Latest update from the common law court.

Here's something many people here won't even know about, the common law court, it exists for the people, to defend the people, it's run by the people.
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Today in 2008

Colour Sergeant Krishnabahadur Dura, 36 from Lamjung, Nepal and 2nd Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles was killed when his Warrior armoured vehicle was struck by an IED in Musa Qaleh, Helmand

Lest we Forget this brave man who gave his all for our nation

Help to Reclaim Our Rights And Lawful Remedy

The truth is that throughout everyday life, people everywhere use and rely on Common Law to live and work together. It is simply the inherent way that people conduct their affairs together. Liken it to the roots that bind together human communities by unconditionally upholding the life, dignity and well-being of every man, woman and child. These roots are especially necessary and foundational in the face of powers that seek to subvert such natural freedom.

To extend our everyday reign of Common Law into all areas of life means to challenge the arbitrary rule. But the very fact that it is the Law of we, the vast majority of humanity, means that it only needs to be consistently practiced by enough of us to allow the Sheriff Officers and the authorities to enforce.
Here is some advice from a fellow member of the Common Law Court who shall remain nameless even though this info is on the CLC website forum. It's a long read but good advice imo.

Council Tax

Whereas Council tax has already been deemed illegal within a properly convened court de jure hearing (the CLC hearing) I would use that evidence within a NOTICE OF COERCION TO AID AND ABET TREASON to the corporate business (AKA “court”)…always go after the named individual(s) in person…If you have no printed name to address the Notice to then demand one within the said Notice and serve it to the manager and/or legal advisor of the so called court. I also advise serving a similar Notice on the council agent, the local chief inspector of police and anyone else involved i.e., debt collectors etc.

You can also look for the corporate court business number on a website called ‘Company Check’ and on ‘Companies House’ to add more evidence to the fact that it is not a court of law….all propoerly convened courts of law have to be under the authority of the crown, which are actually under the authority of the people since the monarch (deposed or usurped or not) is bound by the Coronation Oath. All courts must have a jury with the rights of the jurors intact according to the common law i.e., jury nullification of unconstitutional acts and statutes.

Within said Notice I would supply the link to the treason evidence file FCO 30/1048 as well as the transcripts of the letters between the barons committee and the (usurped and deposed) Queen when the barons petitioned the alleged monarch on the 7th February 2001 and, the further letter between the barons and Sir Robin Janvrin (QE2 private secretary at the time) sent on the 23rd March 2001 which invoked Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215. This informnation is supplied freely on Practical Lawful Dissent Facebook group and, Denounce The Deception website. You can also include the Lord Kilmuir Letter to Edward Heeath for good measure. This is also supplied within said FB group files.

Within the petition of the barons there is evidence to the fact that the EU’s treaty of Nice (France) is treasonous. Since it is illegal to aid and abet crime, any crime, any summons or demand made by the treasonous regime cannot be lawfully adhered to whilst standing under the invocation of Article 61. Nor can it be adhered to at anytime whether or not you are in lawful dissent/rebellion…the evidence of treason is the crux of the matter.

Everyone in the entire realm who knows of an act of treason being planned or committed MUST report that crime or be guilty of the same (misprision of treason)…that lawful demand is applicable to everyone within the realm as said, so once you have put an individual on Notice of the evidence of treason they can only continue with their demands against you whilst committing high treason at common law. With regard to Council Tax they will do just that however so be aware of that please…they cannot afford to lose the servility of the people that the CT creates…if they did then they would lose control because everyone hates that tax. It is also your duty to report the treason to the police although they will fob you off…record the attempt or just do so via lawful Notice to prove that you at least attempted to do so. Always serve Notices recorded delivery and check on track or trace who signed for the post…once someone has signed for a letter/notice it is deemed as being accepted in law…keep the postal receipt and either record the time and signature of whoever signed for it by writing it on the receipt or take a screenshot.

I have completed the entire lawful process with regard to lawful dissent and the council tax (this process can be seen in the files of Practical Lawful Dissent – in two parts)…..I also took my case to a common law court. Even though I have all individuals concerned on Notice of treason they will not give up so be warned…..
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Burton on trent Staffordshire, Staffordshire, England, UK

I'm keith, I'm a kind warm hearted man, truthful, honest, affectionate, loving and caring, fair, I like motorcycles and cars, music and movies, I like walks but I'm limited in that respect by sciatica,
I like to help people with debts and own my own [read more]