Ever since,thank God,people have begun to open their eyes and pay serious attention to what has been going on in this country we have come to realize the domestic threat in the form of corrupt politicians,liars,thieves,quid pro quo setups,a staged coup 2016 election with the help,alarmingly of some of the highest players in our DOJ and intell agencies it is evermore obvious God has given the people of this country ONE MORE CHANCE to get it right! It is painfully obvious this MESS wasn't created overnight and,if we are truly serious about cleaning it up from the top down,it won't be cured overnight! It isn't systemic racism that plagues us as much as it is wickedness of the heart! It isn't covid 19 that will lead to our downfall as much as it is apathy,ignorance,lust,pride,greed and arrogance we can find our way through life without God! For many years I and many others have believed the only thing that will truly save this country is if enough people take their eyes off whatever it is that keeps us from having a meaningful relationship with our Creator thru Jesus Christ. Read the book of Daniel to see that every single civilization,from the dawn of time on this earth was overthrown because of their refusal to acknowledge God! The exact same thing can and will happen here,either from within,(if the current crop of culls get their way) or,from outside forces bent upon our destruction! I am fairly certain it will be God who sees to it that the right people get elected for the next four years to guide us thru this maze,the question is,what happens after that? angel devil kiss
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Comments (2)

Too bad but the haters want, they insist that it was the Russians helping Trump.
Leave them believing this as it seems to pacify them, keeping them happy.......
No matter what has been shown to the contrary, they won't accept it,
Who cares for we do believe the truth........
Putin told that he thought it was funny how much his name was used. laugh
yes I believe the US is getting another chance. this truly is the age of deception. the great deceiver has a short time before his rein is ended.
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