Top 10 countries not to visit b4 u die

These are my top 10 countries in the world never to visit because u'll most certainly die

1. Yemen
2. Nigeria
3. Kenya
4. Syria
5. Iraq
6. Mexico
7. Afganistan
8. Pakistan
9. Haiti
10. Saudi arabia

Guys feel free to comment and add your list of countries to the above list.
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Comments (17)

What about Russia and El Salvador, Sierra Leone, Ethopia and Columbia?sad flower
Don't you think JAPAN should be Numero Uno ?
I won't comment on those but these are the countries I would like to visit, England, Ireland and Australia
I wouldn't rule any country out, ever.

There are some amazing archaeological and historical sites in Iraq which I'd love to visit. The cradle of civilisation.

And I would definitely like to visit Mexico. Friends have gone, and loved it.

I really want to go to Rwanda and Jordan. They are in top 3 now that I have visited my all-time top 1..Cuba.

I just have to win the lotto now!
Good to know if you feel suicidal though I doubt some are as bad as they are portrayed in the media! Surely you could die in any country if the wrong events occurred whilst you were there.
Is this another Blog Stopper rolling on the floor laughing
Well, as a last stopover, come to South-Africa. You probably won't die here but you will certainly be relieved of you earthly possessions. It will leave you hands free to meet your creator when visiting one of your top 10 destinations.
laugh laugh
Ordenado, that is true.

I know lots of people were afraid to visit Ireland during the Troubles.

But most of the country was unaffected by it, nearly oblivious in fact.

But even during it, you could , and I did, travel to Belfast and other northern towns without a bother!
Let us not be too quick to judge other countries
There are many places in Kingston that are No-go areas.
All of us have a back yard..
Cool runnings.. dancing
True, every city on this planet have some dangerous areas where angels fear to tread.
Molybaby .. you want to go to Iraq ?? Are you for REAL ???
I dont think Nth Korea or Iran would be on my list of Favourites somehow
Well I believe country #1 on your list may have just disappeared today. Oh, not technically because it still sits on the map, but there is (according to CNN) only 1 Western reporter left and he is trying to slip away before the new authorities (not a govt.) notice him and put him in a new video. The supposed cease fire lasted only a few hours. Just long enough for ISSA and Al Qaieda to move more troops up before taking over the palace.

I also think what country is on your list has a lot to do with what color is your passport, and maybe also what other country visa stamps are in it.

Since I am American and once upon a time I was military, I would add Lebanon to the list. I seem to recall a former Marine not too long ago who assumed that being married to a girl from there would protect him when he visited. Nope.

I like walking through woods and fields. Therefore I will avoid Cambodia, Kosovo and Serbia, as well as the woods outside of Moscow. It is absolutely amazing how long those old land mines and other unexploded ordinance stay live.

Decades ago (50?) I was in a portion of Italy where portions of the beach were still fenced off because of the old WW2 landmines still buried under the sand there. While we were there some other tourists decided that was silly. So they climbed over the barbed wire and walked way, way over there, put out a blanket and went swimming and pretty much had a good time far away from anyone else. That evening we were told when the man was coming out of the water he found one of those 20+ something year old salt water corroded land mines and it worked just fine and he died and the woman with him had been wounded too. Here in America every other year we read new stories about souvenir hunters digging up old artillery shells fired in our Civil War back in the 1860s, from some stream bed or something, bringing it home and either trying to dry it out in front of a fireplace or (the last one I read) using a hammer and chisel to try to knock the mud off. I figure if a shell from 150 years ago can still blow up your house, something only 70 or less years old is also probably still quite deadly.

I have been to Haiti twice. In Papa Doc's time also in Baby Doc's time. Incredible poverty is what I remember. Today? I don't know.
funny blog indeed.... don't you think that you also can die at your own house ? why should you make unvisited countries list ?

I love to visit many countries as death is not our problem... our life can be taken anytime anywhere... by anyone.. who knows..
Sure absolutely. But why tweak the odds. The new rulers of Yemen still have as one of their slogans, Death to America. This morning some of them fired shots at one of the US Embassy cars caught on the street by them. Evacuations by US Marines are probable. Not a good time to be an American tourist there.
Doesn't matter where you are, ..... you're gonna die anyway blues
north-korea,iran,russia[as long as putin rules]
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by Unknown
created Jan 2015
Last Viewed: May 8
Last Commented: Jan 2015

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