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In our fast paced, always-on world, it’s not difficult to access information. It comes at you at breakneck speed. Articles, blog posts, status updates, tweets–there’s never a shortage of ideas to consider.

Gaining knowledge isn’t a problem. Applying it, on the other hand, is a lot more challenging, especially when you consider how little time we have throughout our busy days to stop, breathe, and just be.

Pain is part of life, and we can’t avoid it by resisting it. We can only minimize it by accepting it and dealing with it well.
Pain is sometimes an indication we need to set boundaries, learn to say no more often, or take better care of ourselves; but sometimes it just means that it’s human to hurt, and we need to let ourselves go through it.

“The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.”
? Mark Twain

We need people in our lives with whom we can be as open as possible. To have real conversation with people may seem like such a simple, obvious suggestion, but it involves courage and risk. - Thomas Moore

People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. - Joseph F. Newton

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. - William James

“If you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path.” ~Buddha

OK, I dont intend to confuse you further,Can you just tell me?
how much you can speak your mind out,do you believe in promises?
how often you make promises,and do you keep your promises...
Please be truthful....thanking you for reading my blog.... now
i would be happy to know your opinion on this.

I Want U to Just Say Whatever Is On Your Mind....I promise this
will be worth for a good this warm note comes to U, A promise is a promise it can NOT be

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head banger applause yay joy
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Comments (11)

it would take a thousand post for me to write what is on my mind . for now i would like to say great blog i especially like your Buddha quote .

I am happy to know you like my blog
thanking is a small gift
for you..

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handshake teddybear wine wave
Well if I may compliment you, you certainly are well read. I like the quotes and these are always helpful and good advice. However I will try to answer some of you questions, you ask "how much can you speak your mind" well firstly, we live in a free society and we can express our opinions, but, to speak my mind I need a good friend who I trust and even then I have to think twice before I say anything. One has to consider the other person, of course. The next question, well, I avoid making promises, life is so unpredictable and there are no guarantees, I try always to put my best foot forward and consider others first. So when I am alone, I enjoy this time, because I can get to know myself better, I can better discipline myself and think carefully about the few friends I do have. They are my treasures.
take care. Fx
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Please accept my small gift and
thanking you for a wonderful
Paganni , yes.
I agree with you and I want to add that I have more and more the feeling that there is no way out of loneliness. Even your best friend whom you could trust all the innermost. But you do not do this. And why not? Everyone has their own reasons.

Cmiyer, very very nice and beautiful blog.
Thank you.
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fotinia0737 Cartama, Andalucia Spain

Thanking you miss ...please accept

small gift...handshake cheers wave
I believe a promise should be made, only if that person, plans on keeping their promise. For a relationship is built on trust.

The same is true of marriage. For it is a promise to commit to someone,for life. What God has joined together let no man separate (Mark 10:9).

God bless,cmiyer!teddybear
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serendipity615 Warminster, Pennsylvania USA
9 hours ago
I believe a promise should be made, only if that person, plans on keeping their promise. For a relationship is built on trust.

The same is true of marriage. For it is a promise to commit to someone,for life. What God has joined together let no man separate (Mark 10:9).

I am really pleased with your comment and saving it in my file,
It is practical and best for any good relationship.
thanking you and please have some coffee and cake.

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teddybear handshake wave
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