The soldier possession

I had this dream in June 2004 . . .


There was a warrior who died in battle, but didn't go to heaven. I'm not sure exactly if he was in hell, I didn't get the feeling he was though. It seemed more like a purgatory type place.

Anyway, he felt he was wronged by his not being accepted into heaven. He possessed a little girl, expecting that she would be exorcised. Well, my impression was that, this warrior believed he would gain entry into heaven, through this girls exorcism.

What sucks is, the dream never actually finished. So I don't know if his plan even worked or not.
dunno uh oh confused sigh
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Dreamus Interruptus.

Who hasn't been plagued by something like this before?
Well that's a new one.

Whoever I was, it was always male, except for this one bizarre dream, where the world I was in was all bright orange cloud, and I had no body, but an entity which was smokelike and could move about with great speed. The ground was smooth and flat like a vast clay court.

I recall diving down on a couple humans, who looked up and appeared terrified.

Upon coming to rest, took the form of sand lines, like Navaho sand painting.

Well, I did say it was bizarre.

I wonder if Nyquil was involved.

Who needs drugs when you get dreams like that??
They say your day thoughts turn into night dreams. dunno
@Bohemund Wow! That's a fascinating one; and you make a good point. Some of my dreams are better than the movies we pay to see at the theater
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