You Can't always Get What You Want...

In my own limited experience of dating and relationships I have come up with a theory. People are their own worst enemies. We never accept or appreciate what we have, and sabotage good things because we think the grass may be greener on the other side.

Men are attracted to sexy, beautiful woman who may fit their own fantasies. These women are often unattainable but we go after them anyway. The slightly plainer women are often ignored, even though they may be better people, better matches for us and could make us happy. We sacrifice these potentially fulfilling relationships on an idea.

I can't really speak for women without making assumptions, but I have seen them do the same. I have seen girls dump nice guys who treat them well for bad boys. These bad boys are probably more exciting, but often treat the girls like dirt, taking advantage of them all the time.

I'm aware that we can't really help who we are attracted to. Hormones and what society tells us are hard things to fight. I know that nice people, male or female, can come across as boring. I just feel if we were prepared to accept the nice people, we would be happier and have a lot less heartache.

"... If you try sometimes you get what you need"
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Comments (11)

I find myself attracted to a particular type, a female doesn't need to be attractive in the conventional sense for me, but if she fits what I'm looking for and is attractive in my eyes, then thats all that matters. Attractivness in this term is coupled with personality. Likewise with physical appearance, I'm atttracted to a certain type of personality.

However a woman that ticks those two boxes can be disregarded if she doesn't tick the third which is career orientated. I have a simple system, if she ticks 1 out of 3 for me, it's a no go, 2 out of 3 and it's a date, 3 out of 3 and it's potentional to live happily ever after. I've never found the perfect 3/3 although I did give one ex a 2.5/3 she dumped me though I would have kept her, if I'm lucky I'll obtain a 2/3 at the end of the day but alas I will always long for a 3/3, and sure why not? If the grass is greener on the other side I'm going to want to graze on it.

That doesn't mean to say I'd abscond on a girl for a slightly better model. Slightly better in terms of career/looks/personality but rest assured the mind will always portray infidelity. At the end of a day, One can always wonder at the lost oppurtunities and what could have been cheers
You are so right Halygon365.. Good Blog

That is often exactly how things seem to be.... with people only looking at the cover and not what's inside... Beauty is only skindeep. You are right, maybe if we didn't get so hung up on physical attraction and take the trouble to get to know someone for who they are, rather than how they look, then a lot more people would be happier and stay happier too!
I definitely agree with you. Just be thankful of what you have.Oprah's quotation: Be thankful of what you have;you'll end up having more. If you concentrate of what you don't have , you will never, ever have enough..
not really if u were Al Capone, u would have always got it your way ...

I totally agree with you, but that only fits superficial people, those that give money, position and looks more importance over character and inner beauty. Just learn to recognize them and avoid them like the plague, they'll waist your time, money, and energy.
thumbs up cheers grin
good looks can be graded and it has been done many mnay times .. google that out and u'll have u're answer...

cheeers with a triple e
Halycon - I like your blog - well said.

handshake wine bouquet

It is way too late for me to be more erudite!.....

Anyone remember the words to the song by Trini Lopez.....
"If you want to be happy for the rest of your life,
Don't make a pretty woman your wife" ??
Pretty much sums it up!!
hi lovelyliza not my opinion just the lyrics to the song. laugh i don't wanna work wanna play on the drums all day . i like that one better .grin peace
ha ha ha obviously I misread this but ah sure it left a topic of conversation regardless....
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by Unknown
created Jul 2010
Last Viewed: May 7
Last Commented: Jul 2010

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