In the book of Romans Paul teaches us that we are sinners. And that all have fell short to the glory of God. Doesn't make you bad or evil just puts God where He belongs as the creator. It also helps us understand we as mankind have been conned by satan and his band of fallen angels to turn from our creator and follow things that well will not matter once we leave Planet Earth.

So for the millionth time Jesus Christ was God in Human form to break this wall between Him and man to open a door from us to Him into His presence and promise of being a part of his eternal Kingdom Heaven. I believe the Lord could have saved us any way He wanted to. But the act of the Cross eliminates all slander towards Him over time and proves our Creator loves His creation and suffered humility and death to show us His heart for His creation.

People by nature just the way it is are competitive and well judgmental to make themselves feel better due to their personal guilt. Now knowing this and many people can't find the light at the end of the tunnel towards this what shall one do?? You simply create a mind set and walk with Christ that fits you as a person and being 100% living salvation at the same time. God's main concern for you as a person is 2 things<<<<< molding your conscience through the Holy Spirit and making sure you
understand salvation for yourself and to explain it for others.

People who look for their Christian label from others wow you are in for a disappointing, heart breaking, depressing life. Now common sense says people again are jealous by nature, and no one wants to be 2nd best. So that's just not going to work for you on a personal level on having a good stable walk with Christ. Facts are by others judgments you will never think you are good enough. Just a sad fact of life and if you turn to people for your Christian faith it will fail you time and time again.

Now just observing this in months I understood these things and said Charles if you don't create ways to be good enough and eliminate nit picking and non sense judgments than you can create a healthy productive walk with Christ. I read the entire NT a lot over and over and prayed for the Holy Spirit's aid. Now I understood that the OT would not help me understand salvation and may confuse me in the mean time. So I stuck to the NT and came to a point to be able to understand salvation and grow in the Grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

John 15 really jumped out and poked me in the eye. I swear that chapter is a how to all in a nut shell. I said hmmm so abide in you meaning to allow the Holy Spirit active in your life. Understanding the Holy Spirit brings about conviction, conscience and peace and the ability to have some type of moral line. So kinda got it............ and prayed this prayer daily. Lord Jesus please flood my day in your Presence Lord so I can bear fruit for you and have the ability to ignore the nit picking mean people and have sanity and stability and not self righteousness. I have nothing against people wanting better for themselves and wanting to be a better person amen, but we can't expect people to be or act exactly like us. We have to understand everyone is different and this is for a reason.
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