This is a list of random comments on All Blogs - ordered by date. Click on the blog title to view the blog. Click here to create a Blog.

RE: Double standards

In Europe it may still be reasonably alright as of yet, this I can't say for sure -
there is 25.000 lobbyists in Brussels. Sleep on that number.
Over there however, I never paid attention until a certain newcommer came on the scene almost 10 years ago now- but the whole aftermath of that outsider being elected in 2016 was mye eyes being opened to systematic heavy corruption (influence from private big biz) and how it has embedded itself on American politics for pretty meny a dacade now, at least been pretty widespread since a certain Clinton made the "good guys" with a D in front of their names just as bad as the other side. Jmo

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4/23/24 - 1st NPR Electoral Vote Map Of '24 Shows Trump Up 283 - 255 | 270 Needed To Win

Claims to've combed through every one of Biden's EOs.

Couldn't find out that Orzzz hasn't been online in 5 days.

rolling on the floor laughing


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RE: Double standards

I would say, before it comes to legal clearance before a competent court the big problem is also that double standards and double moral applies already in many other areas.
Specially in the political, business, media & information field.

This misconduct implies that many societies are held under the condition of being misleaded by misinformation or ignorance or one sided information just because ruling powers seek to keep their power at all costs and as long as possible.

The second big problem, I guess, is that parties regularly point at others while being blind on failures in their own system.

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RE: 4/23/24 - 1st NPR Electoral Vote Map Of '24 Shows Trump Up 283 - 255 | 270 Needed To Win

yeah,right!laugh Where did you find that Pyrite of yours?
So,how do you explain the record-numbers coming across the southern Border?
Getting Immigration-Court-dates far in the future,then being released into the US?
The "Sanctuary Cities" like NYC and others over-run by Illegal Aliens,and going Bankrupt!
Biden rescinded all of Trump's EOs that kept the Border from spilling over,was one of his first actions after being installed!

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RE: 4/23/24 - 1st NPR Electoral Vote Map Of '24 Shows Trump Up 283 - 255 | 270 Needed To Win

I went through every single Biden Executive Order one by one. Not a single one changes US policies at the border. Not one.

Stop believing right wing media. They lie because they know you won’t check.

Yes, right now the US has the highest number of people coming to the border in history. However, it is also true that there is the highest number of removals of those people in history. They are called removals because a person must be ON US soil to request asylum. So, when they are refused, they are removed.

I could not find any executive orders that were dictated by the so called elite.

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RE: Deleting my profiles on dating apps and applying for a new job

Johnny I apologize for snapping at you. Damn site won’t let me delete my comment. It’s just that I’ve given in more times than I’ve wanted to. I’ve been seduced countless times. I just hope someone will accept me now. I’m still clean thank God. I still have that going for me.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

The Brink: What drew you to the study of Christianity in China?
Ireland: It has such a fascinating and complicated history. You can see the dynamics of Christianity and culture interacting in amazing ways. Sometimes, watching how Christianity becomes embodied in Chinese culture and society provides a mirror for reflecting on the ways in which Christianity in the United States has also shaped and been shaped by the American experience. And then I’m also fascinated that, over the last 40 years, Christianity has grown faster in China than any other place in the world. It’s gone from approximately 1 million Christians to around 100 million. This is just an incredible explosion. What set that up? That didn’t just come out of nowhere.

Why China and why Christianity—is there something about that convergence that’s conducive for a digital project?
The length of history—400 years—and the strong record keeping over that time period, both in European languages and in Chinese. We have the opportunity to view this interchange between two world systems from multiple levels, and that makes it really fascinating. We’re recording everything we can, from the relationships that missionaries developed in the 16th century to Mao Zedong and his early work for the YMCA. It’s an incredibly rich body of material and gives us a really good picture of the relationship between China and the West.

What is the data you’re collecting and where is it coming from?
Our objective is to map every Christian institution in China, whether it’s a church, school, hospital, publishing house, orphanage, or convent. Then we try to identify who worked inside them. We use all kinds of records and sources. One of the simple ones is a Protestant directory of Christian missionaries in China that was published annually in the 20th century. That gave us a rich source of names. Other times, we are looking through diaries, or the preface of a book written by a Chinese literati where he may thank the Christians who first introduced him to certain ideas. So, we draw on a wide variety of sources to put together social networks and spatial maps.

Are these sources available online or are you searching physical archives and libraries?
Both. We have been blessed to live in an age where so much has been digitized. But we’ve also had to digitize an enormous quantity of material, working with institutions around the globe to make it more accessible for our team members. While there are three project leaders, we’ve had over 100 students work on this project, and they are located on four continents.

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Things that reallypissme off...

I read in a financial page of banks offering the highest interest in savings accounts.
VARO bank was on the list as 5%
It's a virtual bank with free access to thousands of ATM's
I joined and found it was conditional as the money had to be weekly payroll, so I didn't qualify.
I wanted to send money via Zelle but it didn't accept or receive.
There are no 'humans' to speak to and filling out forms an sending messages only got their 'we'll get back to you within 48 hours' standard excuse.
Asking to close the account didn't work, since it's free with no monthly charges, I took all my money out and still get monthly statements.
very mad

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RE: Deleting my profiles on dating apps and applying for a new job

“Don't get me started on women who have slept with a large number of men and how it makes them undatable. laugh

I’ll get you started on it. How does it make us undatable? That is your snarky opinion. So you obviously have a double standard that men can sleep with whomever they want but women can’t. Hmm…

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4/23/24 - 1st NPR Electoral Vote Map Of '24 Shows Trump Up 283 - 255 | 270 Needed To Win

It's not my intention to speak for Orzzz, but ...

Biden's attempt to create a Disinformation Governance Board had a creepy, Orwellian "Ministry Of Truth" feel to it ...



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RE: Deleting my profiles on dating apps and applying for a new job

This is very true. I’m finding myself falling into the trap of endless sex and I don’t want that. I want a partner in the end. I mean men are just right there to please us sexually. It’s cray cray and it’s tempting. I had to stop the madness. And you’re right. They are attractive because they think they can seduce us that way. They are right 80% of the time.

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RE: Things that reallypissme off...

Here in the Philippines they have an app named Gcash, used to pay bills as the banking system is fractured, each bank is autonomous.

A recent iPhone update made Gcash ask me to reregister the phone with a selfie that is within the app. I have tried a hundred times in different lighting conditions but the selfie fails and returns a timeout response.

Customer service is useless as almost all responses tell me to take the selfie and access will be granted. It is impossible to even cancel the account as that requires access.

GCASH is my totally “pissed off with company”.

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4/23/24 - 1st NPR Electoral Vote Map Of '24 Shows Trump Up 283 - 255 | 270 Needed To Win

@ riz ...
Orzzz is notoriously Not a shrinking violet.
I also have been looking forward to her response.

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4/23/24 - 1st NPR Electoral Vote Map Of '24 Shows Trump Up 283 - 255 | 270 Needed To Win

Orzzz's profile shows she's not been on line in about 5 days.

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Useless trivia

An Ecuadorian beauty queen was assassinated after her Instagram post of a plate of octopus ceviche led gunmen to the restaurant where she was dining.

Police are investigating the shooting of 23-year-old Landy Párraga amid media speculation the hit was ordered by the widow of a drug lord with whom she is believed to have had an affair.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

What’s behind Boom of Christianity in China?
Theology scholars and a global network of researchers are using big data to map religion’s history in China and explain its rapid growth
FEBRUARY 2, 2023

Over the past four decades, Christianity has grown faster in China than anywhere else in the world. Daryl Ireland, a Boston University School of Theology research assistant professor of mission, estimates that the Christian community there has grown from 1 million to 100 million. What led to that explosion, centuries after the first Christian missionaries arrived in China? The BU scholars behind the China Historical Christian Database aim to find out.

The project, which allows researchers to visualize the history of Christianity in modern China, links web-based visualization tools with a database packed with the names and locations of missionaries, churches, schools, hospitals, and publications. Hosted by BU’s Center for Global Christianity & Mission, the project launched in 2018 and version 2.0 of the database is scheduled for release in 2023. The new version will double the amount of data previously available, providing approximately four million data points—names, occupations, locations, dates, and more—spanning four centuries (1550–1950).

The database began as a relatively modest class project. Alex Mayfield (STH’21) charted early 20th-century Pentecostals in Hong Kong for a history class taught by Eugenio Menegon at the BU Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. When Mayfield mentioned his research to Ireland, the pair began thinking about how to expand the work—by several centuries and across China. Mayfield, Menegon, and Ireland are now the principal investigators for the China Historical Christian Database.

Ireland spoke with The Brink about how the database could help scholars understand the relationships between China and the Western world.

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Ways & means..

Meet the real Joe Biden & his forked tongue

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RE: Poor, Poor Cricket

In news from SD's neighbor state, Minnesota...

Newly adopted flag replaces old racist flag with banner that acknowledges its now an Islamic Republic...


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RE: 4/23/24 - 1st NPR Electoral Vote Map Of '24 Shows Trump Up 283 - 255 | 270 Needed To Win

I can only assume you either missed my post or you cannot give a truthful answer.

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RE: Poor, Poor Cricket

Guv Noem claims she spends only a small part of her time killing unruly puppies innocent ...

Conflicting reports portray an out of control pathological serial puppy killer devil ...


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Four seasons

Nonetheless, last week a couple of villages got burn in Buryatia. I am sure, you know where it is, but for them, who don't have access to a google maps, it's next door to Mongolia.

Buryatia, being one of the most depressed regions in Russian Phederation , supplied quite a lot of "kontraktnik"s to the huilo's war in Ukraine.

The firefighters, the rescue crew, the police and the likes, are usually made of young muscular men with no desire for university education. The salary isn't that good (safe for the riot police).

So they are...

or, perhaps, we can talk about them in the past term?

... were the recruiting pool for the war, that now is getting thinner.

Nonetheless. There's no one to replace them. There is no people, especially young men. The very same contingent of blue collar workers, who maintain the infrastructure and get things roll on.

There was someone, a putler's supporter, who asked for a prediction. The prediction is that the south Russia is going to burn this summer as it never burned before. For the luck of firefighters. Who are getting killed in Ukraine, reason unknown.

A catostroph is not a disaster. Disasters happen all the time, here and there. A catostroth is when you cannot manage the series of disasters. When there are so many disasters in so many areas that you stopped to tackle them for the luck of resources - manpower, money, will...

It is predicted that a series of technogenic catostrophs are on the way in Russia. Experts give it a year.

PS. By the way, did you heard about Uranium mines getting over-flooded in Kurgan region? The stuff is getting out with water and then floating northbound. We hold our brief for the North regions of Europe and Canada (as nobody cares about Russian people (and animals) living in the area) .

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Four seasons

I indeed am in Sweden. Does it bother you in some way?

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RE: Poor, Poor Cricket

Mmkay, Y'all...Let's give this a think.

State Guv aspires to be tapped for VP.
Writes book to promote self ...
Claims demonstrated ability to handle difficult decisions by having shot a dog and a couple goats.

Hell Yeah!! thumbs up ... What Better qualifications to be a heart beat away from Leader Of The Western World and access to the Nuclear Codes.

This is even Crazier'n the guy kicking a Wild Bison.
(See my blog on that subject) pointing Shameless click bait plug ... grin


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RE: Poor, Poor Cricket

Very sensible, Hula.


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Poor, Poor Cricket

Yup. a well aimed .22 would've been better. Oh well.. Myself, I don't get into pens with goats, that way I don't get butted. Too logical I suppose. professor

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RE: Poor, Poor Cricket

If the goat wasn't working out ... just butcher it like one would a cow or hog burger No big whoop.
Hardly worth a mention.

A shotgun loaded with Birdshot would be a poor option.
12 ga. 00 Buckshot would Easily dispatch a goat.

I know a farmer who routinely kills full grown hogs with a .22 lr to the head ... No problems.

Strongly suspect the Guv doesn't know what the hell she's doing/talking about ... confused blah blah


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Poor, Poor Cricket

The story of Kristi and the goat is perhaps more disturbing. The goat would chase and butt her children. On top of that, the goat smelled very bad indeed. After killing the dog apparently it was time to kill again. She “dragged” the goat to the gravel pit, “tied him to a post,” and shot at him. However the goat jumped and her shot was off. Crap! Using a shot gun perhaps was a tad inefficient as well as goats have a thick skull. It took another shell. It took a few minutes to walk back to the pickup to get another. conversing

Embedded image from another site

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Poor, Poor Cricket

Ah sir, there was absolutely no twisting of the truth. scold I used direct quotes from her book. no less.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

"Many Christians assume John is a Christian, he's a follower of Jesus, it's a Christian book, and when the catastrophic events of the end times happen, everyone will have to be converted to Christianity. What I discovered, and it was surprising working on this, was in a sense you could say Christianity hadn't been invented yet. That is, the idea of a new movement that was quite separate from Judaism and its obvious successor the way Christians see it today."

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

"John apparently was not only a Jewish prophet, but he was a follower of Jesus of Nazareth, who of course had been crucified about 60 years earlier. But they say that Jesus had prophesied that the end of the world was coming, and it seemed as though Jesus' prophecy had simply failed. What John saw 60 years after the death of Jesus was that the Roman Empire was going stronger than ever, and I think he responded to the enormous power of Rome, which you can see in the buildings and the monuments and the architecture and the armies, which he would have seen stationed throughout those provinces. ...

"It's the response of one of the followers of Jesus, who was last seen on Earth crucified and in a horrible way tortured by the Romans. ... And his follower John sees that Jesus is enthroned in heaven and returning as the ruler of the world. It's almost like a perfect retaliation for what he sees as the execution of Jesus."

On the images in the Book of Revelation

"One of them is an image of an enormous, bright-red beast with seven heads with crowns on its head — a violent, threatening, raging monster. Another is a giant whore called the Whore of Babylon who sits on the back of one of these dragons with seven heads, and she's drinking from a golden cup the blood of innocent people who have been killed. Then there's another image of Jesus coming forth from the sky and starting the battle of Armageddon, which ends in heaps and heaps of corpses at the end of the book."

On what the Book of Revelation says about the new world
"It's striking that the author sees nothing of the present world surviving except the people who are dead come back to life in this new world. But the new world as he sees it will be on Earth, will be a new Jerusalem full of the glory of God."

On the followers of Jesus

"The earliest followers of Jesus were all Jewish, and they don't seem to have imagined that they would ever diverge from their adherence to their tradition. It was just that they had found the Messiah of Israel. It's the Apostle Paul who decided that Jesus had offered a message for non-Jews and opened it up for the salvation of the entire world. As John sees it, yes, gentiles will eventually be included in the blessings brought by Jesus, just as the Hebrew Bible says all the gentile nations will be blessed through Abraham, but for John the focus is on Israel and the Jewish people."

On various interpretations of the Book of Revelation

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Shortly after John wrote the Book of Revelation, Christians fearing persecution from the Romans seized on his message, seeing it as a way of deliverance from evil. For the past 2000 years, Christians have been reading Revelation as if it applies to conflicts and struggles in their own time, says Pagels.

"If you read it as John intended, you think, 'God is on our side; we of course are on the side of good,' " she says. "Now we could be Lutherans fighting against the Catholic Church, we could be Catholics fighting against Lutherans. ... What I found so remarkable is the way that people on both sides of a conflict could read that same book against each other."

In the Civil War, she says, Northerners were reading John's prophecies as God's judgments for America's sins of slavery.

" 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic' resounds with all of those imageries of the Book of Revelation," she says. "People in the South, in the Confederacy, were also using the Book of Revelation, seeing the war as the battle of Armageddon at the end times, and using it against the North. And that's the way it was read in World War II. That's even the way it was read in the war in Iraq."

Elaine Pagels has been called one of the world's most important writers and thinkers on religion and history. She won the National Book Award for her book The Gnostic Gospels. She is also the author of Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas.

"One of the surprises that I found when I started to work on the Book of Revelation is that there is not only one. That is, most people think there is one Book of Revelation because there's only one in the canon, but I discovered that this was one of an outpouring that Jews were writing; Greeks who followed the Greek gods were writing many books of revelation. The Book of Ezra, for example, is another revelation written by a Jewish prophet — not a follower of Jesus — but very similar to John's in many ways and very grieved about the Roman Empire and concerned about the question of God's justice."

On why the Book of Revelation has been so controversial

"One reason why the book is so contested is that people who saw its prophecies against the Roman Empire suggesting that the empire was going to be destroyed by God realized that those prophecies had failed. What happened instead is that the Roman emperors become actually Christians, and the Roman Empire became a Christian empire — that is, completely contrary to what the prophecy said. So some people would have said, 'The prophecy failed, so let's leave that in the dust the way we leave other prophecies that fail.' Other people said, 'Wait a minute, that is not what it really means.' If you interpret these images differently, and they open themselves to a very wide range of reading, then you could say, 'Well, the prophecies are being fulfilled in a totally different way.' "

On the Book of Revelation's authorship

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RE: Poor, Poor Cricket

Depending on circumstances, offing a dog May arguably be justified.

Bragging about it as a qualification for VP - In a country in which many pet pwners regard dogs as "2 year olds with fur" - is flat out damned foolery.

She's earned a Well-Deaseved Political Darwin Award ... sad flower


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RE: Poor, Poor Cricket

Hi Shawn,

From what I have read on here and also looked up. Kristi Noem is a self centred ,self righteous woman.

She had kids yet takes on a dog that she says was aggressive ????? She wants to train it for hunting birds and wonders why it attacked the hens next door.??????? These are not the actions of a responsible adult.

This poor dog never had a chance from the start by the sounds of it. Who knows what it had to contend with in its first home as it may have been abused by kids making it aggressive. This particular breed of dog is well known for being good at hunting but also well known for being a great companion to humans.

Writing this book has come back and bit her on the backside at last and frankly well deserved. Shame on her for being so callous around animals.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

The Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament, has some of the most dramatic and frightening language in the Bible.
In her new book Revelations: Visions, Prophecy and Politics in the Book of Revelation, Princeton University religious professor Elaine Pagels places the Book of Revelation in its historical context and explores where the book's apocalyptic vision of the end of the world comes from.

"The Book of Revelation fascinates me because it's very different than anything else you find in the New Testament," Pagels tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross. "There's no moral sermons or ethical ideas or edifying things. It's all visions. That's why it appeals so much to artists and musicians and poets throughout the century."

Pagels says the Book of Revelation's author, who calls himself John, was likely a refugee whose home in Jerusalem had been leveled by the Romans in response to a Jewish rebellion against the Roman Empire.

"I don't think we understand this book until we understand that it's wartime literature," she says. "It comes out of that war, and it comes out of people who have been destroyed by war."

Other images in Revelation — which include bright red beasts with seven heads, and dragons, monsters and cosmic eruptions — were likely influenced by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which buried and destroyed the city of Pompeii, she says.

"Most people think John was writing at about the year 90 in the first century. That would be 60 years after the death of Jesus, and the eruption of Vesuvius happened in the year 79," she says. "Much of what we find in the Book of Revelation couched in the fantastic imagery are descriptions of events that for John were very close — the war in Jerusalem, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, the Roman Emperors who were ruling at the time. ... It seems as though reacted to that, saying, 'Jesus is coming and he is going to destroy all of this.' It was John's conviction that the destruction of Jerusalem was the beginning of the end of time that Jesus had predicted."

Many of the images in the book, she says, are thinly disguised metaphors for images associated with the ruling powers in Rome. The great scarlet beast with seven heads and seven crowns, for example, may represent the emperors from the dynasty of Julius Caesar, says Pagels. And the name of the beast — which is not named but is represented by the numbers 666 — may refer to Emperor Nero.

"This is a reference to the technique of calculating numbers and letters," she says, "so that you can take anyone's name and have a numerical value of each letter, and you add them up or multiply them in complicated ways, and you find out what the name is. ... John would have wanted his readers to understand that that number, which is couched in a mysterious code, would be understood to his readers as the name of one of those emperors who destroyed his people."

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

The Book of Revelations;
1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,
2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.
Greetings and Doxology;
4 John, To the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne,
5 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood,
6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.
7 “Look, he is coming with the clouds,”and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.”So shall it be! Amen.
8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
John’s Vision of Christ
9 I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
10 On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet,
11 which said: “Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.”
12 I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lamp stands,
13 and among the lamp stands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest.
14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire.
15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.
16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.
17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.
18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
19 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later.
20 The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lamp stands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lamp stands are the seven churches.

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RE: Poor, Poor Cricket

I see you like to play with the truth and twist things around. I support animal rights, and an animal lover. I couldn't kill an animal,but I also know that even though a lot of country folk love animals, they also have to protect their livestock.

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Ways & means..

Float like a bat . }
...sting like combat. - . Gen. Dynamics

Group exercise . | .1958...[ .the hot sheet
94. .buzz. ) Hollywood flames
36..great balls of fire. ) . Lewis
58. .the End. ) Grant

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Ad $pot. | Interstate Grip store.

From the 1894 edition [ up State NY.

1413. . g'd- ad. ) . assembly of troops
5222... Murder / slaughter.

The product remaining constant because numbers
. don't lie & mcbob no stutter.

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Ad $pot. | Interstate Grip store.

Doctrine falling like rain...
.. distillery further as dew...[ Deut. 32

My music knows..} ..fall Out boy.
Hissing of summer lawns. ) Mitchell
What have they done to the rain ? ) Searchers.

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Ad $pot. | Interstate Grip store.

Just in from 1890... Madison NJ.

5227. .the Front . [ . door
1408. .g'd [ 03.... fortune ; troops. ) Invade.
6635.....very ] wide aspect ratio..
2934... . covert.
3701..Coin of the realm. [ .silver.

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Ad $pot. | Interstate Grip store.

The continue ation of the G. I. [ .govt issue
.. means that Cecil Parkinson knew sum thing
About geo metry & non logic Al... administration.
.. warning. | .it is now a nul set [ 0 probability
That the diction aire. 1$ a happy, gay, accident.
3835...frustrated .. make ing brix..frustrated
2800. Mechanical work.
6 6 3 5 ...[ . wider aspect radar.
5584. ..storm. of the Giant.
........ { ..isa. 13. } ... fulfilling his wrath..
.. popular radio program notes....
Flood. ) ..they might be Giants.
.. don't think. ) Obey ! .) Storm bringer.
Superposition. } Young the giant.
..blo bach. ) . rainbow rising. ) Rainbow.
TAPS. ) Black. Hole sun. ) Nirvana

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Poor, Poor Cricket

Love heart beating stories like this, thanks again! thumbs up

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