Something isn't adding up to a lot of things and really inspires me to write these blogs because I know how important it is to have the right leadership in our Country. If you are not rich voting in any republican will not aid you and will not be best for you or your children. They know a lot of middle class people are Christians and that's why they come off as Christians for votes. Being a Christian this is how they got me before. It does matter to me a person running for office's religion and outlook on life. If a muslim ran for office no matter the party I wouldn't support or vote for them. Call me what you will based on action and their want for religious law doesn't make me want anyone with that mind set running my Country. I believe in freedom of religion and giving people their God given free will and I be damned if some nut case comes in and takes that right. My point is they know we care about the religious background of the people running and they use that.

And one more group I keep my eyes and I know you are a billion strong and I know you are well known etc. The Catholic Church's history is about the same as the muslim agenda. They killed people who didn't believe as them, called the Baptist founders witch's and killed them for heresy. They done the same thing to Jesus they very reason he was killed. Most Catholic's are modern day Pharisee's.
Anyone who puts religion with Government do not support and really study policies that could lead to that and we need to be smarter as a people to read people well. Understand this America we are set up to be a Great Nation if we apply ourselves to be great, making sure the right leadership and management of Government is there for us and not elected party's looking for a fight based on their personal greed. GET SMART AMERICA AND DON'T BE GULLIBLE AND PLEASE CARE
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