My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts...Help Me Somebody..

Honest to God people just going about their business throughout the ages did some very strange things...Just a collection of bizarre facts I came across on the inter web...believe them or the song, read on and hopefully you'll get a smile...a smile won't crack your face, today or any other day (Irish proverb)

St Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, was not Irish.

The women of the Tiwi tribe in the South Pacific are married at birth.

The Emperor Caligula once decided to go to war with the Roman God of the sea, Poseidon, and ordered his soldiers to throw their spears into the water at random.

Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer (more commonly known as Satan) are the only 3 angels to be named in the bible.

Some very Orthodox Jew refuse to speak Hebrew, believing it to be a language reserved only for the Prophets.

St. John was the only one of the 12 Apostles to die a natural death.

In 1647 the English Parliament abolished Christmas.

For Roman Catholics, 5 January is St Simeon Stylites' Day. He was a fifth-century hermit who showed his devotion to God by spending literally years sitting on top of a huge flagpole.

Theodor Herzi, the Zionist leader who was born on May 2 1860, once had the astonishing idea of converting Jews to Christianity as a way of combating anti-Semitism.

Some moral purists in the Middle Ages believed that women's ears ought to be covered up because the Virgin May had conceived a child through them.

Hindu men believe(d) it to be unluckily to marry a third time. They could avoid misfortune by marring a tree first. The tree ( his third wife ) was then burnt, freeing him to marry again.

During the Medieval Crusades, transporting bodies off the battlefield for burial was a major problem, this was solved by carrying a huge cauldron into the Holy wars, boiling down the bodies, and taking only the bones with them.

According to Genesis all demons are angels who were cast out of heaven after Lucifer tried to take God's throne and several of the other angels bowed down and worshiped him.

The Puritans forbade the singing of Christmas Carols, judging them to be out of keeping with the true spirit of Christmas.

There are over 200 religious denominations in the United States.

It was the custom in Ancient Rome for the men to place their right hand on their testicles when taking an oath. The modern term 'testimony' is derived from this tradition.

The Liberal Prime Minister, William Gladstone, was born of the 29th December 1809. Apparently, as a result of his strong Puritan impulses, Gladstone kept a selection of whips in his cellar with which he regularly chastised himself.

The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. quote: Oscar Wilde

no religious people were injured in the making of this blog...writing
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Comments (6)

They was /or are/ with a religious view point . Personal gains and goals.
They never even know The Spirit of a living God and His guidance or spiritual presence.
Religious OR true follower it s the question.
Mia....these are unfortunate tales from history and I have stated that...
non...and he got away with it...delusions of grandeur, don't think it was the only thing he was suffering from...
laugh laugh laugh
awesome ...
Hilarious !
Didnt know much of thisuh oh
Wow!...harsh ways to over come their...mental block! Lol Perhaps they should of just gone for a ride in the hills.dunno motorcycle
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