Is our future an Ice Age?

I was watching Natl Geo a bit ago and they say our time now is a freak of nature, and that it's very normal for the ups and downs of ice ages and that they can come as quickly as a decade. They say that what stirs things up even more is volcanic action, the
larger the eruption the more quickly it propels us to another ice age. The dust that's emitted from the volcanoes swirl around in the air and that the gases I believe they said sulphur dioxide is emitted as well, and between all of this it will eventually be hard for the sun to shine through, and think of all we rely on now in our homes, and if we had power outages that lasted for years, and possibley, eventually for centuries..

They have different scientists that do core studies all over the
world from 2 mile ice cores--which tell them what took place, about how long until the next, and core samples in caves that
have layers of animals that were washed in them, trapped and died. They can tell by bones and teeth of what mammals were in there, by the layers from when. It's amazing, but the thing that struck me is how would I keep warm? I need a wood burning
fireplace, but at that point, how long would wood last around your area?

I think it's also interesting that my brother-in-laws girlfriend
(my sis passed away 5 yrs ago)is working for a company that can grow vegetation in their home--tomatoes, herbs, all kinds of stuff, and that wow, should we really be paying attention to this
and will our future be gardens in our basements?

There is a push to go green, but I think we're beyond late, but
we can still do our part, but should we be thinking about how we'll survive? I'm not a doomsdayer, just challenging you to think about our ancestors lived in homes heatd with wood, and very limited tecnology. How can we survive with all our technology?

Think if there were only certain areas that could produce food, and only so much and how expensive--you know, money talks....
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Comments (5)

i just looked outside . it's here now snow everywhere . wow

just kidding other than being unbelievably bored should be okay unless the ice age temperatures go well past zero . then it would be too cold for me to get more wood .
I follow science very closely, and from what I have read...We are in fact at the begining stages of another ice age.snowglobe All I can say is brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
One thing I know when I watch or read about this stuff is that you are left with more questions than answers. I do know one thing. . . . . you can stick 1000 "experts" in a big room together and no two of them will completely agree with each other. Some believe that conditions during an ice age are the normal state of the planet.

All I know is that nothing stays the same. Mountains go up, islands are born, continents drift, sea levels go up and down, volcanic eruptions and meteorite strikes will block out the sun. And all the time the wind and water is chipping away. Never a dull moment.

Here in Australia our biggest problem is water (or rather, lack of it). But whatever the issue is. . . food, water, warmth. . . . . things will only get worse if the world's population keeps doubling every 30 years. Sooner or later something will have to give. A super virus perhaps? You don't have to be a doomsdayer. . . . . just accept the fact that mother nature always get her way. Whatever we throw at her, she'll throw it back a hell of a lot harder. Species come and species go. I guess the reason we make a song and dance out of it is because we might be next!

It makes interesting discussion. Put me next to a nice warm fire with a good glass or two of cab sauv and I'll solve all the world's problems. Too
I would as well love a warm fire, but after all the wood is gone what will we burn? They say there are 49 states covered in snow...I don't think it's a joking matter, and I'm certainly not trying to be a doomsdayer, but think, how would you survive? Do you go and live with the eskimoes and learn how they survive, or any people that are in the coldest part of the world and HOW, do they survive? Just a question...
You I could always catch the next UFO out. I hear Saturn is a gas. transport
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by Unknown
created Feb 2010
Last Viewed: May 5
Last Commented: Feb 2010

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