Online Encounters

THE REASON FOR THIS ENTRY IS as a reiteration to be on your Guard
CONNECTING SINGLES IS in fact a fantastic place and allows the POTENTIAL to meet someone. C.S guidelines are VERY sensible, the girl I met was from another site many years ago, however..Lightening struck Twice for me, no name of course! It also serves as a warning that attention-seekers,con-artistes etc are all around those of us who are serious; nevertheless we have to be on our guard and trust our own intuition as we proceed.
Some time ago now I "met" a young woman from another land, we chatted online and got on great, as time went by we exchanged mails then phone numbers, she was American living in Europe,
was separated soon-to be divorced, had three children and drove a special mercedes costing hell knows how much, she showed me pictures of both the children and the car, nice I can say.

After about 7 months of intense communications we had
"fallen for each-other greatly" I was very happy indeed.
One day she asked me "do you ever visit here?" I decided there and then I WAS going to visit her in person! I was thrilled I booked and let her know im coming TOMORROW!...stunned silence met me...
After what seemed an eternity a reply came up on screen oh ok great..I was told the phone had rung

I travelled over, arrived at the agreed meetup point, she was as she appeared on cam and her american accent was a treat to hear in person. We drove to my hotel so I could cancel the hotel meal as we were going out to dinner, all went well and we had a wonderful time, I was told her car was giving trouble and was again in the workshop, she was tired of the endless breakdowns and had insisted the mechanics kept it and gave it a thorough testing.
I drove her home but...she insisted on being dropped off at a street corner...I was puzzled...
Next day we met in the town as she was shopping there, the day went well...after a time I said I drop her at home..nope she "take a taxi" ...o...k
this went on for a few days I thought it was safety precaution she had three children then......she dropped a bombshell...she had a fourth child a son! she explained she "didnt want to frighten me off with so many kids", as she put it, with the american drawl. I was understanding all was fine...
Later back at the hotel..I got an uneasy feeling..she had directed the way in the car...could I find it myself? would I get lost in the maze of streets?
I fired up the car drove for a while turned, drove this way-that way, finally I parked and watched the area, time went by I felt sure I was wrong I felt just aweful...then I saw movement up ahead, a taxi arrived it was my sweetheart! she went into a house and that was that.
THEN the next day I asked to meet her family she was reluctant...I received an explanation she was "adopted" had lived in Los Angeles for a while was studying abroad had come to get away from her ex who was violent, her adoptive parents had been very understanding and so on...I nodded and said ok we`ll forget it..alls fine :)
NEXT Day she called me to say her "MOM wanted to meet me" and would I come over for dinner at 7-30?
I bought flowers and wine, dressed smartly and arrived on time, suspecting NOTHING at all as this was seemingly normal...I was very relaxed. my sweetheart was extremely quiet during dinner and when she spoke she spoke like a little mouse...nerves I thought meeting the parents etc (Could have been worse right? Might have been "Meet the Fockers"!!) during the meal which was very well prepared indeed my sweetheart asked me in her usual voice for "the Ketchuup" to which her "adoptive-father" commented "are we going all-american tonight?" a RED face like a traffic STOP lamp glowed on a certain girls face, I made like all was ok the "adoptive-parents" left to prepare desert in the kitchen; my hand was grabbed as sweety begged me to take her to my hotel so we could make love (all night "if I wanted") IF I WANTED!!!..I digress ..

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Comments (6)

by the way;where did your picture disapiered ?laugh
Hi iataoo, terrible things happen all the time, we wish we could prevent them, sad fact we cant be everywhere at once
Wow! That is quite some story you have there! I hope to meet the guy I met here on CS 3 months ago. If everything goes well, I hope to see him next year for his 50th birthday!! Problem is, I need to travel 18 hours by flight just to meet him but I guess I'm THAT desperate to see him in real person and decide if he's what he potrays himself to be wink
Dear Mimi;I hope you checked up his address on google map and send him registered mail of some card where he needs to sign or send him one rose or what ever to check his address.Hope all goes well for you. I admire your confidence in going there to see him as I expect from man to be the one coming to my way where I fell safe on my teritory.All the bestteddybear
Hello again Enigma! So nice to hear from you again :) How are things in your part of the world? Ok I hope :)

I appreciate your valued comments, as much as it hurt me then, its years ago,I am the type that dusts myself off and moves on I have not a second to waste on anything or indeed on anyone that I deem unworthy, when a warning sing appears I am on extra guard then I break all contact and simply move on, no point in the slightest with questions, a dog IS a dog, end of story

if it barks IT is a DOG! :)

We can not know what makes some people what they have become, they may be mental issues, unfinished emotional ties perhaps?, over indulgent parenting, religeous dogma, attack-trauma (PTSD) etc etc, im no expert, few of us are, we think someone is suitable as a potential mate, I invested 3 years of my life we had fun travelled a lot saw many sights had experiences together, in fact life was great, and it went belly up, ive since moved on of course long ago, ive grown from the experience and other equally positive events have enriched my life too.
I must admit I have a very ordered and indeed some might say priveliged life, I devote time to help others in need, never forgetting how life can be of course.

The main and important aspect I bear in mind each new day is to Enjoy that day, its mine, its personal and its good to be in :)
I get things from life that enrich my feeling of contentness
a new day is a new-beginning; every day :)

When you live with the diagnosis I was given you havent time to waste on silly things, not at all :) live love-life and do good, you cant ask for more I say :)

Thanks enigma for your good inputhug hug teddybear lips
Hi enigma2 teddybear Thanks fr your concern. I'll do he necessary checkings before I embark on the long journey to see him. wink

About this Blog

by Unknown
created Apr 2014
Last Viewed: May 4
Last Commented: Apr 2014
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