That is a question we all wonder sometimes? right? Well the answer to this ? is yes and no. To the non believer, no you can't prove your faith to them unless they are open to the Gospel and God's Spirit. The reality of one's faith in Christ the foundation of that faith rest in the Holy Spirit.)((remember that))) Can I prove my faith to a Christian or a professing Christian???

Well yes and no really depends on the Christian. Now like tonight I saw Franklin Graham on Hannity very impressive comments not entertaining hannities attacks towards our President. And yes I could tell he was in Christ through discernment.
Some Christians don't even know what discernment means, I didn't until I studied the Bible and learned things while in Christ. Discernment is key in seeing if someone is in Christ or not, and key in my opinion wether you should support ministries.

Jesus said, abide in me and I in you, if a person getting paid in Ministry can't apply that simple truth to their work (((( I won't support them)))). I am abiding now for free
and all I had to do was ask. I don't see the huge problem with these dry services wasting everyones time. Well you may say hmmm man who discerns how does one discern? Well God is faithful He will testify for His faithful and those who abide in Him
with heavy anointing. I have fun with it, so many judge without cause and I simply
act a certain way while abiding to see if they say he ain't no Christian and they did.

And me thinking well you have no discernment simply a gullible person searching for legalism and someone pleases you through actions. Yes Christian God molds us in His Spirit to be people of conscience and Character. Reality is we can't stand perfect and will have bad days, so with that knowledge don't beat yourself up just pray for more Grace and let God heal you on bad days. We also need to be careful in our judgements also, I'll explain.

Jesus said whomever speaks against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven. Now this isn't the act of denying the Holy Spirit. This act is slandering the Spirit and calling what is clean unclean. If someone is a Spiritual and doesn't please your conscience or legalist needs of being a stand up Christian. Best thing is to suggest your wisdom
in respect and understanding. Again calling what is clean unclean knowingly is Spiritual slander and unforgivable. We have to understand salvation is a process and doesn't perfect anyone over night.

I pray and discern a person before I make any comments about their faith. That little effort by me is respect for that person and attempting to show them the error of their ways. I put my foot in my mouth tonight about Franklin Graham, I said wow he is going to be on Hannity. He came on and the Lord testified for him and I shut up quick. To me,
slandering a person of God for personal reasons knowing they are in Grace is 100% disrespect to the Lord and evidence of separation from Christ.
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