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He Would've Cuss/Hit Me If I Was a Guy!

Oh, I just had to share this funny little story with you. The other day when I was at the mall shopping from store to store.

I was running around checking out interesting clothes, purses, shoes, you name it! Women like myself, is addicted!

My friends had left ahead to do different things. I was near the back of the store checking out the latest trends on the racks.

There was this hot guy that at first I didn't see behind me. His back was turn toward me. I was so busy doing whatever that I turn around abruptly and bump hard into him.

He jerk around very fast, he was pissed. I could see the anger in his eyes for a moment! He was about my age, well-built, over six feet tall. Very attractive.

Then when he saw who the culprit was: Me, a petite, short female, then his facial expression soften. He smiled at me. Looking me up and down!

I told him that I was sorry and excuse myself from bumping into him.

He said to me that it was okay sweetie! Then after talking with me for a moment, he ask me for my number.

But deep in my mind, I couldn't help but think that if I had been another guy, he probably would have cuss/hit me!

We exchanged numbers but it got me thinking. Is this the type of person I would like to get to know?

It was just an instant ago that he probably would've started something with me, if I had been a big, tough guy like himself.

But then again I was the one that almost knock him down accidentally! Or maybe, I judged too quickly.

I probably would have been offended if someone had almost knock me down too!

Oh and by the way, I ask my friends about it and they told me to go for it, girl!

Oh my, how a certain person can change the situation! LMAO!
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Under the Dome

I love this show!

"Under the Dome" keeps getting better and better.

Are there any other fans out there?

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Did the Music really Die in the '90s?

I think when it comes to the best music throughtout the decades, it depends.

To a lot of folks, back in the day-produced the best music.

I believe the best music came from the 60s-90s.

I personally like the 90s the best.

The 90s had the best songs and rap songs when it came to R&B/Hip Hop music.

It was the best era of Whitney Houston, Tupac, Mariah Carey, Boys ll Men, etc.

I also like the 60s, the era of the Supremes, The Temptations.

The 70s, the era of Disco. (I still don’t see how disco played out as quickly as it did, compared to the rest of music!)

The 80s, the era of Michael Jackson. Though the 90s, had the era of a lot of emerging artists- to me nobody really stood out a whole lot.

The celebrities I mentioned above, stood out, along with many others. In the 2000s, still the same. Even more so than the 90s. Its still some good music out there.

I like all kinds of music really. Though my favorites are R&B/Hip Hop/Pop. But I listen to anything if it's very good.

With good songs-with people actually singing, and singing about something worthy. Good beats. etc. It’s not all about what they got, what they gonna get, their money, rides, bling, cribs, men or women. Not all about the party or getting some.

It might be rare, but feel good music is still out there in some places. We should note that not all the good music is stuck back in the day or scattered to the winds.
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Date this person?

Would you date someone if they believe in curses and have actively performed rituals on someone if they were angry with them?

My sister-in-law told me that her father dated a woman that believe in curses. And that she think her father's girlfriend cursed him.

She said that the girlfriend told her how to put curses on people so that they will never leave them until they die.

She creeped the hell out of her! Their whole family believed that she cursed him.

No-matter what this woman did to him. Cheated, got him arrested, shot at, he kept going back to this evil woman.

Up until one day, he fell ill and later died.

So do you believe in this stuff and would you even date someone that actively performed rituals on people?

(I won't! Scary! But then another question would be what if you found out after you got involved with them? Would you be afraid if they might cursed you if you leave them?)
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Should people be punish for watching the attack of

Should they? I believe they should. Especially, if they could have stop the attack or saved the victim’s life.

Lately, a lot of cases involving these circumstances have been rising alarmingly in the media.

A teenage girl beaten while guards look on.

The fatal beating of a teenager from Chicago.

A woman attacked because of her ethnicity.

A woman raped by another man, while her husband looked on.

Another woman attacked by her abusive husband.

A man ran over by two cars while other bystanders stood there and didn’t even help him out.

When will this stop! People that do this sort of thing, should be ashamed of themselves!

How can they even sleep at night!? “Do they assure themselves that since everybody else did it too,” so they can sleep at night!

What is this world coming to? What if it were their parents, siblings, spouse, relatives, friends, coworkers, that had been attacked or killed, while everybody else stood there and didn’t do a damn thing!

What if it happened to them? What if it was them being attacked or killed, they would want someone to help them out, right? They wouldn’t want people standing there, not doing anything, right?

So why are they not doing something to help these people? They aren’t doing anything!

They didn’t help the victim, call for help, wrestle the attacker away. Do something! Don’t just stand there like a fool! If it’s something that they can do.

Now if the attacker had a gun or bomb on them, then that would be understanding. We can see why they would have reacted that way!

So, do you think people who watch others get attacked or even killed, if they had an opportunity to stop the attack or saved the person’s life but didn’t, should be punished?
sad flower very mad help
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Is Anybody Born Straight?

I've heard many gay/lesbian people say that they are born gay. Then I've heard others say that they do not have a choice or being a homosexual is their choice.

So using that line of thinking, is anyone born straight? To me, noone is born gay/lesbian/straight/bisexual etc.

When you're born, you have a blank slot. s*xual Behavior/attraction is learn later in life.

You choose your lifestyle. You develop your preferences. Then you choose to become attracted to those love connections. By acting upon those curious/interested thoughts then that develops into your experiences.

It is a person's business to do what they want. It will only affect them. But when it comes to the "born gay" line it makes sense to have a realistic approach instead of a over-used cliche.

scold shock batting blah blah blah happy place
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Not Expecting to Meet Anyone

I want to know is it right or okay to think that you're never going to meet anyone special.

I don't know. When I was younger I use to dream that I will find that special person.

As I've gotten older, I rarely think about it. I live my life not expecting to meet anyone.

I just stop looking. I guess I suppose that if he do come along, then it will be a surprise. He will catch me off guard.

So now I am prepared to live alone for the rest of my life with a house full of cats! LOL

Anyway, my aunt gave me some advice about finding that someone special.

She told me, "Don't go to him, instead let him come to you."

And what I been doing is this:

Don't never ever stop looking when the time is right. You look some. Don't look. Then you will be surprised.

That's my motto. Oh yeah, and I was half joking about the being single with a house full of cats for the rest of my life! Lol

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If you contacted the person first and they replied back to you, but you are always the one to initiate contact and they always respond back whenever you all communicate, would that get annoying to you?

Since sometimes you would like for them to contact you first on a dating site. Both of y'all seem interested. The person is attractive and cool.

And so are you. So any feedback. Have this happened to you? If so what would you do?
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Is There Even Such A Thing As A Prince Charming?

Some people say yes, some say no. I think it depends what we're talking about here.

If we're talking about a Mr. Tall, dark, and handsome coming to carry you away to some magical place to live happily ever after-then of course that's a fairy tale!

If we're talking about that great guy that bump into you out of nowhere. Handsome, charming. Chemistry sparks. Both never felt this way about anybody else. As time goes on, you both fall in love, mostly life is good but there's some drama from time to time.

Oh yeah, then that guy can be your type of prince charming!

This all means that there's no perfect match but certain matches can come close to being the right one.

heart beating love hug
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At Risk: The Movie

This is to anyone who saw the world premier of Patricia Cornwell's novel turn to movie "At Risk" on Lifetime.

How was it? I thought it was pretty good. Brutal, hard-hitting, fine actors etc.

Andie MacDowell and Daniel Sunjata were superb! I read the novel awhile back and it was good. I will check out the other book "The Front" later on. The movie was pretty much the same thing.

It was better than the average book turn into tv movie. The movie is appearing back to back tonight and again tomorrow night.

With Monique Lamont portrayed by Andie MacDowell and Win Garano, played by Daniel Sunjata. And with Diahann Carroll. I know readers will love to hate ADA Lamont! And just awe over Garano!

But overall you will love the characters. Patricia Cornwell is one of my favorite authors.

Though I like her Kay Scarpetta and Andy Brazil novels series better. (Even with Angelina Jolie might be portraying Kay Scarpetta in a future movie. I don't even know who should play Andy Brazil if that series get adapted into a movie!) I am suprised that the Win Garano series was adapted to television first.

The following is a summary from the NY Daily News on the movie:

"At Risk" is the first Cornwell novel to be adapted as a movie, and it will be followed next week by the sequel, "The Front," with most of the same cast. Cornwell serves as executive producer, which ensures a certain fidelity to the original story that serves everyone well.

"At Risk" is set in the present, but it revolves around a cold case that Lamont has picked to showcase how effective her new crime-solving approach can be.

If she can solve a notorious 20-year-old murder, she figures, that will provide a major boost to her campaign for governor.

So she dispatches Win, who sort of likes her but also understands what she is and thus doesn't always trust her.

The case turns out not only to be far more complicated than anyone expected, but not to be nearly as cold.

Once it's clear someone's poking into it, bad things start to happen, not all of them exactly what they seem.

Win enlists the help of a detective friend down in Tennessee, Delma Sykes (Annabeth Gish), and forensic scientist Stump (Ashley Williams). The way they put the pieces together shows Cornell's strong suit as a writer, one of the major reasons her crime books routinely top best-seller lists.

The movie can't cover all the rich and intriguing detail of the book. But neither does it do any violence to the book, which is often the fate of books when they get into the wrong cinematic hands. Lifetime has put "At Risk" in the right ones.

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Bald Headed Women: Do Women look Right Bald?

Embedded image from another site
Embedded image from another site

Do women look right bald headed?

We don’t think so.

Some men don’t look right bald headed, let alone women.

We are talking about when women shave their hair off as a choice, not if she loses her hair from a disease, chemotherapy, or accident.

Being bald headed takes away from a woman’s looks.

Takes away from her femininity.

Makes her look masculine.

It’s the woman’s decision to do whatever she wants to do with her hair.

Though some women choose to wear their hair short, maybe to fit in with their lifestyle.

Many lesbians contribute to this factor, when some are tomboys that dress like men.

Some straight (and gay) women experiment with the bald do, maybe to be different, rebel, or even for a good cause and charitable contribution.

Even when a woman have a very low cut hairstyle, can be almost the same as being bald.

Certain female celebrities that tried this out but didn’t pull it off, for example, like Natalie Portman, Britney Spears, India Arie, Demi Moore, Amber Rose, etc.

It doesn’t matter if they shaved their heads for a movie role. Though hair grows back but still, it don’t look right.

Even media-oriented-beautiful female celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Megan Fox, Halle Berry, or Jesica Alba wouldn’t be able to pull being bald off.

And you know exactly what people would say, if they can’t do it then no woman can!

Male Celebrities like Steve Harvey, Jamie Fox, John Travolta, can’t pull it off neither.

We don’t know any woman that can pulled being bald headed off, without taking away from her looks.

But a few males celebrities like Michael Jordan, Wentworth Miller, David Beckham, look great bald or with low haircuts.

People can sport any hairstyle they want to because it’s their choices.

Both men and women. But we all know that a woman turns more heads, when she is sporting a shaved head.

Like always, in this fashion-conscience society.

Women gets most of the cruel brunt, whenever they dazzle with their hairstyles and wadrobe choices.

It’s not right but that’s the way it goes in our society.

Women have to be perfect to fit in with the fashion game.

It would be nice if someone could say, “Hey, I make my own choices, society don’t dictate me. It’s my money, so I can dress the way I please. And I can wear whatever hairstyle I like and still feel beautiful inside and out.”

Hopefully, more people will develop this attitude.

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I love Cats and Dogs!

(I'm usually posting very serious blogs about controversial toics. But now I decided to post a light-hearted and funny blog. Hope you like it!)

I really do like cats and dogs! Especially cats. I had a dog many years ago before he died, and I haven't had one since.

Even though I adore cats a lot, but I never own one! I only played with others cats when I was growing up.

I might get one later on though.

I was wondering why a lot of guys don't own many cats. Women own both cats and dogs.

A male friend of mine told me that most guys are dog people.

That they think cats are for women. Lady-like creatures. Dogs are manly and tough, a man's best friend.

And if a guy do have a cat or more then he's probably weird or gay.

I don't think so at all! Maybe like women that own cats, they want a friend.

Cats are a little smarter and quieter. I love their eyes (almost look human-like!) and coat of fur and dogs coat of fur too.

Sometimes you want a pet, cat or dog or whatever because you're lonely and you love them.

Nothing wrong with a guy loving kitty, dogs get all the fun from everybody!

But cats mostly have the ladies and little kids playing with them!

And me!

Oh that's life as we know it with cats and dogs! LOL

rolling on the floor laughing teddybear dancing dog cats meow crazy groundhog sheep
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