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The God Who Eternally Exists is Not Dead

The Cosmological Argument for the existence of God goes something like this...

1. Everything that had a beginning, had a beginner (or Causer).

2. The universe had a beginning (it's not eternal).

3. Therefore, the universe had a Beginner (or Causer).

If the first two points are true, the third point is automatically true. writing

Everything That Had a Beginning Had a Beginner

One of the most basic laws of science is known as the law of causality. This law says, essentially, "Anything that had a beginning was caused by something outside of it's self." idea Another way to say this is that if something had a beginning, then Someone/Something had to bring it it existence. If we can show that the universe had a beginning, then the law of causality will demand that a Beginner of some kind created or caused it. cool This principle is so foundational that one of history's most famous skeptics, David Hume, said, "I never asserted so absurd a proposition as that anything might arise without a cause. pointing

The following all demonstrate how this law operates: Animals, insects, trees, plants, chairs, books, ships, and jet airplanes all had a beginning; they all have a cause. Vehicles are caused by a variety of people who plan, design, produce, and assemble them. motorcycle Computers are caused by people who design hardware and write software. typing Buildings are caused by architects, contractors, carpenters, and many others.danceline It's not difficult to come up with a very long list of things that had a beginning and therefore subject to the law of causality that requires a beginner/causer for each.

Think about the song from The Sound of Music that tells us nothing can come from nothing. Why can't something come from nothing? hmmm Because nothing is just that-it's nothing! giggle Something or Someone, must begin or cause everything that comes into being.

The Universe had a Beginning (it's not eternal)

Next we must ask ourselves if the universe had a beginning. Was there a beginning to stars, planets, galaxies, time, space, matter, energy, and life itself? Or does atheism correctly maintain that the universe is eternal? Two pieces of evidence help to show that the universe had a beginning and therefore is not eternal-Someone or Something had to cause or "begin" it.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

The second law of thermodynamics says that the universe is running out of usable energy. conversing This principle is relatively simple to understand.

Think of iPods, which are made (or begun, or created) by designers and assemblers. If you buy a new one, naturally you'll want to use it right away. listen to music But an iPod won't operate without a charged battery, so you must plug it in for a few hours first. Then you turn it on, and presto! It works. dancing As you listen to music (or view movies or photos), the iPod's battery gradually loses it's charge and increasingly runs down. at some point, without a recharge, it will stop working, having "run out of usable energy."

Here's the point: The iPod, it's battery and energy, had a beginning. And from the time you first use it, the energy stored in it starts to deplete. It's available energy will eventually run out. This means there was a limited amount of energy in your iPod battery from the beginning. The universe in which we live is very similar (though it has no docking station or USB connector). That it's usable energy is running down means it had a beginning. It's not eternal-if it were, then it would have unlimited, inexhaustible energy that would never run out or end, because eternity never runs out or ends. Like an iPod, the universe had to have a beginning.

The Universe is Expanding (If it were reversed, the universe would collapse back to nothing).

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God is Not Incompatiable with Human Freedom

Hi everyone. Just wanted to try and share a balance view, in regards, to Predestination and Free Will.

God's determination and human freedom are not necessarily an either/or situation; they can be a both/and situation. There are a number of ways a theist might reconcile the two.

He might contend that God controls the world by what He knows men will freely do. Knowing what men will do with their freedom is not the same as ordaining what they must do against their freedom. The latter would seem to be incompatible with a loving God, but the former would appear to follow naturally from such a God.

If love is persuasive but never coercive, then allowing men to freely determine their own destiny would seem to be the loving way to make them. Hence, a theist could argue that the love of God necessitates that if He decides to create creatures that can love Him, then they must be free; it is of the very nature of love that other persons be able to respond freely to it. In this way both God and man would be responsible for free acts. God would be responsible ultimately because He created free creatures. Creatures would be responsible immediately because they are not forced to choose what is morally wrong but freely choose to do so.

God may cause human free acts indirectly by way of His knowledge of what they will freely do; men cause them directly by way of what they choose to do. Therefore, freedom does not eliminate God. On the contrary it involves Him.

The theist may argue that if man is free, then he is responsible; if he has been given freedom, then he is responsible to the One who gave him freedom.

In this account God is ultimately responsible for the fact of freedom (which is a good thing) but immediately responsible for the acts of freedom (which may be evil). Both God and men take their separate responsibilities for freedom. So rather than disproving God, ultimately freedom may be said to imply God.

Christian Apologetics: Norman Gesiler

On a wall in Austria a graffiti said "God is dead,-- Nietzsche!" To which someone wrote under it, Nietzsche is dead!--God." grin

God's love and blessing to everyone at CS! Serendipity teddybear
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The Resurrection: What Do Scholars Say?

Gary Habermas has compiled the most comprehensive investigation to date on what scholars believe about the Resurrection. Habermas collected more than 1,400 of the most critical scholarly works on the Resurrection written from 1975 to 2003. In the Risen Jesus and Future Hope, Habermas reports that virtually all scholars from across the ideological spectrum- from ultra-liberals to Bible-thumping conservatives- agree that the following points concerning Jesus and Christianity are actual historical facts:

1. Jesus died by Roman crucifixion.

2. He was buried, most likely in a private tomb.

3. Soon afterwards the disciples were discouraged, bereaved, and despondent, having lost hope.

4. Jesus tomb was found empty very soon after his interment.

5. The disciples had experiences that they believed were actual appearances of the risen Jesus.

6. Due to these experiences, the disciples lives were thoroughly transformed. They were even willing to die for their belief.

7. The proclamation of the Resurrection took place very early, from the beginning of the church history.

8. The disciples public testimony and preaching of the Resurrection took place in the city of Jerusalem, where Jesus had been crucified and buried shortly before.

9. The gospel message centered on the preaching of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

10. Sunday was the primary day for gathering and worshiping.

11. James, the brother of Jesus and a skeptic before this time, was converted when he believed he also saw the risen Jesus.

12. Just a few years later, Saul of Tarsus (Paul) became a Christian believer, due to an experience that he also believed was an appearance of the risen Jesus.

In light of these accepted facts, the evidences shows that:

The New Testament Story is Not a Legend-

The New Testament documents were written well within two generations of the events by eyewitnesses or their contemporaries, and the New Testament story line is corroborated by non-Christian writers. In addition, the New Testament mentions 30 historical figures who have been confirmed by sources outside the New Testament. Therefore, the New Testament story cannot be legend.

The New Testament Is Not a Lie-

The N.T writers included divergent and embarrassing details, difficult and demanding sayings, and they carefully distinguished Jesus' words from their own. They also referenced facts and eyewitnesses that their readers either already knew or could verify. In fact, the N.T writers provoked their readers and prominent first-century enemies to check out what they said. If that's not enough to confirm their truthfulness then their martyrdom should remove any doubt. These eyewitnesses endured persecution and death for the empirical claim that they had seen, heard, and touched the risen Jesus, yet they could have saved themselves by simply denying their testimony.

The New Testament Story Is Not Embellished-

The N.T writers were meticulously accurate, as evidenced by well over 140 historically confirmed details. They recorded miracles in those same historically confirmed narratives, and they did so without apparent embellishment or significant theological comment.

So Is The New Testament Truth?-

If most scholars agree with the twelve facts stated above then the New Testament story is not a legend, a lie, or an embellishment, then we know beyond a reasonable doubt that the New Testament writers accurately recorded what they saw.

Norman Geisler: I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

God's love and blessing to all at CS! Serendipity teddybear
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Eyewitnesses to the Resurrection of Christ

Dr. Simon Greenleaf, a founder of Harvard Law School, developed what became known as the "Rules of Evidence"- the rules that determine what kind of testimony, exhibits, and information will be admitted into evidence in a court of law. Greenleaf was a highly respected professor and attorney, but he was not a Christian. In fact, he was skeptical of Christianity and often would make fun of believers in his class. One day a group of Christian students challenged him to take his own standards for courtroom evidence and apply it to the claim that Jesus rose from the dead. He agreed to the challenge, certain he would prove the resurrection accounts to be false. popcorn

Instead, he was shocked by his own results. wow He was convinced the New Testament accounts were reliable, and he became a believer. He concluded that the writers were telling the truth for several reasons. writing

These were Greenleaf's own standards for a witness:


Simon Greenleaf found that the men who wrote the New Testament had high moral standards. They told others not to lie. They warned people not to become drunk, not to commit adultery. They exhorted everyone to love others, be humble, take care of orphans and widows, pursue righteousness (e.g., see Romans 12:10; Colossians 3:9; 1 Timothy 3:8; 2 Timothy 2:22; Titus 3:2; Hebrews 13:4; James 1:27). Greenleaf concluded that theses were honest men who had told the truth about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He later wrote:

It is incredible that bad men should invent falsehoods to promote the religion of the God of truth....

Either [the apostles] were...[more skilled] in the arts of deception than all others, before or after them, or they have truly stated the astonishing things which they saw and heard.


Greenleaf found that the authors were all of at least normal intelligence. Their writings are not the rants of unstable men. The apostle Paul, who wrote most of the New Testament books, was highly educated. Luke himself, a doctor independently investigated the facts for himself. Greenleaf concluded that the New Testament was written by believable witnesses.


An attorney always hopes to have more than one witness to testify. With one, the case may not be very strong. Two or more eyewitnesses are preferable.

Greenleaf noted that several different men wrote the New Testament. Five authors- Matthew, John, Peter, Paul, and James- were themselves eyewitnesses to the resurrection. Luke interviewed eyewitnesses. No other event from the ancient world had this many eyewitnesses all stating the same essential facts. Greenleaf concluded that there were sufficient witnesses.


Witnesses should be consistent on all the primary facts. At the same time, as they always see things from their own point of view, we should expect some secondary details to have a degree of difference.

Greenleaf found that the writers agreed on all the major points. They all agreed that Jesus rose from the dead, yet each told the story in his own way. His conclusion: These men were consistent in all the basic areas while providing details from their vantage point. They were telling the truth.

"We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty (2 Peter 1:16)."

Simon Greenleaf: The Testimony of the Evangelists

God's love and blessing to everyone at CS! Serendipity

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Meaning in Sorrow

Death does not fit life. Nowhere do we feel the need for meaning as strongly as when we lose someone we love. Death makes no sense, and when it happens, especially unexpectedly or to a younger person, everything within us screams, This is not right! crying The reason our souls scream is because it is true. God has told us that death was not supposed to be part of our experience. It only exists because in the beginning the human race rejected Him.

But a relationship with God can bring meaning even when we experience death. He tells us that not only can we understand it, but we can go through it and still have hope and the understanding that His purposes are still at work. He promises us that He is still there, that He is bigger than death, and that even when we die, we will be taken to Him and also be reunited with those who have gone before us to be with Him (1 Thessalonians 5:13-18). To know that your loved ones are still alive, simply in another dimension we cannot see, is not only immensely comforting but brings meaning to what could be the ultimate meaninglessness. Without faith, we could feel that "life seems so meaningless" when someone dies. But when we understand that God is still there, beyond death, and that He has explained death to us, we can thrive even when death is a part of the bigger picture.

Faith in God gives us meaning when we are alive, when we struggle, when we lose someone we love, and when we die. In short, God is the meaning of it all. And when we are connected to Him, we find out why we are here and what it all means.

The Law of Happiness: Henry Cloud

God's love and blessing to everyone on the blogs! Serendipity. teddybear
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Love and Capital Punishment

Hello everyone. It's great to back! After reading some interesting blogs, regarding, capital punishment, I thought of sharing a biblical and moral perspective on the topic.

Capital punishment, the intentional execution of a guilty person, a muderer, was originally instituted because of a lack of respect for man made in the image of God (Genesis 9:6). It was reinforced in the Mosaic law (Exodus 21:23-25), recognized by Jesus (John 19:11), and restated by Paul when he reminded Christians that the ruler "does not bear the sword for nothing. he is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrong doer " (Romans 13:4). It is a serious thing to exact capital punishment, so the identity of the murder must be beyond question and his responsibility for the murder beyond reasonable doubt.

Capital punishment, when justly administered, is a kind of mercy sacrificing of the guilty for the innocent. Contrary to popular sentiment, capital punishment is not an expression of barbaric disrespect for a murder's life. It is the murderer who has barbaric disrespect for the worth of human life, not the court that justly sentenced him. Love demands that we ask for whom mercy should be shown, the innocent or the guilty. If we fail to insist on justice by sacrifice of the guilty for the innocent, we show disregard for biblical love and disrespect for the value of an innocent life.

The same justice of God that demanded a substitutionary sacrifice of Christ, life for life, is at the root of the morality of capital punishment. There was no other way to satisfy God's justice than for Christ to give His life for ours (Mark 10:45; 1 Peter 2:24). And there is no other way to satisfy God's justice and ensure a just and respectful social order than to insist that the life of a murder be sacrificed. Utter hateful disregard for the value of individual lives cannot be tolerated by love; love must condemn it. It is loving to value and to protect human life, and capital punishment was instituted to do that very thing. A person's realization that he will lose his life if he takes the life of another will deter most from murder. And one thing is sure: No one who received capital punishment has ever repeated the crime!

Love is Always Right: Norman Gesiler

God's love and blessing to everyone on the blogs! Serendipity teddybear
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Happy People Are Optimistic

Optimism Grounded In Faith:

How happy are you if you look into the future and see nothing but bleakness and negativity? Not very. sigh The power of optimism has been shown over and over to affect not only happiness but performance and well-being in life. Optimistic and hopeful people are happier and healthier, both mentally and physically. applause Even their immune systems work better (Carr, Positive Psychlogy). hmmm We can say from research that optimism will "immunize" both your body and your

Focusing on positive thinking and working on changing your thinking styles is important, but positive thinking grounded in faith is even stronger.flex When we are grounded in a relationship with God, we can face whatever difficulty we are experiencing. He promises to do that. handshake Not only that, but so much of the unhappiness in our lives has to do with our own failings, personal issues, hangups, and the fear that we can't change. moping "Why can't I be different!" is often the cry of our souls when we fail or when we blow it in some way. Well, the certain answer of the Bible is that "you can!"thumbs up

God promises to make us different, as we ask Him to change us. He promises to transform us over time and turn us into better, more mature people, and the Bible says he will complete the process:

I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns (Philippians 1:6).

No matter what your last failure was, if you ask God to change you into someone who will be different, He will.writing God promises to take care if our needs, to lead and guide us, to create a future and a hope for us, and to change us into who we need to be are grounds for the most optimistic and, therefore, healthiest and happiest lives possible. As the Bible says,

If God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)?

That is optimism indeed. So when life hits you hard, and if you have faith, you can look to the future with a hope that is real, because it is grounded in Someone much bigger than you.yay

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

The Law of Happiness: Henry Cloud

God's love and blessing to everyone at CS! Serendipityteddybear
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Happy People Have Faith

There is a "law" that governs whether or not God's existence makes a difference in our lives. It's the difference in God "being there" verses "God being there for me."handshake That "law" is what the bible calls "faith."

The way it works is that God can be there, but until you have a relationship with him, there is no connection, and you don't experience the benefits of the relationship. But when you do make a move to connect with Him, what the Bible refers to as putting your "faith" in Him, then many, many things begin to occur that can change your life, health, well-being, and happiness.yay And the research validates this over and over, showing that people who are involved in their faith are physically and emotionally the better for it. As happiness researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky puts it, religious people are "happier, healthier, and recover better after traumas than non-religious people (Sonya Lyubomirsky, The How of Happiness, 228).writing One example of dealing with trauma is an eighteen-month follow-up study of parents who had lost babies to sudden infant death syndrome. In that study, the parents who attended regular church services and said that their faith was important to them were coping better, showing less depression, and had greater well-being than non-religious parents (S.L. The How Of Happiness p 228).

Numerous other studies have shown the positive relationship of faith to physical health and even longevity. One study showed how "dedicated members of churches had up to seven years greater life expectancy than people who were not members of churches (Alan Carr, Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Human Strengths, 222). cartwheel joy Faith and seeing God as a partner in coping with life has been shown to help depression and lower suicide rates (Kenneth Pargament, The Psychology of Religion and Coping). The list goes on, but the findings are pretty clear: we do well when we are involved in a life of faith. tip hat

But involvement is the key. I do not mean doing a bunch of meaningless religious rituals, but involvement from your heart. hug It's a faith commitment. Faith is just another word for trust. It means that we depend on God for a number of things that make life work better and, thereby, add to our happiness. grin As Jesus said, when we come to him, we can have life "more abundantly (John 10:10). teddybear as Moses told us, when we follow God, it will be "for our good," as he put it (Deut. 6:24). typing The Hebrew word we translate as "good" or "proper" actually means "good" in a very big sense. It means things like "best, bountiful, cheerful, at ease, merry, precious, and so forth." Those are all words that describe happiness and well-being. yay

But just like a lamp must be plugged into the power source if it is to give light, we must be plugged into God through exercising faith in a trusting relationship. idea How do we do that? The amazing thing about faith is that it is so simple a child could do it. Just as children depend on a mother for love and security, we do the same thing with God. Talk to Him; tell Him that you want to know Him better. When you have a struggle or experience stress, tell God and ask Him to help you with it. Go through your day in a dialogue with God, trusting Him for all that you don't understand. If this is the first time you have ever considered a relationship with God, look at it the way Jesus described it when he said it is like being "born" again:

I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again (John 3:3).

Your spiritual life has a beginning, and Jesus said it begins by believing that He is God, that He came to earth to show us what God is like, and to show us that if we will trust him, we will have forgiveness and the kind of well-being that the research describes. applause
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Happy People are Grateful People

Of all the research that has been done in the last decade and how one of the most powerful findings, proven over and over, is this: grateful people are happy people.yay People who are grateful and practice gratitude regularly have significantly different levels of happiness than those who don't. And it is one of the strongest messages that God tells us over and over: be thankful. dancing dog writing

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 1:18).

Continually, the Bible tells us to be thankful people and not hide our thanksgiving secretly in our hearts. We are to express it, to God and to others. writing

That my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever (Psalms 30:12).

I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among throngs of people I will praise you (Psalms 35:18).

And research agrees. When we are thankful, and also when we express it to others, we are happier.applause People who express gratitude are not only happier but have more energy and better outlooks on the future; they're even physically healthier, having fewer physical ailments than those who don't express gratitude. They have less emotional and psychological maladies as well. Also, they show more relational capacities and are less envious and less materialistic. Sounds like the kind of people you want to be around, huh? grin

The good news is that you can learn to express gratitude and have it play a bigger role in your life with positive results. Experiments and clinical experience have shown that when people are given structured gratitude exercises- like writing down things in life that they are grateful for, keeping a gratitude journal, typing or calling and visiting people to express gratitude to them hug -they become happier as they practice those activities (Sonya Lyubomirsky, The How of happiness, 90.). It is just one more example of how following the law of God is the same as following the law of happiness. tip hat

God has actually, literally, wired our brains and bodies to respond, come alive, and do better when we are practicing certain activities. When we give thanks, our chemistry changes in a positive way from when we are envious or resentful. So, like any parent, God tells us to do things that are good for us. It is a spiritual equivalent of "Eat your vegetables. They're good for you." handshake

Incorporating a prayer routine every night, before going to bed, can be a helpful way of developing thankful hearts and minds. Our prayer can be centered on giving thanks for various elements of that day or for our lives. idea And remember, a grateful heart is a happy heart. heart1

The Law of Happiness: Henry Cloud

God's love and blessing to everyone at CS! God bless! Serendipityteddybear
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Forgiveness is Divine

A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. So many gathered that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them.

Some men came, bringing him a paralytic, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven." Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, "Why does this fellow talk like that? He's blaspheming!frustrated conversing Who can forgive sins but God alone?"professor

Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, "Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up, take your mat and walk'? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins...." He said to the paralytic, "I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home." He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them This amazed the everyone and they praised God, saying, "We have never seen anything like this (Mark 2:1-12)!"yay

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The teachers of the law were correct in saying that only God can forgive sin (Isaiah 43:25), but were incorrect in accusing Jesus of blasphemy, since, Jesus was God Himself in human flesh (John 1:1-14; 8:58; Hebrews 1:8). Therefore, He can claim the prerogatives of God, by demonstrating His authority to forgive sins.

So to prove that His claim was not an empty boast, he healed the man, offering direct proof that what he said about forgiving sins was true, also.

Jesus offer of forgiveness, still stands. For there is no one too bad that they can't be forgiven and too good that they don't need forgiveness.

God's blessing to everyone at CS! Serendipityteddybear
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Heaven is a Place

Heaven now is a real place of departed spirits, the place of bliss in God's presence where believers go when they die. Enoch entered heaven when "God took him" to be with Himself (Genesis 5:24). Elijah also "went up to heaven in a whirlwind" (2 Kings 2:11). Jesus went there at death after saying, "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit (Luke 23:46). A repentant thief did also after Jesus said to him, "Today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43). Paul referred to it as being "absent from the body" and "present with the Lord" (2 Corinthians 5:8). handshake applause daydream

Heaven is God's home; Jesus spoke of "Our Father in heaven" (Matthew 6:9; 5:16) and said it was an actual place, reminding his disciples:

In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am (John 14:2-3).

Jesus said He came from heaven and would return there: No one has ever gone into heaven (bodily) except the one who came down from heaven- the Son of Man" (John 3:13). The one who comes from heaven is above all" (v.31) "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever" (John 6:51).

Jesus told Mary Magdalene, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God'" (John 20:17). This He did at His ascension, when the angels said He would return the same way He'd just departed (Acts 1:11; 1 Thess. 4:16).

Angels also are said to be "in heaven" (Matthew 18:10), to come "from heaven (Matthew 28:2), to dwell "in heaven" (Mark 13:32), and return to heaven (Luke 2:15). In heaven is God's "throne" (Matthew 5:34), where Christ sits at His "right hand" (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 1:3), where angels surround Him in praise and adoration bowing (Revelation. 4-5).

That God dwells in heaven does not mean He is localized and not omnipresent. Solomon prayed: "The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you" (1 Kings 8:27). God is everywhere, as the psalmist revealed: "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there" (Psalms 139:7-9). The reality of heaven as God's dwelling simply means that there is a place (like the old covenant tabernacle and temple) where God is manifested in a special way, a center or "throne" from which He rules the universe. bowing Weather heaven is within the physical universe or in another physical dimension, it is an actual place where the righteous will "see his face" (Revelation 22:4).yay

The Final State of the Saved (Heaven) :Norman Gesiler

God's love and blessing to everyone at CS! Serendipityteddybear
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Jesus Miraculously Calms a Storm

That day when evening came, he (Jesus) said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side." Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. uh oh Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. sleep The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" He got up and rebuked the wind and said to the waves,"Quiet! Be still! Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" They were terrified and asked each other, "who is this? Even the wind and waves obey him (Mark 4:35)!"

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He who created the natural world has power over it. flex Through the storms of life our faith is tested, and so the Lord reminds us... "Be still and know that I am God (Psalms 46:10)."

God's love and blessing to everyone at CS! Serendipityteddybear
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