The Christian Doctrine of The Trinity

The doctrine of the Trinity cannot be proven by human reason;it is only known because it is revealed by special revelation(in the Bible). However,just because it is beyond reason does not mean that it goes against reason. It is not irrational or contradictory,as many critics believe.

The logic of the Trinity. The philosophical law of non-contradiction informs us that something cannot be both true and false at the same time and in the same sense. This is the fundamental law of all rational thought. And the doctrine of the Trinity does not violate it. This can be shown by stating first of all what the Trinity is not. The Trinity is not the belief that God is three persons and only one person at the same time and in the same sense. That would be a contradiction.

Rather,it is the belief that there are three persons in one nature. This may be a mystery but it is not a contradiction. That is,it may go beyond reason's ability to comprehend completely,but it does not go against reason's ability to apprehend it consistently.

Further,the Trinity is not the belief that there are three natures in one nature or three essenses in one essence. That would be a contradiction. Rather,Christians affirm that there are three persons in one essense. This is not contradictory because it makes a distinction between person and essence. Or,to put it in terms of the law of non-contradiction,while God is one and many at the same time,he is not one and many in the same sense. He is one in the sense of his essense but many in the sense of his persons. So there is no violation of the law of non-contradiction in the doctrine of the Trinity.

A Model of the Trinity. By saying God has one essence and three persons it is meant that he has one "What" and three "Whos." The three Whos(persons) each share the same What(essence). So God is a unity of essence with a plurality of persons. Each person is different,yet they share a common nature. God is one in his substance. The unity is in his essence(What God is),and the plurality is in God's persons(how he relates within himself). This plural of relationships is both internal and external. Within the Trinity each member relates to others in certain ways. These are somewhat similar to human relationships.

The Bibles descriptions of Yahweh as Father and Jesus as Son says something of how the Son relates to the Father. Also,the Father sends the Spirit as a Messenger,and the Spirit is a Witness of the Son(John 14:26). These descriptions help us understand the functions within the unity of the Godhead. Each is fully God,and each has his own work and interrelational theme with the other two. But it is vital to remember that the three share the same essence,so that they unify as one Being.

A Mathematical Illustration. One aspect of the problem can be expressed in mathematical terms. Critics make a point of computing the mathematical impossibilty of beleving there is a Father,Son,and Holy Spirit in one God,without holding that there are three gods. Does not 1+1+1=3? It certainly does if you add them,but Christians insist that the unity of God is more like 1x1x1=1. God is triune,not triplex. His one essense has multiple centers of personhood.

A Geometric Illustation. Perhaps most widely used illustration of the Trinity is the triangle. One triangle has three corners,which are inseparable from,and simultaneous to,one another. In this sense it is a good illustration of the Trinity. Just as there are three corners in one trinagle, even so,there are three persons in one and only one God. Of course,the triangle is finite and God is infinite,so it is not an imperfect illustration...
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Comments (7)

How are you Serendipity why always this cloud that hangs over religion. Its political deceptive distorted and unproven why if there was a god couldnt they write common sense. We would all be clear about it then dont you agree? Well a great day anyway take care Waf.thumbs up wave
Calli : I understand you well. Stay true to what the Spirit of Love says to you. But pray lest the Angel of Darkness comes as an Angel of light and whispers to fool you. Stay close, pray close to the Holy Spirit and decern that what is said is of Him. He Loves us all. angel angel wave wave
Another very interesting and inspirational blog from you Serendipity! It s one of the most mysterious topics in Christianity.

The Trinity is one of the attributes of God:


Embedded image from another site

Here are a Bulgarian icon of the Holy Trinity and a painting by Antonio de Pereda.

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Embedded image from another site

Blessings, Serendipity! teddybear
i agree with Giulie :
"Stay true to what the Spirit of Love says to you. But pray lest the Angel of Darkness comes as an Angel of light and whispers to fool you. Stay close, pray close to the Holy Spirit and discern that what is said is of Him."
I have not read your blog yet darling because I can't find my glasses , but i just saw you here and wanted to say hi , and have a great day/night .....agape love all over you saskia
Nice to see you Waf.

I remember there was a time where the Bible didn't make sense to me,for it was like reading someone else's mail. Lol. But when I became a Christian, things started making sense to me,for his Word became personal. God calls us to believe in things that go beyond our reason,and in accordance with reason,but never against reason.

God bless you, friend!

Hi Gullie,

I agree with your wisdom,in using spiritual discernment.thumbs up

Wonderful to see you Ariel! Thanks for the long list of attributes of God. I would also include jealousy on that list. For it is an attribute of God.

"Do not worship any other god,for the Lord,whose name is Jealous,is a jealous God(Exodus 34:14).

God's jealousy is His zeal to preserve His own supremacy. Therefore,He is eminently justified in His jealousy. Indeed,it is essential to His very nature: His name is Jealous( Exodus 34:14).

Blessings to you,Jana!hug

Hi Mia,

I agree!thumbs up handshake

Hello Saskia,

Nice to see you dear! How are you! Hope you find your glasses? Lol. God bless you,richly! Your friend,Serendipity.
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Warminster, Pennsylvania, USA

I would describe my personality as someone who is friendly, honest, easy going, respectful, and thoughtful, with a great sense of humor. I'm easy to get along with and have a positive perspective in how I veiw life, from a realist standpoint. I'm cer [read more]

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created Dec 2012
Last Viewed: 14 hrs ago
Last Commented: Dec 2012
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