Latest Rasmussen Poll Shows President Trump TROUNCING Castro-Loving Marxist Bernie Sanders

A breaking poll by Rasmussen Reports released Wednesday morning finds President Trump trouncing Marxist Bernie Sanders in a head-to-head match-up.

Look at these numbers!

Trump Thumps Sanders in Head-to-Head Matchup

“President Trump would KO Democrat Bernie Sanders if the 2020 presidential election were held today. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Trump earning 50% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Sanders’ 43%. Seven percent (7%) are undecided. The incumbent president wins 84% of the Republican vote and leads 49% to 39% among voters not affiliated with either major party. Sanders captures 75% of Democrats, but nearly one-in-four Democratic voters (22%) opt for Trump instead.“

Nearly one-in-four Democratic voters (22%) opt for Trump instead.

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Comments (20)

'Crat/Leftie Chris Matthews offers advice to 'Crats in NO Uncertain Terms ...

very mad

we the USA, we were keeping alive Fulgencio Batista

the leader in Cuba before Fidel Castro

this Batista was as blood thirsty as Castro was

but Batista was no communist, that was the
The Cost Of "Free Stuff" ...

... And a breakdown of which politicians/policies will most quickly run the U.S. into insolvency.

Should The Bern get the nomination, The Don & 'Publicans will beat him like a rented mule all day long with such figures.
It May WELL result in a 49 State 'Publican Landslide -- as predicted by 'Crat Chris Matthews in the interview in my comment above roll eyes

"Nearly One-In-Four Democratic Voters (22%) Opt For Trump Instead."

That's not NEARLY as surprising as it appears @ 1st glance.

More advice for 'Crats -- from Leftie Bill Maher ...

very mad
@ 4:50 - Only 46% of Democrats identify themselves as "Liberal" -- Life doesn't end East of La Brea!!

If Sanders gets the nomination, apathy will set in among Democrats and the low turn out along with the defecting 'Crats will pose possibly the largest landslide for Trump anyone could imagine.peace
Trump better hope that a lot of the moderate dnc stay home or vote for him , he won't have Sanders voters putting him in the Whitehouse this time . Funny old game politics in the US .

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing GATEWAY PUNDIT IS FAKE NEWS !!!!

-" Just over half of voters think Democrats have a good chance of defeating President Trump in November, no matter which opponent he faces !"

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing SOURCE: RASMUSSENREPORTS!!

Trash the source when you can't come up with facts. Your link was from 3 days before the debate circus last night. You probably never won an argument in your life.
Ralph & our esteemed OP BOTH cite Rasmussen Polls.
They can't BOTH be correct -- right?

Well ... Yeah, they could.

They apparently ask different questions ...
The OP poll asks folks who they'd be likely to vote for.
The poll cited by Ralph asks folks if they believe a 'Crat could unseat The Don.

They're not mutually exclusive -
One doesn't necessarily contradict or invalidate the other scold

BTW --
The OP claims Gateway Pundit is FAKE NEWS -- SO WHAT OF IT?!
NOTE - The poll was CONDUCTED by Rasmussen and the results merely REPORTED by Gateway Pundit.

SEEE the difference?!

A few Leftards here confuse killing the messenger with refuting the message.


Daughter was a High School Forensics/Debate Champion.

She would've LOVED to have faced argument/debate skills exhibited on CS blogs!

Be something like ...

confused blah blah

BTW --
Had 14 yo Daughter argued California's case against O.J. Simpson rather than the convoluted mess presented by Marcia Clark she'd have nailed him for murdering those two people.

Sorry for the hijack

Yep, W and all. Let's make it interesting, and start a little pool to take away all the moonbats' cash, come November!
Never took much stock in any poll. The outcome can be whatever you are trying to promote by setting different parameters. I liken polls to Hollywood Award shows.....mostly advertising.

Polls can be a mite misleading awright, 935.

The questions may be subtly worded so as to elicit a desired response.
Fr'instance --
One online poll asking one's preference of '20 Prez contenders may be subtly worded to elicit a Pro-Trump response ...

As of today, who will you vote for in 2020?

O - President Trump

O - A Socialist Fraud

wow ... rolling on the floor laughing

Now that's a poll I can get behind, rolling on the floor laughing
If most polling included "don't know and don't care" as an option in each poll there wouldn't be any polls.
Prob'ly not cheers

How much is Soros paying you Ral ?
do you get paid by how many comments you make or?
It would explain a few things as not many make sense
Probably the paint thinner jenny....double coats and all.

Anyhow all polls aside, or should that be pols aside, the DNC has officially declared Nardo the target. A meeting of the big jigs has found Bill C and osama exchanging texts as to how to stop Nardo. Be prepared for any and everything and don't take her 'doneness' off the map. If she can back in, literally, she'll go for a three peat.

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Lawton, Oklahoma, USA

Retired old guy. Loves sports, music, and karaoke. Not shy about singing.Love to travel. Love to go to beaches and warm weather outdoor events. U.S. Air Force Veteran. I am here for the blogs. I am an amputee. My lower leg is gone.

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