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Useless triviaonline today!

Useless trivia

One person was killed and seven injured overnight when a cable car in southern Turkey hit a pole and burst open, sending the passengers plummeting to the mountainside below, local media reported.

by Bluekiwi | Te apua, Northland New Zealand | Apr 12
What Makes Jesus Unique No one else made the claims that He did He is aliveonline today!

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

God says, listen, all you're going to do, all you're going to do is profane it. Why in this case, because God wants them to understand he's looking at the heart, he's not looking at how tricked out their altar is, he's not looking at how great their works are.

He's looking at their hearts.

And if they got into building alters how they thought altars should be built, it would not take very long before they convinced themselves, as we would, that the key to pleasing God is building really great altars and temples.

I mean, could you imagine if you believe that you would just spend countless amounts of money on building the most elaborate structures you could all over Europe and play, I can't imagine what would happen if you believe that.

So I want to suggest to you that in our context, in our day, we face a similar battle of wills because we're all faced with the temptation to say, well, you know what, I here's our cop out.

You ready for this? This is going to hurt. Brace yourself. You know, I just believe that my relationship with God is it's just it's just so personal, you know?

And I don't mean just personal in the sense that that it's between me and Jesus, but I mean in the sense that, you know, what worshiping God looks like for me is personal between me and God. What living for God looks like. It's its personal for me.

It's personal for me. You know what? Scriptures need to be obeyed and which ones don't. That's that's really something personal. It's very special to me. I'm not comfortable talking about it.

And God says that's profane. That's profane. Because the truth is that if God has spoken in his word, if he's given clear revelation and instruction on how he wants us to do something, on how he wants to be worshipped and how he wants us to relate to each other and love each other and be the church, if God has spoken on a subject in his word, then the conversations over.

There's a period at the end. Not an ellipsis, not those three dots, because he's waiting for our input and any attempts to amend or revise what God has said, they're just profanity.

It's profanity, because when we do that, what we're really saying is there's a higher authority now, Lord, there's a greater wisdom that can be added to the conversation.

Mine, mine.

And when we do that, we're not really worshipping the Lord, are we? We're worshipping ourselves because we've elevated our desires and our opinions. Above the Lord's. So would you write this down when we worship God according to our opinions and desires instead of his word?

Our worship becomes profane. When we worship God according to our opinions and desires, instead of his word, our worship becomes profane. If we love, the Lord will express that love by doing our best to worship him, live for him, honor him as he desires to be worshiped, lived for and honored. If we love the Lord, will want to worship him in a way that blesses him and the way that we learn how to do that. Is by reading what he has said and revealed in his word.

By being a part of his church, by being around our brothers and sisters and saying, can you help me do that? Whoever we are, whatever your position is in the church with you being a Christian a short time or a long time, say I want to live in a way that blesses Jesus. Even if we have good intentions.

The point is that we cannot improve upon God's work, we cannot improve upon God's ways when it comes to our salvation, the work of Jesus on our behalf, his life, death and resurrection.

It's perfect. It's perfect. It cannot be improved in God's plan of salvation. It's his work and it's our faith. But what is Hebrews 12 to tell us about?

Our faith says Jesus is the originator and the perfecta of our faith. Why is our faith even acceptable, because it was crafted by Jesus. It was crafted by Jesus, not by us. Jesus did all the work and Jesus gave us the faith to believe in that finished work.

by bcjenny | somewhere in B.C., British Columbia Canada | Apr 12
What Makes Jesus Unique No one else made the claims that He did He is aliveonline today!

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

So just keep everything on the ground floor. Nobody needs to climb any steps. Let's just keep it all copacetic. But the main point of this text is that God gives specific instructions as to how he wants to be worshiped.

Later on in Exodus, God is going to give incredibly detailed instructions on the building of the Tabernacle, the special tent that would become a portable temple for the people of Israel. He'll give instructions about sacrifices and feasts and all kinds of things related to how he wanted his people to worship him. And it's so easy for us to say, well, you know, all those laws and regulations were done away with Jeff when Jesus fulfilled the law perfectly as a man.

And now there's just there's just freedom. Just freedom. And it's true that our performance, our works, has nothing to do with our salvation. But remember. God is still a consuming fire, he's still holy, he's still worthy. And we do not speak truthfully when we claim or act as though the New Testament is not loaded with practical instruction on how we are to live as the people of God, as the church. We mislead ourselves and one another when we act as though the New Testament is not full of counsel on how to live in a way that is pleasing to God and blesses God, the message of the New Testament is not do whatever you want.

It's not that, it's that God loves you, he's saved you. And if you understand that, then you belong to him now go and live as though you belong to Jesus. I'm just going to find my place with a dramatic pause for a minute right here, so just indulge me as I do that. Our whole lives are intended to be acts of worship. There's a way of living today that is pleasing to God and there's a way of living that is not there's a way of living that is worship to God and there's a way of living that is not as we talked about.

And we're speaking about Grace just a few minutes ago, if we've really encountered the grace of God, it will produce a deep love and affection for the Lord, which will naturally make us say, I want to live in a way that blesses him. And in this passage in Exodus, God says that any stones used to build an altar for him must be used as is.

Don't cut them, don't shape them, don't chisel them in any way. Now, why is that? Because God says if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it. And I really want to understand us the big lesson that God is trying to teach the Israelites. It's not that God says, listen, I'm part of a union that's fully committed to using only natural products.

That's not what's going on here.

There's something big he's trying to teach them when it comes to what is right, when it comes to what is good, when it comes to what leads to life, when it comes to how we are to worship God, we are not invited into the discussion to offer our opinion.

It is not God and us sitting across the table offering 50 50 input, having a negotiation. Well, you know, Jeff, what do you think it means to live for me? Oh, I'm glad you asked. God, I've got some notes about what I think it should mean. That's not what happens in the Christian life. God says there's some things that I decide unilaterally.

Because here's my trump card card, I'm God, I'm God, I got to know I'm God, that's why I can do this. And God says when you try and add your opinion. All you do is profane, whatever we're talking about. That's all that happens if Israel said, you know what, though, Lord, I think some nicely decorated stones, maybe just in the corners would really beautify this altar. We can get, you know, this sort of wilderness chic thing going on.

by bcjenny | somewhere in B.C., British Columbia Canada | Apr 12
What Makes Jesus Unique No one else made the claims that He did He is aliveonline today!

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And our performance is not part of the equation. Throw the equation for salvation on the board. You're not going to find our works anywhere on there. Secondly, we've been given the Holy Spirit, which actually gives us the power to obey God, it gives us the ability to hear from God and be led by him should we so choose moment to moment.

You and I experienced the character and the power of God at the cross. His outstretched arms, the nails in his hands and feet, the wound in his side, the stripes on his back, tell me everything I need to know about the character of my God, tells me everything I need to know about how he feels about me.

And when you combine that revelation of God's love for you. With the freedom of understanding that nothing is based on your performance. And the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. That's Grace, that's Grace, because it makes you want to live in such a way that Jesus is blessed because you love him. You love them. What real Grace does is produce a love for Jesus, the one who saves you. That's what Grace does, it doesn't make you say, oh, how can I hurt him some more?

How can I take advantage of this? It makes you say, Lord, Lord, thank you. And if the grace of God does not make you want to live for God. And please hear me on this, I'm not saying live from perfectly, I'm saying if the grace of God does not make you want to live for God, then let me be real honest. I don't think you've encountered the grace of God. I don't think you've come face to face with the Lord's love for you, because when you do.

You can't help but love them, you can't help it. Real grace is not a license to sin, it's the means by which were actually able to serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.

Let's jump back in to Exodus 28, verse 22, it says, then the Lord said to Moses, thus you shall say to the children of Israel, you have seen that I have talked with you from heaven. You shall not make anything to be with me. Gods of silver or gods of gold. You shall not make for yourselves an altar of earth. You shall make for me and you shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings in your peace offerings, your sheep and your oxen.

In every place where I record my name or just wherever I cause my name to be remembered, I will come to you and I will bless you.

And if you make me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone. For if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it.

Nor shall you go up by steps to my altar that your nakedness may not be exposed on it. So let me explain that last verse, because I don't want to end the message with it. And then we'll go back and talk about the rest of that section of scripture.

You see, God didn't want he didn't want any altars that were elevated, that had steps leading up to it. And I suspect there are two main reasons for this. The first reason is mentioned in verse 26

Twenty six, people didn't really wear underwear at this time. Men wore robes, put two and two together. Ain't nobody want to see that.

You see, when you show up to worship God, you shouldn't have to learn that much about your pastor. Right.

All right.

Secondly, if you study ancient Near Eastern cultures, or you just read the Old Testament, you're going to figure out really quick that all the other pagan religions in the area, this is a challenge to talk about with kids in the room, all the other pagan religions in the area at that time, Inc, let's just say physical rituals into their culture, worship, or more likely, it's just wicked people who want to do wicked things.

And they're like, yeah, I just had a revelation from Ball that when we have religious ceremonies, we should be doing this.

Everyone's like, cool, that sounds great. And so what God is saying, he's saying, I just want you guys to stay as far away from that as possible in your worship of me.

by bcjenny | somewhere in B.C., British Columbia Canada | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

The prosecution didn't.

by chatillion | Boca Raton, Florida USA | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

Am I missing something here. If he HAD worn the gloves wouldn't his D.N.A. be inside them?

by germanspitz | ingoldmells, Lincolnshire, England UK | Apr 12
What Makes Jesus Unique No one else made the claims that He did He is aliveonline today!

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

He is just as glorious and powerful and overwhelming as ever. The bible says the Lord does not change. He's not a man. He does not change. And the writer of Hebrews in the New Testament under the New Covenant tells us that present tense, our God is a consuming fire.

What changed is not who God is. What changed is who our mediator is. Our brother Paul tells us in First Timothy, two five, there's one God and one mediator between God and men, the man, Christ Jesus. And you know what our mediator did for us, do you know how he bridged the gap between God's glory? And sinful humanity, let's say, God's glory and sinful humanity, he didn't say God, would you? Take it down a notch.

He raised us up. That's how we bridge the gap, Paul tells us this about the Lord in Romans eight. These are all in your outline.

Speaking of men and woman believers, he says, whom he for knew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son, that he Jesus might be the first born among many brethren. I won't get into it, but it's one of my my favorite things to talk about in the world. Underline that word, brethren, because if you're not aware of this, what it's literally saying is the idea is that when Jesus was raised from the dead, that he would be the firstborn of many brethren.

It's describing us when we're raised up by the Lord as the brothers and sisters of Jesus.

That's what it's talking about. It's a scandalous as it sounds.

Moreover, whom he predestined DC also called whom he called the sea also justified and whom he justified.

DC also what he glorified, he glorified. What then, shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

And our brother John tells us, beloved now we are children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be. But we know that when he is revealed. Wrap your mind around this, we shall be like him. We shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Yes, Jesus lowered himself and came to the earth as a man, but he didn't lower himself so that he could stay low with us and spend eternity down here.

He lowered himself so that he could reach us and elevate us with him to join him in glory. That's what he did.

He didn't solve the gap between us and God by bringing God down and staying there. He said, I'm going to come down and get you and raise you up with me.

Look at Hebrews 12 28 again, it talks about how we've received it, says Grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.

And I want to ask you to meditate on this some more this week, maybe talk about it in your groups, because there's a heresy sweeping through the church and no heresy sweeping through the church is new, by the way.

It's been going around since the church was born and they pretty much all took place in the first century and they cycled through over and over again.

But this heresy wrongly teaches that the purpose of God's grace is to allow us to do whatever we want. Sin however we want, live however we want, because, hey, Jesus is taking care of our sins. It's a moral credit card with no limit. Jesus pays it off no matter what we throw on there. But what does this first tell us? Hebrews 12, 2008 that God's grace empowers us to do it says serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.

At Mount Sinai, the people saw God's glory and they were given the law.

But inevitably, inevitably, they couldn't live up to it, just like we can't.

And inevitably they failed over and over and over again. But we're under the new covenant. We've been covered by the blood of Jesus.

We've been given the Holy Spirit. That means two massive things have taken place.

Firstly, under the new covenant, nothing is based on our performance. Our righteousness comes from Jesus in our sin has been paid for by Jesus.

by bcjenny | somewhere in B.C., British Columbia Canada | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquit

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

The glove trick worked because he wore rubber gloves under the leather glove when he tried the glove on for the jury. Everybody knows leather doesn't slide over rubber.

by secretagent09 | New Jersey Girl in, North Carolina USA | Apr 12
O J Simpson dead at 76

RE: O.J Simpson dead at 76

If Nicole was black or if OJ was white, it would've been a long forgotten case by now.

by brsugr | Miami Gardens, Florida USA | Apr 12
Times there a changingonline today!

RE: Times,there a changing

Lest there be any confusion with the FUBAR Comery series...

FUBAR = Fùcked Up Beyond All Repair

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Times there a changingonline today!

RE: Times,there a changing

"I've voted 100% Democrat, but if there's not a Red Wave this November America is doomed."
- Elon Musk

I.Pray he's Right... I Fear irreparable damage has been done and the the Republic is FUBAR (search it)

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

I did enjoy the movie Capricorn One...

by chatillion | Boca Raton, Florida USA | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

Could be.
Book promotion would be a motivator for "hypothetically" confessing to a crime for which he couldn't be put in doubt jeopardy.

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

Smelled like hype to promote his book. The key word here is "hypothetical"

by chatillion | Boca Raton, Florida USA | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

While he cannot be tried twice for the same crime, you're saying he admitted in public to the murders and it wasn't plastered all over the news?

by chatillion | Boca Raton, Florida USA | Apr 12
Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas Cityonline today!

Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas City

As noted in a prior comment -
It's better to be Seen by than Viewed.

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

Merc -
Also ... The glove was stiff with dried blood.
The glove trick was a gimmick of OJ's Legal Dream Team ... And it worked.

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas City

RE: Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas City

So happy to see you

by Mercedes_00 | Greater Sydney, New South Wales Australia | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquit

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

The glove did fit OJ

The reason why the glove didn't fit the killer in the court room was because he deliberately stopped taking his arthritis pills for his hands which caused his hands to swell when he doesn't take those pills

I saw a segment tonight where he confessed to years later where he did admit to killing them He tried to say self defence I saw him show how he killed them

by Mercedes_00 | Greater Sydney, New South Wales Australia | Apr 12
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

My then 14 yo old daughter noted that the glove was Not cut in a manner corresponding to the cut on OJ's hand ... ergo, the glove was throw down evidence to frame him.

I was Convinced!!

After the trial, legal analysts revealed that prosecutor Marcia Clark stupidly Failed to establish that the glove Was Cut in a manner Exactly consistent with OJ having cut himself - and the glove - while committing the murders.

If my daughter had prosecuted the case, she'd have gotten the conviction and the POS would've Not gotten away with murder.

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Uranus Is The Planetary Ruler Of Aquarius And Obits The Sun In 84 3 Yearsonline today!

Uranus Is The Planetary Ruler Of Aquarius And Obits The Sun In 84.3 Years.

From the link in my previous comment-
"Astrologers have long noted that Uranus was transiting through Gemini during three distinct periods in American history: the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and World War II."

Note that Uranus returns in the sign of Gemini.
Could it be that the Prez birth dates have regressed through the air sign of Aquarius and will now move to the air sign of Gemini?

That Might make Gemini Trump (June 14) an Indispensable Person contender

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Uranus Is The Planetary Ruler Of Aquarius And Obits The Sun In 84 3 Yearsonline today!

Uranus Is The Planetary Ruler Of Aquarius And Obits The Sun In 84.3 Years.

There's LOTS out there about the 84 year cycle of US wars

I do Not recall seeing anything about the Aquarian Prez / Haley / Obama connection.
That May be original from me.

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Uranus Is The Planetary Ruler Of Aquarius And Obits The Sun In 84 3 Yearsonline today!

RE: Uranus Is The Planetary Ruler Of Aquarius And Obits The Sun In 84.3 Years.

mic, did you read this somewhere?

by chatillion | Boca Raton, Florida USA | Apr 12
Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas Cityonline today!

Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas City


by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Useless triviaonline today!

Useless trivia

This must be true as I read it here ,posted by a guy who wears a cowboy hat and has a very small d*ck van Dyke

by Bluekiwi | Te apua, Northland New Zealand | Apr 12
Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas Cityonline today!

Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas City

A woman backed into an airplane propeller

Disaster ... (dis àssed her)

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Useless triviaonline today!

Useless trivia

This must be true as I read it here ,posted by a guy who wears a cowboy hat and has a very small d*ck van Dyke

by Bluekiwi | Te apua, Northland New Zealand | Apr 12
Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas Cityonline today!

Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas City

A woman backed into an airplane propeller

Disaster ... (dis àssed her)

by miclee | Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida USA | Apr 12
Useless triviaonline today!

Useless trivia

The first people to populate New Zealand were the Maoris approx 1000 years ago. They made their way from Polynesia by canoe and were a warlike tribe who liked tattoos especially on their faces. Since then, the main skill of New Zealanders has been throwing a ball around, called Rugby, which somehow they learned from the British, and herding sheep. Wearing masks is also popular.

by Bluekiwi | Te apua, Northland New Zealand | Apr 12
Uranus Is The Planetary Ruler Of Aquarius And Obits The Sun In 84 3 Years

RE: Uranus Is The Planetary Ruler Of Aquarius And Obits The Sun In 84.3 Years.

When it comes to my Uranus I always say it's best to have an empty flat than an unwanted tenant

by Mercedes_00 | Greater Sydney, New South Wales Australia | Apr 12
Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas City

RE: Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas City

by Mercedes_00 | Greater Sydney, New South Wales Australia | Apr 12
Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas Cityonline today!

RE: Blockbuster New Disaster Movie Depicts Falling Space Junk Destroying A Texas City

So good to see you!!!
Hope you are well.

by hpylady_ | Southern View, Illinois USA | Apr 12

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