A Restless Night

I think it may have been because I was frustrated at nothing interesting happening on the site last night that I ended up in one of my funny moods. The kind of mood where I feel like picking a fight; only a virtual fight, I wouldn’t dream of getting myself involved in a real one. So, anyway, I went into the forum and did precisely that; I started on someone I didn’t even know just because he didn’t wholeheartedly agree with something I’d posted.

It obviously annoyed him and he did fight back but I don’t imagine it caused him any distress. It did cause me some, though. I went to bed feeling guilty about it and it took me ages to get to sleep. When I did eventually drop off I was plagued by very uncomfortable dreams; one of which woke me and, not being able to go back to sleep, caused me to get up and have a cup of tea.

So, if anyone reading this blog finds me having a go at them for no apparent reason, sometime in the future, you can take satisfaction from the knowledge that it will hurt me more than you.
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