This is a list of random comments on All Blogs - ordered by date. Click on the blog title to view the blog. Click here to create a Blog.

Donald who

RE: Donald who...?

I stopped watching the video you cited at, "Our national security is compromised."

A random statement with no explanation in the context of Trump's 31 charges under the Espionage Act has no credibility in terms of supporting Trump and as such, neither does the video.

I think you also misinterpret emotions if you view Biden's speech as 'angry'. It's much more nuanced and varied than that.

I have no idea how much of the SOTU address was accurate, nor whether it was mere rhetoric. The salient point is that he appears to be employing more intelligent tactics than Trump in the way he not only presents himself, but presents the electorate to themselves.

But who knows, maybe people being told they're shit and the country is shit is where the majority of Americans feel most emotionally familiar and comfortable and that will win through.

by jac_the_gripper | Tonyrefail, South Glamorgan, Wales UK | Mar 9
Have you ever wondered why girls are the way they areonline today!

RE: Have you ever wondered why girls are the way they are?

Considering the arena you are playing in do you honestly believe if the blokes here could afford any of you women or any other on a date site would waste their time here getting criticized by women who don't meet their unrealistic expectations?

Granted most blokes have unrealistic expectations of the women here as well so, it makes everyone even.

Though you make a point regarding what women are supposed to be doing whatever that is but, that idea applies to the boys as well.

The golden rule still applies she who has the pu**y still makes the rule. 9 months waiting to get out of one and 90 years obsessing trying to get back into one. Go figure.

by Ninurta | Chaos, Florida USA | Mar 9
LVP Luxury vinyl planking aka sticky planksonline today!

RE: LVP - Luxury vinyl planking aka sticky planks

suzie, what are the dimensions of the planks?
I've done a few rooms with sticky squares 12" x 12" (30cm x 30cm)
Also, I worked for a bathroom remodeling company who did flooring and tile.
Typically, it was easier to remove the toilet, rough cut the tiles around the flange and install the toilet over the new flooring. Perfect fit. Remember you have to must get a new wax ring that seals the toilet to the flange.
Different applications for different products. Some could go over a sub floor, some required a 3mm barrier, the thicker products had their own backing and didn't require glue-down or preparation.

by chatillion | Boca Raton, Florida USA | Mar 9


Ain't gonna happen, ever.

by Grandsiozzie | Oslo, Norway | Mar 9


So what would say if Putin decided that Norway should form part of the new USSR which he wants to reform you would say to your fellow citizens just surrender to him.

by Inthecountryside | Wellington, Somerset, England UK | Mar 9
LVP Luxury vinyl planking aka sticky planks

RE: LVP - Luxury vinyl planking aka sticky planks

Try googling Saker contour gauge profile tool.

by jac_the_gripper | Tonyrefail, South Glamorgan, Wales UK | Mar 9
Donald who

RE: Donald who...?

Biden's address was angry - and thoroughly predictably - dishonest (and divisive)

Donald Trump's speeches are angry - and thoroughly predictably - dishonest (and divisive).


by SeaOrphan | Cape May, New Jersey USA | Mar 9
Is Donald Trump actually an Anti Christ

RE: Is Donald Trump actually an Anti-Christ?

If you see a clip of him when he was younger, the contrast is stark. Because of his media exposure, any decline is incremental and less obvious, like the difference between seeing a growing child every day and once a year.

Trump has been exhibiting signs of paraphasia for a long time. The muddling of 'oranges' and 'origins' springs to mind, particularly his confusion/frustration/discomfort at the time, like he sport of knew it was wrong, but the right word wouldn't come to him.

I also read/heard somewhere recently that Trump's partying in the 80's/90's involved cocaine.

Episodic memory relates to autobiographical events such as your first kiss, your wedding, or maybe your first presidential campaign and who it was against. It's about 'remembering', rather than 'knowing' (semantic memory) and creates a sense of self.

It struck me reading this, specifically 'self-awareness' that Trump's narcissism may interact with other cognitive issues. Going back to episodic memory above, those with a severe lack of empathy often have difficulty developing a sense of self without the context of a sense of others.

Being booed at the Sneaker Con, getting a low percentage of the primary votes for an incumbent(ish), the prospect of having his wealth (or lack thereof) exposed, the prospect of losing his businessman image and therefore his sense of self, the prospect of going to prison for the rest of his natural life, a loss of control...all these things may interact with his specific narcissistic personality traits creating a lot of internal conflict and stress.

I'm not trying to diagnose Trump by any stretch of the imagination. I'm just toying with the idea that he might have several issues that are all interacting under extreme stress.

by jac_the_gripper | Tonyrefail, South Glamorgan, Wales UK | Mar 9
LVP Luxury vinyl planking aka sticky planksonline today!

RE: LVP - Luxury vinyl planking aka sticky planks

Video sent to your email,

by germanspitz | ingoldmells, Lincolnshire, England UK | Mar 9
The online dating scene is rough

RE: The online dating scene is rough.

Look up speed dating in your area. 5 minutes is plenty long enough to know if there's that elusive attraction thing or if there are "red flags" and if so, messaging isn't a waste of time as you find out about each other. Ghosting still happens if you say the 'wrong' thing but hey, at least you know who you are ghosting, or being ghosted by.

by suziecute | Salobreña, Andalusia Spain | Mar 9
LVP Luxury vinyl planking aka sticky planks

LVP - Luxury vinyl planking aka sticky planks

Wow, colour me impressed, any chance you're planning a quick trip to Spain? Lovely and warm here at the moment (actually I lie, today pissing down with rain YAY we need it, but usually sunny and amazing)

The tiles aren't textured so it is okay, like tiling onto concrete, and that's one reason I chose the sticky rather than click, because if a central click plank gets damaged you have to dismantle half the floor to replace, whereas the damaged sticky plank can be cut and peeled up with a heat gun. Well, in theory ....

It is the halfway-tricky bits that are getting me, how did you do the cut-outs? (loo, basin, etc?) I am cutting on paper, then making a cardboard template, getting that right, then I cut the plank - and arrrrggghhhh tiny gaps. Driving me ballistic. How did you do those? My house is at least 100 years old and not a straight wall in the place, I'm using the tiles as "chalk lines" but cutting to fit to the stupid walls, not to mention built-ins in the kitchen, is just not going smoothly.

Blast the time difference but if anyone else has a quick hack for templates ...

by suziecute | Salobreña, Andalusia Spain | Mar 9
Useless triviaonline today!

Useless trivia

A Kansas man with a string of prior domestic violence and child abuse cases could get life in prison for brutalising his two young daughters, including an eight-year-old whose heart ruptured when she was viciously stomped last year, prosecutors said.

by Bluekiwi | Te apua, Northland New Zealand | Mar 9
What Makes Jesus Unique No one else made the claims that He did He is aliveonline today!

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

I think that Israel was likely feeling extra grateful because the Lord had just forgiven them for the golden calf incident and had returned to dwell among them and lead them. Meeting with Moses, as we read about in our previous study. And pastors love to talk about this passage as it relates to giving, but I don't want to go too far with it from a fundraising perspective, because when I thought about it, I realized, you know, I think it's an important detail that the Israelites had plundered the wealth of the Egyptians on their way out of Egypt, hadn't really had anywhere to spend it while they had been going through the wilderness.

And also there were probably around a half a million households in the nation of Israel giving to this project. I feel like we notion to that, I think it still applies to us today.

Firstly, like the Israelites, we should always give from a place of gratitude for what the Lord has done for us. He's forgiven us. He's saved us. Not only that, but he's provided for us. He dwells within us. We have so much to be thankful for. Secondly, I think we can take this as we look through the New Testament as well. If you can only give grudgingly, if you can only give to the Lord reluctantly or bitterly, then listen, don't give you're better off not giving because from God's perspective, it's meaningless.

The word declares that God loves what kind of giver? A cheerful giver. The Lord loves a cheerful giver. Well, that's great news, Jeff. I mean, I've never been a cheerful giver, so I guess I'll just stop giving then to get in line with the word. Hey, listen, go back to the first point. Give from a place of gratitude, from a place of awareness of what the Lord has done for you and you'll become a cheerful giver.

That's the right way to do it. Listen, we're not doing God any favors when we give he lacks nothing, he's doing us a favor by allowing us the privilege of being involved in the work of his kingdom on the Earth, just as he allowed the Israelites the privilege of being involved in the construction of the tabernacle. I'm not saying that we should never give sacrificially. I'm not saying that we should never give when the circumstances are challenging. I'm saying that even in those difficult situations, we should be giving with a heart of gratitude toward the Lord.

The Lord didn't tell Moses to tax the people to fund the temple then and today. The Lord wants everyone who gives tithes or offerings to do so willingly, never out of compulsion, and always from a place of gratitude. Make a note of this. The Lord isn't blessed. This is huge. The Lord isn't blessed by what we give. He's blessed by the heart that we give it with. The Lord isn't blessed by what we give. He's blessed by the heart we give it with.

Listen, there are people out there giving huge sums of money to the church. Some of them are only doing it for the tax write off because it has to go somewhere at the end of the year. But God was blessed. When the widow put two meit's two cents into the offering because she gave from a place of radical trust because she had so little and that's what blessed the Lord, listen, the Lord isn't blessed by what we give. He's blessed by the heart we give it with.

And he wants us to give with a joyful, grateful heart. It's the heart that blesses the Lord. Take a look now in chapter 35 at verse 30. I know we're jumping around a bit, but it's just what we got to do to highlight the right stuff here. Chapter 35, verse 30, it says. And Moses said to the children of Israel, see, the Lord has called by name Bezalel, the son of Urai, the son of her of the tribe of Judah.

by bcjenny | somewhere in B.C., British Columbia Canada | Mar 8
Donald who

RE: Donald who...?

Listened to people's opinion of the President's speech one would think the democrats and the republicans heard two different speech.

President Biden gets multiple of these.

by Friendship4ever | San Bernardino, California USA | Mar 8
Donald who

RE: Donald who...?

never heard this one before.

by Friendship4ever | San Bernardino, California USA | Mar 8
What Makes Jesus Unique No one else made the claims that He did He is aliveonline today!

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

I think that Israel was likely feeling extra grateful because the Lord had just forgiven them for the golden calf incident and had returned to dwell among them and lead them. Meeting with Moses, as we read about in our previous study. And pastors love to talk about this passage as it relates to giving, but I don't want to go too far with it from a fundraising perspective, because when I thought about it, I realized, you know, I think it's an important detail that the Israelites had plundered the wealth of the Egyptians on their way out of Egypt, hadn't really had anywhere to spend it while they had been going through the wilderness.

And also there were probably around a half a million households in the nation of Israel giving to this project. I feel like when you have half a million households contributing to a church building project, I feel like you're going to take in quite a bit of cash. I feel like it's going to go well. So I don't want to go too far with that as a model. But there are two things that I want to draw our attention to that I think still apply to us today.

Firstly, like the Israelites, we should always give from a place of gratitude for what the Lord has done for us. He's forgiven us. He's saved us. Not only that, but he's provided for us. Likewise, he dwells within us. We have so much to be thankful for. Secondly, I think we can take this as we look through the New Testament as well. If you can only give grudgingly, if you can only give to the Lord reluctantly or bitterly, then listen, don't give you're better off not giving because from God's perspective, it's meaningless.

The word declares that God loves what kind of giver? A cheerful giver. The Lord loves a cheerful giver. Well, that's great news, Jeff. I mean, I've never been a cheerful giver, so I guess I'll just stop giving them to get in line with the word. Hey, listen, go back to the first point. Give from a place of gratitude, from a place of awareness of what the Lord has done for you and you'll become a cheerful giver.

That's the right way to do it. Listen, we're not doing God any favors when we give he lacks nothing, he's doing us a favor by allowing us the privilege of being involved in the work of his kingdom on the Earth, just as he allowed the Israelites the privilege of being involved in the construction of the tabernacle. I'm not saying that we should never give sacrificially. I'm not saying that we should never give when the circumstances are challenging. I'm saying that even in those difficult situations, we should be giving with a heart of gratitude toward the Lord.

The Lord didn't tell Moses to tax the people to fund the temple then and today. The Lord wants everyone who gives tithes or offerings to do so willingly, never out of compulsion, and always from a place of gratitude. Make a note of this. The Lord isn't blessed. This is huge. The Lord isn't blessed by what we give. He's blessed by the heart that we give it with. The Lord isn't blessed by what we give. He's blessed by the heart we give it with.

Listen, there are people out there giving huge sums of money to the church. Some of them are only doing it for the tax write off because it has to go somewhere at the end of the year. But God was blessed. When the widow put two meit's two cents into the offering because she gave from a place of radical trust because she had so little and that's what blessed the Lord, listen, the Lord isn't blessed by what we give. He's blessed by the heart we give it with.

And he wants us to give with a joyful, grateful heart. It's the heart that blesses the Lord. Take a look now in chapter 35 at verse 30. I know we're jumping around a bit, but it's just what we got to do to highlight the right stuff here. Chapter 35, verse 30, it says. And Moses said to the children of Israel, see, the Lord has called by name Bezalel, the son of Ural, the son of the tribe of Judah.

by bcjenny | somewhere in B.C., British Columbia Canada | Mar 8
One Belt and Road Initiative growing stronger

One Belt and Road Initiative growing stronger

China sets 2024 GDP growth target at around 5%, showing confidence in economic recovery

“This is a relatively high target, which shows that the central government has relatively high confidence in [the economy],” Wan Zhe, an economist and professor at the Belt and Road School of Beijing Normal University, told the Global Times.

The target of around 5 percent is the same level as last year, but it exceeds some expectations for China’s growth in 2024. For example, the IMF, in its latest World Economic Outlook report released in January, projected that China’s GDP will grow by 4.6 percent in 2024. A rate of around 5 percent would also be faster than the projected global growth rate of 3.1 percent or the forecast of 1.5 percent for advanced economies and 4.1 percent for emerging market and developing economies.

In 2023, China's economy grew by 5.2 percent year-on-year, exceeding the official target of about 5 percent

The government plans a “new development model” for the housing market, he said, including building government-subsidized housing. That appeared to confirm reports that authorities plan to use public funds to buy up some of China's legions of unoccupied apartments and turn them into affordable housing.

Economists have said such an approach, although potentially costly, would relieve pressure on financially troubled property developers, help families afford housing that is still financially beyond their reach and help encourage more consumer spending.

Among the dozens of projects he listed in his roughly 30-page Chinese-language report — 55 pages in English — China plans a program this year for “worry-free consumption” to encourage people to spend more. Households will be encouraged to trade in old cars and appliances and buy new ones.

by robplum | Ensay, Victoria Australia | Mar 8
What Makes Jesus Unique No one else made the claims that He did He is aliveonline today!

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

But Lord, I could be so much more productive. I could be so much more fruitful if I just kept working and stayed busy.

Remember what Jesus said? We've talked about it before, Abiding me and I in you, as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine. Neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine. You are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit. For without me, you can do nothing. Some of us claim to believe those words of Jesus from John 15, but even a quick glance at our lives reveals we don't practice it.

We don't ever say, oh, man, I need to stop for a minute and make some time to rest and rest in the Lord, because if I don't, my fruitfulness, my productivity is going to plummet. I got a rest. It's what we talked about in our previous study, we must be filled up before we can be poured out. Remember, too, that the Sabbath was one of the major signs of the covenant God had made with Israel.

It was one of the things that marked them as a distinct people, even as much as the right of circumcision. While the surrounding nations would work nonstop. Israel would work one day less every seven days. And yet, because the Lord would bless their labor, Israel would be more fruitful than the surrounding nations who never rested. And all this was to be a witness to those surrounding nations that the God of Israel is a God who blesses those who follow and place their trust in him.

Would you make a note of this Sabbath? Rest was an act of worship which the Lord did not want Israel to neglect. Sabbath rest was an act of worship which the Lord did not want Israel to neglect. We're under the new covenant, we're not under the law, and so there are different views about whether we are commanded or not to observe a Sabbath as new covenant Christians. Personally, I believe we are. I believe that the New Testament makes it clear that the data doesn't matter.

I believe we're free from all the ceremonial aspects of the Sabbath, but I don't believe that the new covenant delivered us from our need for rest. I don't believe that the New Covenant delivered us from our need to practice. . And make time to abide in Jesus. And I don't believe that we can get more done as New Covenant Christians in seven days of work than we can by working for six and accepting the Lord's invitation to rest in him for a Sabbath.

That's my conviction regarding the Sabbath. But you need to study, pray, research and come to your own conclusions. And if you come to a different conclusion from me, that's fine. Absolutely. Well, let's keep reading in verse four of chapter thirty-five. And Moses spoke to all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying this is the thing which the Lord commanded, saying take from among you an offering to the Lord, whoever is of a willing heart.

Would you underline that a willing heart, let him bring it as an offering to the Lord and then look at the response of people. Flip with me to chapter 36, verse three, chapter 36, verse three. We read and they received from Moses all the offering which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of making the sanctuary. So they continued bringing to him free will offerings every morning. Then all the craftsmen who were doing all the work of the sanctuary came each from the work he was doing.

And they spoke to Moses, saying the people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the Lord commanded us to do. So Moses gave a commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, Let neither man or woman do any more work for the offering of the sanctuary. And the people were restrained from bringing, for the material they had was sufficient for all the work to be done. Indeed, too much. What an incredible scene.
This might be the only time in the history that a ministry leader has ever said, please stop giving.

by bcjenny | somewhere in B.C., British Columbia Canada | Mar 8
What Makes Jesus Unique No one else made the claims that He did He is aliveonline today!

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Finishing the Work

Series: Exodus

Passage: Exodus

Speaker: Jeff Thompson

Much of the final chapters of Exodus is a repeat of earlier chapters. Why? We'll dig into that question, learn a few other lessons, and examine some of the many ways Moses is a "type" who points ahead prophetically to Jesus.

Well, today, we are definitely, almost certainly, most likely probably going to finish the Book of Exodus. Jesus said all things are possible to him who believe. So let's believe that's going to happen today. Much of chapters, 35 through 40 of the Book of Exodus are going to detail the construction of the Tabernacle, one of the most significant and sacred building projects of all time. Now, while there will be a few slight variations like the order of the items generally being reversed, for all intents and purposes, it's going to be a repetition of instructions that appear earlier in the Book of Exodus.

There are several theories as to why the Lord would take valuable real estate in the Bible and devoted to repetition. Later in this message, I'm going to share what I personally believe is the most important implication and reason for this repetition. But here's what I know, God has his reasons and his reasons are good. We're not going to read through all of these chapters. I'm going to highlight a few specific things in them, make a few points, and then ask that you just be open to allow the Holy Spirit to especially draw your attention to any part that he especially wants you to hear today.

If you feel the spirit tugging on your heart in a certain section, make a note about it. Take some time in your devotional life tomorrow, because that means there's something the Lord wants to talk with you about. And by the way, that's something we should always do in every Bible study, every message. We should always be open to the Lord highlighting a specific part and bringing it to our attention because the Holy Spirit knows exactly what we need.

So let's start at the beginning of Chapter 35 before Israel begins this sacred building project. I really want us to notice what the Lord has. Moses reminds the children of Israel of love right here at the beginning of Chapter 35. It says, Then Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together and said to them, these are the words which the Lord has commanded you to do. Work shall be done for six days, but the seventh day shall be a holy day for you, a Sabbath of rest to the Lord.

Would you underline that? A Sabbath of rest to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death. If you don't rest, you're going to rest forever. You shall kindle no fire throughout your dwellings on the Sabbath day. Fire would be used for cooking and metal work and things like that. So that reference is just another way of saying, don't do any work on the Sabbath. The Lord has Moses remind Israel to observe the Sabbath to rest and, more importantly, rest in him.

Why? Because the Lord knows that any time he gives us a ministry assignment, a ministry project, it is easy for us to burn ourselves out and ignore our need for rest because we tell ourselves, listen, it's for the Lord. I don't need to rest. I don't want to rest. How could I rest when it's for the Lord? And so the Lord says, before you start this sacred project, Moses, I want to remind you and I want you to remind the people to observe the Sabbath, stay in the practice of setting aside time to rest and to rest in me.

Lord, there's so much more I could get accomplished for you if I would just keep working through the Sabbath. And the Lord says, listen, if it's really for me, then you'll do it. The way that I want it done and the way I want it done involves you taking time to rest and to rest in me.

by bcjenny | somewhere in B.C., British Columbia Canada | Mar 8
Donald who

RE: Donald who...?


With her 'life begins at conception' attitude towards abortion with no exceptions, not for rape, not for incest/child pregnancy, not if a woman dies in agony leaving her other children orphaned?

That's not just a personal attitude of hers, that's the bill she tried to push through in her home state to force every other woman into a position of second class citizenship by not being allowed to have an opinion, or say in her own medical care.

by jac_the_gripper | Tonyrefail, South Glamorgan, Wales UK | Mar 8
Bidens campaign speech to other Democrats Fact Checked

Biden’s campaign speech to other Democrats: Fact Checked.

22 year old woman studying Nursing murdered by illegal alien

Her name is Laken Riley, not Lincoln Riley

by sdarlagg | Columbus, Ohio USA | Mar 8
Donald whoonline today!

Donald who...?

Oh, wait. That came from CNN and Gal say's they are fake news. Please disregard.

by chatillion | Boca Raton, Florida USA | Mar 8
Donald whoonline today!

Donald who...?


by chatillion | Boca Raton, Florida USA | Mar 8
Donald whoonline today!

RE: Donald who...?

Most of the world would disagree, his speech was forceful and made several important points, especially how trump had decimated the American economy, with thoughtless regard to the impact his decisions would make on the average American.

If Biden lied then spell them out. Let’s all hear them.

Why do you never criticise Trump’s proven lies but always pick up on Biden small exaggerations?

by rizlared | Not in Cebu City, Central Visayas Philippines | Mar 8
One Belt and Road Initiative growing stronger

One Belt and Road Initiative growing stronger

VMove's NEU Green Electric Motorcycle Sells Out Following Gibran's Endorsement

Manufactured by the Indonesian motorcycle company VMove in a factory in Gresik, East Java

The NEU Green boasts dimensions similar to a 250 cc sports motorcycle, featuring a long wheelbase and a robust body. The design, including the fairing and front lights, draws inspiration from classic Italian sports motorcycles, such as the Ducati Panigale V4R, presenting a firm and bold appearance with aerodynamic scoops.

The electric sports motorcycle is powered by Gotion's LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) battery with a 70 V 60 Ah capacity, providing a claimed range of 150 kilometers on a single full charge. Paired with a 5-kilowatt hub-drive dynamo, it can achieve a maximum speed of 150 km/h, offering power comparable to conventional motorcycles with a 250 cc engine.
Indonesia's Foreign Exchange Reserves Stand at $144 Billion in February
Egypt Floats Currency, Agrees on $8 Billion IMF Bailout

Egypt on Wednesday floated its currency and announced a deal with the International Monetary Fund to increase its bailout loan from $3 billion to $8 billion, moving to shore up an economy hit by a staggering shortage of foreign currency and soaring inflation.

The flotation of the Egyptian pound, combined with a sharp rise in the main interest rate, is meant to combat inflationary waves and attract foreign investment. The measures, announced by the Central Bank of Egypt early Wednesday, were among the key demands of the IMF to increase its $3 billion bailout loan that both parties agreed to in 2022
Britain says it will provide 10,000 drones to Ukraine in its fight with Russia
Niger, Mali, Burkina creating joint force to fight worsening jihadi insurgency
China will be global ‘force for peace’: Wang Yi

Foreign Minister Wang Yi made his comments at China’s largest annual political gathering, which opened in Beijing earlier this week
He was responding to warnings by Southeast Asian and Australian leaders against Chinese actions that “endanger peace” in the South China Sea

BEIJING: China will be a global force for peace and stability, the country’s foreign minister Wang Yi said at a press conference in Beijing on Thursday.

by robplum | Ensay, Victoria Australia | Mar 8

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