all women

I will never really understand women if u don't look like a god or have a bank balance that attract them completely they don't even seem to look at your profile never meant have any interest in you whatsoever the sad reality in life is we all are mostly of average build and sometimes not that good looking enough for them. If you look at the fairy of beauty & the beast in the end beauty looked past the outside & she discovered the true hunk that was hidden in the beast. Sometimes we judge the cover & never sit down & read the stories of life of some of us average guys that will in the end outshine all those heartbreakers and guys that leaves most of the women more broken and more hurt. Life has a way of showing itself that the beauty of every person is inside & years later we find out that what we really searched for was something hollow but these average men that sits on the shelve was actually the guys that could truly stood by you through pain joy sorrow happines and at the end of the day be pricless
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Comments (10)

Yes, I too, judge men on here by their photos. The pretty boys do not attract me, I go for an interesting face, the expression tells alot, too.
Seems that life experiences have a way of showing through our faces! Something the very young haven't learned yet! heart wings
Unfortunately, this is often the case.

Good luck to you.
Sometimes the rich wisdom we share is overlooked and after we just sit down. For a while & better know the person we can truly find a rare gem I know that as we grow older we tend to notice some things more wonderful and kind but all of men & women we all need that somebody we want to share a life with otherwise life has no meaning
O goodie, another complainer... better get another espresso coffee
O and tell me, saying women want gods (what does a god look like anyway?) or bank balances isn't judgmental in what way?
no my dear sleepin bird i dont complain its just funny that guys that makes a difference seldom find somebody interested hey its my opinion & through mistakes men get guided so show me where i go wrong but most women looks 4 that guy with the muscles from brussels be honest
wave life

unfortunately is the way we do humans seem to choose first, by the looks, don't agree with you all women consider of same importance the bank balance. The first impression comes first, but I personally appreciate more a wonderful smile and the magic in a person's eyes, they say a lot!

The question of the looks could be tricky, as you never know wether is going to work on your favor or against you. Don't let a wrong opinion mine your intentions, if you are determined to find love you will find it. Perhaps a better picture of yourself could help. bouquet
@ sleepin_bird
Couldn't agree more!wink
sorry you have clumped women all together. YEs we are all the same.
It's probably too late and this comment will never get read BUT just in case you pop back in I want to say this!

While that may be the case with some women I find that by being nice and courteous to women works alot with the others that do accept you. I am not a hunk but I have had my share of women that were gorgeous and many that were average looking. Some relationships lasted a long time some a few weeks.

Again, the key. Just be nice and see where it takes you. Don't be "hurt" or retaliate if you get snubbed because you will be and that's they're choice.
You are letting your bitterness make you think things that are not true.My husband is not rich and he doesn't look like a god,but he is perfect in my eyes.

None of my brothers in law are rich and drop dead handsome nor is my dad or my bio dad.My brothers are not rich and don't look like Adonis,yet most of them are currently married or in a relationship.

I think if you look around the world at all the couples you see everyday you will see that most of us are just average joes and average annies,yet we have managed to find love.
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rustenburg, North-West, South Africa

hardworking honest and your true friend till the end [read more]

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created Jan 2012
Last Viewed: May 11
Last Commented: Feb 2012
lifeworthliving has 4 other Blogs

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