Saturday 11th April....Breathing new air.

I wake up with the sun streaming through the open window. For the first time in months I have slept for seven hours. My head is clear and my mouth does not taste like it is full of ball bearings. I glance over at him, his eyes are closed and he's asleep, snoring softly, his stomach is rising and falling. I break out into an entirely goofy grin. He stirs and rolls over and pulls me towards him.
Slowly I withdraw making sure to be quiet and leave him to sleep.
I take a scalding hot shower. I step out and wrap myself in a hotel tower and rub until my skin is tingling. I am brand new. I have a ravenous appetite, I feel like I have not eaten for weeks. I clamber into a shirt and jeans and sneak out of the room in search of breakfast. I am starving if I do not eat in the next five minutes I will die.
I wander downstairs to see if there is any sign of life. In what appears to be a living room I see a tall male in a striped polo shirt and Jeans slumped on the sofa, watching golf. I hear the tap of a ball and a polite ripple of applause. 'Yes!' he yells, jumping up and punching the air. You beauty!' He turns around and sees me. 'He is winning he explains.' 'Oh right,' I say trying to smile. Golf I do not get, all that interminable walking about and knocking balls into little holes is so mind numbingly tedious I would rather be forced to watch Jerry Springer.
The nice lady appears with her cheeks flushed from being in the hot kitchen..'Ya, ya you awake, I bring you breakfast to room' and she winks turning to head back to the kitchen with a chuckle.
When I enter the room I see he is showered and pulling on his jeans and t-shirt. 'Ah there you are,' he says. 'Wheres breakfast?' 'You are feeling bold,' I say shuffling from one foot to the other. He pulls me down on to the bed beside him. 'Do I need to book into a convent?' I hear myself say. 'You minx,' he says saucily, pulling me back to him so my face is in his neck.He is in full Alpha male mode. He chuckles and asks, 'do you want to stay in this calm and serene sanctuary or want to open two of these,' producing the envelopes from behind his back. 'The envelopes please.' My voice sounding to high and squeaky. Like Tweety Pie on drugs... He reaches over to kiss my face that is glowing like a small childs on Christmas Day.
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