Gardening time :)

With the progession of spring, gardens abound with life! Birds foraging in the earth, gardeners hacking at weeds its nice to see life in its natural forms, the rub is that weeds are an integral part of our nature and exist side by side with the flowers, bushes and shrubs we plant, sadly some gardeners resort to using pesticides and sprays to control the growth of weeds, with the increased use of such chemicals the risk also increases of unwanted effects to us humans, the farmers "dose" their chemical.sprays for cost effectiveness, the humble gardener is not always aware of the often severe damage that pesticides, hormone-sprays etc can and do have on both the precious nature, but also inevitably on animals and humans.
I have a good friend who in his younger days worked on a farm in the UK,he told how part of his job (then) was to spray the newly invented and developed pesticides to control bugs and insects,the effectivity was in fact 100%; however the insects are a PART of the natural cycle of evolution, development and sustainability of life.

Now tragically worldwide we are seeing whole colonies of Bees dying out thus leaving the pollination of plants unattended to, thereby putting at risk of failure of both crops and flowers etc alike!

My friend mentioned herein, later developed Parkinsons-Disease, a cruel and unyielding disease, he was my friend and neighbor for over 5 years, often visiting on his way to the store on his electric mobility scooter,the last year we were neighbors I saw a terrible decline in his condition, his voice became barely audible, falls an almost daily occurence, the trips I took him on to see something other than locally became less and less frequent as he simply was unable to cope with the short journeys, an ice cream after a trip out and he was exhausted, it upset me greatly to see my friend like this, he was recently moved to a care home where he seldom gets even outside now, the care workers who attended to him at his home opposite me came more and more frequently to help him up after numerous falls, brought on by the ever weakening muscles and the spasms he underwent, suspicion is the pesticides can cause this condition.

Now I saw a tv program whose topic covered precisely pesticides used in a province in China the pesticides killed both the bugs that were "unwanted" but also the BEES! that pollinated the Pear trees, in which the region depended on for its income as most were employed in that area!..
The program went on to show the "genius" of the Chinese who made "artificial pollination devices" consisting of a fluffed-out feather on a stick basically that workers pollinated the pear trees with, going from bud to bud thereby creating the cross-pollination so that the trees would blossom and bear fruit!
Clever? well yes...however bees and insects do this naturally, and I might add for free!
What are we doing when it comes to our beautiful-WONDERFUL nature I ask?

If you are a gardener and contemplate or even use bug sprays/pesticides please be at least AWARE the risks both to you, the plants, the nature and I might add future generations, do the children really deserve to be put at risk by all these darned chemicals?
Wherever you are I wish you a peaceful, pleasant day in your nature.

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by Unknown
created Apr 2014
Last Viewed: May 6
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