For all of you who are hoping and praying President Trump will be reelected,the Republicans retake the House and..... S A N I T Y reigns once, again, after a long forced Democrat induced hiatus, take hope! One of MANY lawsuits against Google was filed today,(isn't it coincidental, after ACB was just confirmed). If, all of the former happens we can only hope the mental wizards at DOJ will get up off their fat asses and actually PROSECUTE these lawbreaking scum! Just think of all the CONSTRUCTIVE things the President can actually get done for the GOOD of the country when he doesn't have to fight these,RABID, foaming at the mouth dems who do not care about their constituents wishes,just stopping Trump,or...slowing him down! Maybe we can finally end the SATANIC practice of murdering unborn infants, actually EXECUTE sick,psychopathic murderers, stop the diabolical practice of confusing young children about their Gender, and....hope against hope, actually replace prayer in school (voluntary,of course). Believe it or not, all of this is possible,IF.... IF we, as a country, a multi-ethnic collection of citizens actually pay attention to what originally made this Country the greatest and MOST blessed Nation on earth! The simple realization we are ALL a part of something and SOMEONE much larger than ourselves and all HE wants is our love,attention and our acknowledgement of HIM as our CREATOR. If we can manage to do that we will be a part of ETERNITY and all of the indescribable joys, peace and contentment that goes with it. Conversely, freedom of choice allows us to turn our back and go our own way. Thereby becoming the instruments of our eternal destruction and condemnation!
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