Prepare to See a Whole Lot More of Don Jr.

Donald Trump Jr. was perfectly at home.

It was day three of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, commonly known as CPAC, and hundreds of activists had piled into a ballroom to hear the president’s elder son speak via live-stream. He was slated to have a conversation at Liberty University with the school’s president, Jerry Falwell Jr., though it was unclear, exactly, what that conversation would be about. While most other CPAC speakers were constrained by specific topics, such as “Protecting the Freedom of Jerusalem” and “Deficit Hawks: An Endangered Species?,” Don Jr.’s appearance was headlined on the agenda as simply “Live.”

But that was, in many ways, the point. Over the course of Donald Trump’s presidency, Don Jr.’s profile has skyrocketed. Much like his father, his draw has become based not so much on what he has to say, but on his presence alone. The 40-year-old emerged as one of the Republican Party’s most coveted surrogates in the lead-up to November’s elections, headlining more than 60 events throughout 2018. “He’s a great spokesman for his dad,” one rally-goer told McClatchy a few days before the midterms. “He punches back. I love that style and apparently it’s working.”

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I just hope somebody tells him to shave.
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Lawton, Oklahoma, USA

Retired old guy. Loves sports, music, and karaoke. Not shy about singing.Love to travel. Love to go to beaches and warm weather outdoor events. U.S. Air Force Veteran. I am here for the blogs. I am an amputee. My lower leg is gone.

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