Can A Long Distance Relationship Work

Been asking to some people, whether the LDR can work, here are some of their opinions.....

It can work, as long as both parties put time and effort into it. With all the modern technologies we have, we can be miles apart and yet still feel like near. A skype everyday will keep the relationship strong tongue

Yes long distance relationship can work me and my girlfriend have been in a long distance relationship for 6 months but its hard at times but if you trust each other and communicate regularly and you love each other and try and visit each other as much as you can you can make it work

I had a long distance that lasted for about 2 years and still couldn't get it to work in the end. After that, I simply prefer to date someone within 15-minutes driving distance. Now I'm happily married, so I guess it's not worked for me

And what about all the CS people saying about Long Distance Relationship?
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Comments (17)

Are you talking purely "virtual" or is this LDR based on a real life encounter/connection?
For both, can it work?
Hi Heart1674,

Obviously, this question has been asked a million times on here, er million and one now.. lol. but it's okay, it needs repeating or refreshing every once in awhile. YES, LD relations CAN WORK. It depends on the persons involved. I have wrote blogs about it before.. some in comedy and some in a more sincere way... but overall, I have seen it work many times in the past, but usually most people tend to listen more to the naysayers than the positive ones.

I've known people who live in the same city, close to each other.. and they divorce or split up. I've seen long distance relations where when they do meet, they stay together forever, but again it can go both ways. Long distance Can and cannot work, and short distance can and cannot work. Again, it all depends on the persons involved. There is no CONCRETE statement to say YES or NO about either close or long distance. It's up to the individuals involved. I think anything is possible if you work at it and really want it.
Well i think to my self is the way it set.My last relationship was a short distance.II mean i saw that Girl almost 12 hours every day even on weekends but it still never work during 10yrs.devil devil
To Bigwood1......... so sorry to hear that hug comfort
To Robr............
Thank u so much for ur explanation, indeed, in every relationship, it is will always depends on the people involved in that relation
sad flower teddybear
As Rbrt has already commented this subject has been done to death.

There is no guarantee in any relationship that it's going to work out,whether a mile up the road or 10,000 miles away.

From what I have seen so far, those that have made a connection but never met, live on the andrenaline and aspirations of a wonderful life ,because it's what they want to happen.

Then you have those that HAVE met up and been disappointed.

Sometimes dreams do come true and a long distance connection can work,but as far as I am concerned to make it work as a proper loving relationship, one of those people has to move, and that's a big upheaval, and a wrench from family and friends.

Depends what your priorities are I guess. handshake
I've been in long term relationships with partner who had to travel a lot business wise or had only their second home on the Island. Those LDR have worked great for me. So great and for so long that I can't even imagine how it could be to have a partner around me 12 months per year laugh

I went once down the path of having an online LDR - it took me a half year to realize how crazy it was and since a reality check wasn't an option, or at least not in sight for another year, I went back to keeping it real - being single.

Can it work? Sure, as long you know the other person wink
Hi Heart,

I don't want to be a spoiler and I believe some couples succeeded in long distance relationship.

Lets assume the people involved get along very well and get to the next step.

Who will make the move? The person making the move will face many financial and culture issues. Some of which will be of a general nature like functioning in a different society and maybe contend with another language. Immigration laws, the ability to work and function in this new environment.
On a more personal level, what to do with your belongings and finding yourself elsewhere without the support of friends and family.
It is normal to have dreams and hoping for lasting relationship and sometime it is a small step to push reality aside.
If it doesn't work out, will you have to move out without notice and what are going to be your immediate options? Stay, go back and start anew or you didn't abandon everything being realistic of a possible outcome?

What about kids?

I believe it is a lot easier for a younger person to move than someone who is a older. Better do a trial run for a while to see if it is feasible, but not impossible.

I don't have the answers as it depends on many factors and individual characters. It also depends on the people financial situation.

I wish everyone the best of luck in their goals.

From what I've heard it can sometimes put a strain on some relationships.

It's obvious they only work out if the two people involved want it to work and how much time they're willing to put into it.
It does work...I had it last year...if he is only a traveller, forget him... find another prosperous guy...I love 'real thing'thumbs up yay
No, I dont believe it can.
Wow thats what i am looking forheart wings heart wings
ofcourse it can work. If both partners are really serious about it i think it can even lay a better foundation for a relation since you will spend allot more time just talking to eachother.
AH no ! how can this work, what can you do together ? frustrated nothing, find someone closer to home, I've tried it and in the end it all collapsed help anyway you'll find it a waste of your time and efforts sad flower sorry to have to say this detective comfort
I'm sure it doesn't work . Any relationship needs closeness - real touches , kisses ... and not the things you get via the Skype. sad flower
yeah, it is not working well if we didnt know the person for real.
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by Unknown
created Feb 2013
Last Viewed: 14 hrs ago
Last Commented: Mar 2013

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