the things which you hear and see:the blind receive sight and the lame walk,lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear,and the dead are raised up"(Matthew 11:4-5).This special outpouring of miracles was a special sign that the Messiah had come(Isaiah 35:5-6). Nicodemus even said,"Rabbi,we know that You have come from God as a teacher;for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with Him"(John 3:2).

To the first century Jew,miracles such as Christ performed were clear indications of God's approval of the performer's message. In Jesus case,part of that message was that He is God in human flesh. His miracles verify His claim to be true Deity.

The third strand of evidence supporting Jesus'claim to be God is the grandest and greatest of them all. Nothing like it is claimed by any other religion,and no miracle has as much historical evidence to confirm it.

Jesus Christ rose from the dead to a transformed body on the third day after His death. In His resurrected state He appeared to more than 500 of His disciples on at least 8 different occasions over a 40 day peroid,He conversed with them,let them touch Him,and cooked breakfast for them. The fact that the Old Testament and Jesus Himself predicted that He would rise from the dead makes this miracle even stronger in it's significance.

When dealing with people who refused to believe in spite of His miracles,Jesus rested the case for His deity on the resurrection alone.

I will continue to give evidence for the resurrection of Christ,and will answer some objections that have been raised to explain away the Resurrection, in my next blog.

(When Skeptics Ask by Norman Gesiler)

God bless everyone!wave
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What evidence supports Jesus' claims are true?

What kind of evidence did Jesus offer to support his claims to Deity?

He offered supernatural confirmation of His claims to be a supernatural Being. The logic of this argument goes like this:

1. A miracle is an act of God that confirms the truth of God associated with it.

2. Jesus offered three lines of miraculous evidence to confirm His claim to be God-His fulfillment of prophecy,His sinless and miraculous life,and His resurrection from the dead.

3. Therefore,Jesus'miracles confirm that He is God.

There are dozens of prophecies in the Old Testament regarding the Messiah.Here are a few of the most significant prophecies which Christ fulfilled,in the New Testament.

1. Born of a woman(Genesis 3:15;Galatians 4:4)

2. Born of a virgin(Isaiah 7:14;Matthew 1:21)

3. He would be "cut off"(die)483 years after the declaration to reconstruct the temple in 444 B.C.(Daniel 9:24).(This was fulfilled to the very year. See Hoehner, Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ, 115-138).

4. Of the seed of Abraham(Genesis 12:1-3;22:18;Matthew 1:1;Galatians 3:16).

5. Of the tribe of Judah(Genesis 49:10;Luke 3:23,33;Hebrews 7:14).

6. Of the house of David(2 Samuel 7:12;Matthew 1:1)

7. Born in Bethlehem(Micah 5:2;Matthew 2:1;Luke 2::4-7)

8. Anointed by the Holy Spirit(Isaiah 11:2;Matthew 3:16-17)

9. Heralded by a messenger of the Lord(John the Baptist)(Isaiah 40:3;Malachi 3:1;Matthew 3:1-2)

10. Would perform miracles(Isaiah 35:5-6;Matthew 9:35)

11. Would cleanse the temple(Malachi 3:1;Matthew 21:12)

12. Rejected by the Jews(Psalms 118:22; 1 Peter 2:7)

13. Die a humiliating death(Psalms 22;Isaiah 53) involving:

a. rejection(Isaiah 53:3;John 1:10-11;7:5,48)

b. silence before his accusers(Isaiah 53:7;Matthew 27:31)

c. being mocked(Psalms 22:7-8;Matthew 27:31)

d. piercing His hands and feet(Psalms 22:16;Luke 23:33)

e. being crucified with thieves(Isaiah 53:12;Matthew 27:38)

f. praying for his persecutors(Isaiah 53:12;Luke 23:43)

g. piercing His side(Zechariah 12:10;John 19:34)

h. buried in a rich man's tomb(Isaiah 53:9;Matthew 27:57-60)

i. casting lots for his garments(Psalms 22:18;John 19:23)

14.Would rise from the dead(Psalms 16:10;Mark 16:6;Acts 2:31)

15. Ascend into heaven(Psalms 68:18;Acts 1:9)

16. Would sit down at the right hand of God(Psalms(110:1;Hebrews 1:3)

It is important to understand that these prophecies were written hundreds of years before Christ was born. No one could have been reading the signs of the times or just making intelligent guesses,like the "prophecies"we see in the check out line at the supermarket.Lol. Even most liberal critics admit that the prophetic books were completed some 400 years before Christ,and the book of Daniel by about 167 B.C. though there is good evidence to date most of these books much earler within the eighth and ninth centuries B.C.

What difference does it make? It is just as hard to predict an event 200 years in the future as it is to predict one that is 800 years in the future. Both feats would require nothing less than divine knowledge.

(When Skepics Ask by Norman Geisler)

I will continue in my next blog, in regards to Christ sinless and miraculous life,as well as His resurrection.

God bless everyone!wave
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Non-Christian sources for Jesus and the Bible

Flavius Josephus(ca.37-ca.100),was perhaps one of the greatest historians of his time. Josephus began his historical writings in Rome while serving as a historian for the Roman emperor Domition. It was there that he authored his autobiography and two major historical works. One of those works is now famous Antiquities of the Jews,which he finished in about A.D.93. In book 18,chapter 3,setion 3 of that work,Josephus,who was not a Christian,wrote thse words:

At this time(the time of Pilate)there was a wise man who was called Jesus. His conduct was good and(he)was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. But those who had become his disiples did not abandon his disipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion,and that he was alive;accordingly he was perhaps the Messiah,concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders.

That wasn't Josephus's only mention of Jesus. In another passage from Antiquities,Josephus revealed how the new high priest of the Jews(Ananus the Younger) took advantage of a gap in Roman rule to kill James,the brother of Jesus. It was A.D. 62,and the Roman governor Festus died suddenly in office. Three months elapsed before his successor,Albinus,could get to Judea,allowing ample time for Ananus to do his dirty work. Josephus desribes the incident this way:

Festus was now dead,and Albinus was but upon the road;so he(Anaus the high priest)assembled the Sanhedrin of the judges,and brought before them the brother of Jesus,who was called Christ,whose name was James,and some others,(or some of his companions),and when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of the law,he delivered them to be stoned.

So here we have not only another first-century reference to Jesus,but confirmation that he had a brother name James who,obviously,was not well liked by the Jewish authorities. Could it be that James was martyred because he was the leader of the Jeusalem church,as the New Testament implies?

Just how many non-Christian sources are there that mention Jesus? Including Josephus,there are ten known non-Christian writers who mention Jesus within 150 years of his life. By contrast,over the same 150 years,there are nine non-Christian sources who mention Tiberius,Caesar,the Roman emperor at the time of Jesus. So discounting all the Christian sources,Jesus is actually mentioned by one more source than the Roman emperor. If you include the Christian sources,authors mentioning Jesus outnumber those mentioning Tiberius 43 to 10!

Some of these non-Christian sources-such as Celsus,Tacitus,and the Jewish Tulmud-could be considered anti-Christian sources. While these works do not have any eyewitness testimony that contradicts events described in the New Testament documents,they are works writen by writers whose tone is decidedly anti-Christian. What can we learn from them and the more neutral non-Christian sources? We learn that they admit certain facts about early Christianty that can help us piece together a storyline that is surprisingly congruent with the New Testament. Piecing together all ten non-Christian references,we see that:

1. Jesus lived during the time of Tiberius Caesar.

2. He lived a virtuous life.

3. He was a wonder worker.

4. He had a brother named James.

5. He was acclaimed to be the Messiah.

6. He was crucified under Pontious Pilate.

7. He was crucified on the eve of the Jewish Passover.

8. Darkness and an earthquake occured when he died.

9. His disciples believed he rose from the dead.

10. His disciples were willing to die for their belief.

11. Christianity spread rapidly as far as Rome.

12. His disciples denied the Roman gods and worshiped Jesus as God.

In light of these non Christian references,the theory that Jesus never existed is clearly unreasonable. God bless you, everyone!
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