Good News anther major muslim terrorist was killed in a drone attack. And I also read the muslim terrorist have a hostage and making demands personally to the President. The timing of the hostage issue sparks suspicion to me based on the up and coming election.

Reason for the demands spark around air strikes and releasing other terrorist. But if you read the story the psychology in the demands sparks suspicion to me. I feel not just from muslim terrorist but different radical groups someone wants to take over this Country or ruin its economy weaken us in that manner etc. And the threats to these plans get attacked the most.

President Obama has been just attacked daily from the Republican party and Fox News. I mean I have watched the ***holes and they make it a must to attack the President constantly. I have even heard them call the man a muslim. America we need to be very careful who we vote into office in these hard times.

Our freedoms and our ways of life are in jeopardy. We need to profile everything and see things for what they are. Not being gullible and allowing ourselves to be pulled into their con artistry. America we have the Power to save this Country by voting the right people in. These radical groups can't threaten us all and damn sure can't stalk and terrorize us all.

I also read all Democrat's in Congress and one Republican was asking Obama we need to do away with America for sale as they hacker group anonymous had on their little promotion things. We are not for sale, we are a free Country by the people and for the people. And we need to start seeing the radicalism in these jack***'s posing as the good guys but by their actions seemly our worst enemy's.

Be smart America and care and let's win by keeping radicals out of office and keeping men like Obama who give a damn wanting us to succeed as a Nation.
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Comments (6)

Another happy blog from the "Happy Christian". angel
"Give unto Ceasar what is Caesar's'
"Give unto God what is God's".

Why not simply revel in that which gives you joy?

Why not simply leave this world's problems and evils to itself?

Give joy and comfort to your small part of the world. Your family,friends,coworkers etc.

Don't allow yourself to be caught up in this daily rat race that we live in.

Enjoy your faith,don't let this world rob you of your joy.
Give joy and comfort to your small part of the world. Your family,friends,coworkers etc. Don't allow yourself to be caught up in this daily rat race that we live in.laugh

We are not Hobbits cheers

No you are not a hobbit.

Just a very brave keyboard commando, hiding behind a faceless silouette.
YOU are not a hobbit either
Goatee,where is your Christian humility?

Why do you have to be so hateful everytime someone disagrees with you?

You lack love in your heart towards others.angel angel2
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