Hidden and unbeknownst " Alternatives " to the Thr

1966 KINGITANGA MOVEMENT: Although there are many theories amongst Maori about the geneology line of descent for the Kingitanga, the role of the Monarch is not hereditary in any way. The geneology line of descent for the Kingitanga Movement actually switched in 1966 when Princess Piki, the second eldest daughter of King Koroki, became the Maori Queen and took her mother’s name during the funeral of her father King Koroki thus ending the Potatau Te Wherowhero 1858-1860 Kingitanga link therefore the current Maori King
Tuheitia Paki in his 5 years as the Maori King has not achieved anything other than causing disruption and conflict within Tainui and appears to have absolutely no respect or regard for what his position stands for
in a bid for the throne there still seem to be other mysterious forces at work preventing progress on this matter.

Indeed there are other unbeknownst bloodlines and forces out there who are trying to repair the stockades and defences of the ruined Kingdom!

After reading several articles online from the younger generation who feel that the current Maori King should be replaced, of course not logically or maturely toothher adult standards and codes we Adults uphold and instil into the youth along with the information above from the northern iwi Nga Puhi, who i fact contradict what they say fromone Northern Iwi Hapuu leader and current conflicts and looming civil war intentions within Tainui, the rightful successors to the throne is now calling for ALL MAORI to unite as one to ensure that the current Kingitanga’s leader is removed from his position, respectfully of course not chaotically as this has to be arranged prior to the successful candidate's coronation and as this has NEVER been done before prior to the reigning King or Queen’s passing is calling on ALL iwi leaders both within Tainui, nationwide Iwi who still remember the Mana they entrusted into Te Kiingitanga and International Indigenous allies and like minded and hearted people to ensure that a correct and respectable protocol can be cultivated and established with agreement of ALL...for the benefit of All and for the integrity of One and ALL...

Ariki (Chief) Hotu Wai Ariki of the Ngati Parekawaa Hapuu, an up-coming aspiring Iwi leader and hopeful next Maori Kingi, keeper of the faith and protector of the righteous cause. Respectful of the old world and traditions, young and familiar face to appeal to the young and witha strong work ethic, commitment and duty to Te Kiingitanga and my Tupuna (Ancestor) First Maori Kiingi, Potatau Te Wherowhero.
" Able, willing, motivated and committed to step up and harbor this role but cannot succeed it by myself "

Haa Ratawharia a IO...
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Comments (2)

The old blood need to get out of the way of the new rangitira rising. Most of our elders can hardly walk let alone take on the goverment, money is making them stupid and they are failing to understand how the system works. Everything should be given to the young to do while the elders sit in the back ground and guide the young in their quests, wouldn't it be better to see things happening while they are alive or do they want to roll around in their graves. To become ONE is a great long term achievement I look forward to happening. Good luck to Hotu Wai Ariki, sadly at this point in time our tribe will never join... until our generation is in, the old folk just cant let the wars go or the new found money, they seemed to want alot for nothing these days.
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by Unknown
created Dec 2011
Last Viewed: May 3
Last Commented: Dec 2011

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