Happy People Have Faith

There is a "law" that governs whether or not God's existence makes a difference in our lives. It's the difference in God "being there" verses "God being there for me."handshake That "law" is what the bible calls "faith."

The way it works is that God can be there, but until you have a relationship with him, there is no connection, and you don't experience the benefits of the relationship. But when you do make a move to connect with Him, what the Bible refers to as putting your "faith" in Him, then many, many things begin to occur that can change your life, health, well-being, and happiness.yay And the research validates this over and over, showing that people who are involved in their faith are physically and emotionally the better for it. As happiness researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky puts it, religious people are "happier, healthier, and recover better after traumas than non-religious people (Sonya Lyubomirsky, The How of Happiness, 228).writing One example of dealing with trauma is an eighteen-month follow-up study of parents who had lost babies to sudden infant death syndrome. In that study, the parents who attended regular church services and said that their faith was important to them were coping better, showing less depression, and had greater well-being than non-religious parents (S.L. The How Of Happiness p 228).

Numerous other studies have shown the positive relationship of faith to physical health and even longevity. One study showed how "dedicated members of churches had up to seven years greater life expectancy than people who were not members of churches (Alan Carr, Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Human Strengths, 222). cartwheel joy Faith and seeing God as a partner in coping with life has been shown to help depression and lower suicide rates (Kenneth Pargament, The Psychology of Religion and Coping). The list goes on, but the findings are pretty clear: we do well when we are involved in a life of faith. tip hat

But involvement is the key. I do not mean doing a bunch of meaningless religious rituals, but involvement from your heart. hug It's a faith commitment. Faith is just another word for trust. It means that we depend on God for a number of things that make life work better and, thereby, add to our happiness. grin As Jesus said, when we come to him, we can have life "more abundantly (John 10:10). teddybear as Moses told us, when we follow God, it will be "for our good," as he put it (Deut. 6:24). typing The Hebrew word we translate as "good" or "proper" actually means "good" in a very big sense. It means things like "best, bountiful, cheerful, at ease, merry, precious, and so forth." Those are all words that describe happiness and well-being. yay

But just like a lamp must be plugged into the power source if it is to give light, we must be plugged into God through exercising faith in a trusting relationship. idea How do we do that? The amazing thing about faith is that it is so simple a child could do it. Just as children depend on a mother for love and security, we do the same thing with God. Talk to Him; tell Him that you want to know Him better. When you have a struggle or experience stress, tell God and ask Him to help you with it. Go through your day in a dialogue with God, trusting Him for all that you don't understand. If this is the first time you have ever considered a relationship with God, look at it the way Jesus described it when he said it is like being "born" again:

I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again (John 3:3).

Your spiritual life has a beginning, and Jesus said it begins by believing that He is God, that He came to earth to show us what God is like, and to show us that if we will trust him, we will have forgiveness and the kind of well-being that the research describes. applause
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Comments (26)

So begin with that simple step, and see for yourself that His words are true, that if you seek Him, you will find Him and a lot more (Jeremiah 29:13).

The Law of Happiness: Henry Cloud

God's love and blessing to everyone at CS! Serendipityteddybear
Serendipity, While I agree with you to some extent, and I do have faith, does it mean that people without faith are not happy?

Yet happiness to me, comes and goes. Therefore I would assume that just because people don't have faith, and I happen to know some, yet I know them, to be happy, too?

Lindsyjones;I couldn't say better myselfapplause laugh
I also think faith brings positive spirit but people who are not into faith of God may have different faith in life that keeps them happy too. teddybear
Hello linsyjones

Not at all. That's not the intent or message of this blog, since believer's and non-believers alike share in experiencing happiness in life. Lol. What I am sharing is that happiness is a by-product of a life of faith, and that it helps us better to overcome traumas in our lives, when it is centered in the One who gives objective meaning to life (God).

Though happiness comes and goes and is subject to change, the source of our lasting happiness never changes, since our happiness is not dependent on changing experiences, but in the unchanging of God, who is the anchor of our faith.

God bless!
Synthestic Happiness

Above should read "Synthetic Happiness"
handshake Thanks Seren, your blogs always pick me up. thumbs up
Lovely blog... We need to be reminded of this every day as we take the reins back into our own hands and try to run the show alone. I believe it is uplifting to belong to a good community that believes in God. This could be Muslim, other religions besides Christian Churches. I agree that a relationship [not just a belief] in God and daily praying, being grateful and speaking to him, enriches our lives and we are never alone, even when it feels very like we are.
@serendipity615.....Hi therewave ...I tend to agree with you...In my own personal capacity I have found not only a peace but also a quiet joy as a by product of faith in God...life has this strange way of sending us a curved ball that hits us hard...but with faith in a God who is the same yesterday , today and forever you somehow manage to stand up and keep going...thanks for your uplifting blog...thumbs up handshake wine
Hi Seren! Great blog! I couldn't agree with you more!handshake Everything we do each and every day is based on faith! Regardless of what a person's belief system is, they do things based on faith. Personally, I find trusting God makes life a whole lot easier!yay
"What I am sharing is that happiness is a by-product of a life of faith, and that it helps us better to overcome traumas in our lives, when it is centered in the One who gives objective meaning to life (God)." Beautifully said. :) bouquet
Hi Serendipity

"One example of dealing with trauma is an eighteen-month follow-up study of parents who had lost babies to sudden infant death syndrome. In that study, the parents who attended regular church services and said that their faith was important to them were coping better, showing less depression, and had greater well-being than non-religious parents."

Even I though I am against dogmatism, I support your statement quoted above. I think the key is the psychological security provided by such a faith.

The psychological security provided by belief or faith in the scriptures is not to be underestimated. Many persons who may criticise or make fun of the scriptures and religion when things are going reasonably well in their lives, may find that, in times of some terrible tragedy or traumatic experience, they may fall back on the psychological security provided by an acceptance of the sort of trust and faith in God that they had as a child. Such an experience may be facing an impending tragic accident, vehicular or otherwise, in which there is an almost negligible chance of survival, where one is literally staring death in the face. Most people may never be tested to that extent, so it is easy to claim that they know themselves and have debunked the idea of a supreme being, or God, altogether. Of course, this does not rule out the idea that there may be some who may face the experience on their own without reaching out to a supreme being. I remember the words of one of my professors at university: "You only know yourself to the extent that you have been tested."
Well said Socrates! When I was in military service, there was a saying in combat....no atheist in the foxholes!
I love my grandparents who are now old and senil, they were first who supported me, educated me and influnced me as a Christian.
Never forget their words ; " Being Christian will be always difficult, but never forget, God loves you and always will, ones you are good for HIM you are good for all and especially for yourself"
I am happy person, because I have my Faith, I believe in Good, in Light, in getting better, in happiness and positivism.

Serendipity, thanks for being you hug
Gentlejim, how typically Christian of you.
Brother Seren!!

I know for a fact when I was near death with cancer I was as happy as a freshly fed fox. There was no hurt in me and I give all praise and credit to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Willing....Did you ever serve in combat? If not, how do you know what was said?

Hello brother. Thanks for sharing that. Glory to God!applause

God bless!


Welcome to my blog. wave

God bless!
Amen great blogthumbs up
dear serendpity;I love positive vibrations in your Blog wine
I agree that faith in God or any other faith in life that carries good seeds of meaningful positive believe does helps a lot and to each individual can be different things...
Thank you for sharing
teddybear hug
I like to add;it is so true that faith helps so much in overcoming traumatic experiences and I sow people in war who lost everything and faith in God help them to find gift of peace within themselves and forgiveness and if anyone try to take from them that faith in God they wouldn't have anything left sad flower handshake

Thanks my sister. It's always great to see you!peace

God bless! teddybear


Thanks for your kind words, in regards, to my blog. For you bring a balanced positive perspective, in how you share and express your thoughts, which is much appreciated. thumbs up cheering

Years ago my mother received the sad news that her father died. Back then he lived in Puerto Rico while my mother lived in Pa. At that time my mother was not a Christian. However, during the lowest point in her life (as she described it), she was more open to listening to the Bible's message, in how we can know for sure, that we will live with God forever in heaven (1 John 5:13). Even, before her father's death I would always try to share with her about Jesus Christ, but my mother would tell me, "I am older than you, and more experienced, what can you tell me about life."laugh However, my mother's attitude changed when she saw her need for God, in the midst of losing someone closest to her. She became a Christian as a result, of her traumatic experience of losing a loved one and was able to keep it together and remain strong in going to Puerto Rico to bury her dad, while her brother (my uncle) who was not a Christian completely fell apart at the seams. He was so overwhelmed and traumatized of losing his dad that he passed out and ended up in a hospital from all the stress.

When the doctors checked him out, they found out that there was nothing physically wrong with him, and that the cause of his "passing out" was emotionally and psychologically induced. At the time, I didn't even know that was even possible to do. laugh

My mother told me that when she needed God the most He was there, and that her personal relationship with God, gave her the peace, strength, and security she needed to get through the traumatic experience of losing her father. In my mother's own words..."Without God she could have never done it."

May God bless you richly! Serendipityteddybear
I like what you say ,, it is completely different than other topics,
Bene, I hear you. sad flower It's truly sad that many of those who "witness" for the One said to be most loving, can betray, twist, and treat others so cruelly.
Very inspiring blog, thank you for sharing.
I have enjoyed so many lovely comments too.
Yes, I believe very much that people with or without faith can feel and know great happiness. There are so many things in everyday life to be happy about. I think when trials come that is when Faith can make a difference like has been shared and observed.
For me personally when going through my deepest darkest moments of despair there was always a deep feeling of peace and might I say even joy as I knew that my Heavenly Father and my Saviour was aware of my every pain and tear I shed and that their love shone through. I was filled with an assurance constantly that all would be well that I would be free of heartache. That I would never be alone. This kind of assurance filled me with not only happiness but an indescribable joy. A peace that comes from knowing you are a Son or daughter of God. I felt enveloped in love.

Serendipity you all others have worded it so much more beautifully and elequantly than I but just wanted to share my thoughts.

I pray that we may all feel that kind of joy and that we are of infinite worth for we all are.
So much love to each one of you
Wallops...bouquet Thank you for sharing.
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Warminster, Pennsylvania, USA

I would describe my personality as someone who is friendly, honest, easy going, respectful, and thoughtful, with a great sense of humor. I'm easy to get along with and have a positive perspective in how I veiw life, from a realist standpoint. I'm cer [read more]

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created Apr 2014
Last Viewed: Apr 29
Last Commented: Apr 2014
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