So tell me what do you think is this a good idea?.

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I have felt disconnected from society all my life. I tire of the rigid and conformist lifestyle of the every day. Every time a take time away from the norm and reconnect with nature, I feel revitalized and happy; no longer am I burdened by the struggles of my life. I want to escape and live free from this materialistic facade of so-called happiness. The trouble is... I want to experience this way of life with others who think and feel as I do. Anyone? ( ONE FULL YEAR IN A JUNGLE )

This is the feelings of a friend......i thought this

can bring some good informations from some of the wise

thinkers here.....laugh

so tell me what do you think is this a good idea?

handshake cheers applause cheering

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Comments (8)

scold Cmyier: " You wants to live in the jungle, for a year???" If So! Congrate. . You Go Girl
angel i thought you will be joining

my dear friend....rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing teddybear
Uh, No! just call me, if you need me. My dear friend. teddybear
Hi Cmiyer, Wish I could join you on the adventure.Happy trails....wave wine
I think there lost and the first cold night youll want to come home! Theres snakes-and thingsuh oh shock grin grin doh doh wave bouquet
doh Huge Snakes too! . . .

I felt the same way when I came to Poland. I am unilingual English-speaking and have felt outside my province of Quebec, Canada, all my life. In fact, there are laws that ensure I feel this way and those laws have the misguided purpose to fight fire with fire stated in their charter – to redress the way French people were made to feel alienated. So the cause of my feeling ostracized is an open, objective fact. I had to leave everything that was familiar to me for economic reasons eventually but I never re-connected to a place or its community as I had for my first 20 years of life back home.

This led to my decision to come to Poland. It was a real tough decision and I was immediately homesick and scared. But I felt that all my feelings of estrangement finally fit my reality. Being aligned as a foreigner in a foreign land allowed me to work through those feelings of alienation I felt at home.

Today I do not have those feelings.

Poland is my jungle. My adventure here has been a cathartic experience in retrospect. Ultimately, very few people would choose to live alone in the jungle. Most people seek out a society of some shape or size.

But I think I know what you mean.
A weekend or maybe evn a week, yeah! But a year? I don't think so.

I think you will find the trip very expensive, once you get there the elements and the environment are not very welcoming. You will need a variety of vaccinations to defend against illness caused by virus, bacteria or animal encounters.

There's alot more, but you get the idea!
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