Can you please donate, hero british policeman

So far the British public and rest of the world have raised over £500,000 for our hero policeman that lost his life protecting the British public and tourists PC Keith Palmer's family, his wife has lost her husband and children lost their father, an amazing amount of money raised so far in just a few days, please if you can afford it, then you can donate on this link, thank you,...... :)

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Comments (13)

of course..for Monday add mine sad flower
Ash, add what for Monday,.........?
please add my flower when you go with a bouquet -to pay your respect.
Ah got you, I will do, will leave a card from me you and Candy,..................... :)
No disrespect intended here Scotty but why not donate the funds equally to all families that lost loved ones on that same day?

To be honest I'm surprised the police and others have decided to raise such funds....
correct me if I'm wrong, but financially shouldn't his family be well taken of?
Itchy....I agree entirely with you here.
doh that should of been well taken "care" of.
I have donated to the others on the same page and even to the ones listed there that are in hospital,......

As for being taken care of by the Met I wouldn't know, I can only assume his wife will receive his police pension if he had one and that some organisation will pay some sort of compensation,......

Any way, my personal choice to donate and see nothing wrong in any amount of money his wife and children receive,........................
Plus its down to someone to set up raising funds for every one involved just like the Police Officer who set this one up for PC Keith Palmer's family,..............
To be honest Dani, with his pension life insurance & etc I just don't understand the need of the fund .. however, if the fund was to assist fly the French victims and American home, pay medical bills of injured bodies, be they short term or life long... I'd understand it more.
So Itchy, have you made any donations to all the other people you have mentioned,.?
Scotty, although I am sure you are doing it for the best of intentions, this is not the forum for a donation request for one victim of murder.

If every single murder victim in the world by individuals, groups or government -sponsored, had a donation-request on here, there would be no room for any other blogs or issues.

It is a personal choice for people to donate privately to whatever fund or cause they wish to support.
Molly, its a little bit more than every other single murder, this is one of our Policeman, all I'm doing is raising awareness, you have your opinion and I have mine, straying off the point of my blog, not about all murders, who gets what, what goes where,................If someone decides to set up a donation fund then what's the problem?